Chapter 23 – Ninth Level

Until late at night, Huo Xian’er finally fell into a deep sleep.

As for Ye Ling, from the moment he lay down on the bed, he entered a deep sleep and did not wake up once during the night.

Early the next morning, Ye Ling hurriedly ate breakfast and prepared a lunch for himself.

He hailed a cab and headed out of the city once again.

He didn’t have much time to waste here.

He needed to seize every moment to become stronger.

The second day was still spent at the Bone Burial Mound, relentlessly hunting skeletons. Even the smallest Skeleton Soldier was not spared by Ye Ling.

No matter how small, every bit counts. Ye Ling didn’t miss a single one.

Compared to the Skeleton Sergeants, Ye Ling encountered even stronger Skeleton Officers this time.

Skeleton Officers were more powerful than Skeleton Sergeants.

Most of them were around First Rank Seventh Level, significantly stronger.

But even so, they couldn’t stop Ye Ling and Blood Phantom from leveling up.

With the system tasks’ support, Ye Ling and Blood Phantom successfully leveled up to First Rank Sixth Level, with an additional fifty percent experience points.

Compared to yesterday, Ye Ling and Blood Phantom were at a higher level today, so the experience points gained from defeating Skeleton Soldiers and Skeleton Sergeants decreased.

The reason they could level up more than twice was entirely because there was an unfinished task from the previous day.

The Hundred Bone Slash, which required eliminating a hundred skeletons, would increase the level of the spiritual pet by one.

Because of this task, Ye Ling and Blood Phantom directly leveled up to First Rank Sixth Level today.

Leveling up at least twice a day… In the entire Federation, no one had such talent.

Not only did their levels increase, but Ye Ling also obtained many evolution materials.

He now had more than ten Lesser Dark Crystals.

What he lacked were the Heart of Darkness and Dark Essence.

These two materials were not found in the Bone Burial Mound. To obtain them, he needed to go to places where dark-type demons resided and defeat them.

However, it was unfortunate that there were no dark-type demons around Skyshine City.

Therefore, if Ye Ling wanted to obtain the Heart of Darkness and Dark Essence, his only option was to purchase them online.

But Ye Ling wasn’t in a particular hurry at the moment.

Evolution required not only evolution materials but also the spiritual pet’s growth rate to reach 100%.

Currently, Blood Phantom’s growth rate was only at 17.8%.

It would take a lot of time to reach the required growth rate for evolution.

Given the current situation, there was no rush for evolution materials.

Even with the system’s help, Ye Ling couldn’t evolve before the Spirit Tamer Academy’s assessment.

Since it wasn’t possible now, there was no need to waste time on it.

For the next three days, Ye Ling truly lived a two-point-one-line life.

He left in the morning and returned in the evening.

This routine continued for three days.

During these three days, Ye Ling and Blood Phantom’s levels increased again.

Both reached First Rank Ninth Level.

In these three days, they averaged one level up per day.

This was mainly because the system tasks were fewer, and the rewards weren’t always experience points.

Additionally, as their levels increased, the experience points provided by the demons gradually decreased.

That’s why, over these three days, Ye Ling basically leveled up once per day.

If it were any other Spirit Tamer, they would probably be exclaiming in disbelief.

Leveling up once a day, and initially twice a day.

This… really makes one envious.

As Blood Phantom’s level gradually increased, her strength and speed also improved.

Now, Ye Ling could confidently say that Blood Phantom, in her normal state, could easily take on Huo Xian’er’s Earth Azure Dragon.

She could even suppress it.

And this was just Blood Phantom in her normal state.

If Blood Phantom activated Blood Fury and Bloodthirsty, her strength would increase significantly.

Although Ye Ling hadn’t faced a Second Rank strong enemy yet, he had a feeling that even if he couldn’t win, he wouldn’t be defeated instantly.

When Blood Phantom reached First Rank Ninth Level, Ye Ling gained another Free Point.

Now, Ye Ling had a total of seven Free Points.

Moreover, Blood Phantom had new talents that could be enhanced.

Her original talents, Physical Damage Reduction, Magic Damage Reduction, and Super Regeneration, could all be upgraded.

This was another opportunity to improve strength, and Ye Ling wouldn’t miss it.

With seven Free Points and only three talents, Ye Ling felt confident.

After adding points, Physical Damage Reduction and Magic Damage Reduction were both upgraded to Intermediate Level.

As for Super Regeneration, there wasn’t much change, just a reduction in stamina consumption.

When Ye Ling saw the description after upgrading Super Regeneration, he instantly regretted it.

For Blood Phantom, it was practically useless.

Because Blood Phantom had infinite stamina, reducing stamina consumption was of no use to her.

In other words, that Free Point was wasted, a complete loss.

Blood Phantom also gained a new talent, Blood Mist Form.

Blood Mist Form allowed her to transform her body into blood mist, enabling extremely fast speed, but she couldn’t attack while in this form.


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