Chapter 22 – Tossing and turning, unable to sleep


【Host】: Ye Ling

【Level】: First Rank, Fourth Level

【Spiritual Power Points】: 400/400

【Spiritual Techniques】: Spiritual Power Chains (First Level), Spiritual Power Shield (First Level), Spiritual Vision (First Level)

【Spiritual Pet】: Blood Phantom

【Free Points】: 1

【Name】: Blood Phantom (White-eyed Zombie)

【Genus】: Genus Undead

【Level】: First Rank, Fourth Level (Experience 0%)

【Growth Power】: Common

【Growth Rate】: 10.2%

【Equipment】: Blood Phantom’s Exclusive Rainbow Blood Garment

【Talents】: Physical Damage Reduction (Low), Super Regeneration, Magic Damage Reduction (Low)

【Skills】: Bloodthirsty, Blood Fury

Compared to when he first acquired the system, Ye Ling had grown several times stronger.

This was just the result of Blood Phantom completing its first evolution, which had already brought about a tremendous change.

And this transformation happened in less than a day.

Ye Ling still had several days ahead to further increase his and Blood Phantom’s levels.

He was confident that he could secure a spot in the top Spirit Tamer Academy during the upcoming selection.

To fully focus on getting stronger, Ye Ling decided to skip school for the next few days.

Staying at school would be a waste of time.

It was better to spend more time outside hunting demons.

Not only would it provide him with experience points and growth for Blood Phantom, but it would also yield various materials.

Even materials he couldn’t use could be sold online for a good amount of Federation Credit Points.

With enough Federation Credit Points, he could buy evolution materials he couldn’t obtain otherwise.

Therefore, hunting demons outside the city was all benefits and no drawbacks for Ye Ling, except for the danger.

As Ye Ling pondered over these matters, the car had already brought him back to his residence.

After paying the Federation Credit Points, Ye Ling quickly returned to his room.

The first thing he did was call his teacher to request leave.

Initially, the teacher was very opposed to Ye Ling’s decision.

After all, the assessment was approaching, and skipping classes to cram at the last minute seemed pointless.

Ye Ling explained that he had found a way to become stronger and just needed time to secure a spot in the Spirit Tamer Academy.

This reason alone wasn’t enough to convince the teacher to grant him leave.

But considering Ye Ling’s spiritual pet, the teacher eventually relented.

If Ye Ling’s claim about his spiritual pet growing stronger was true, the teacher couldn’t stand in his way.

He also hoped to have a successful student from his class, which would enhance his own reputation.

Based on his usual impression of Ye Ling, the teacher knew he was a diligent student, not one to deceive him over such matters. So, he finally agreed to the leave.

After all, it was just a few days off, not a big deal.

Thus, Ye Ling freed up all his time for the coming days.

He planned to take only some food with him each day and nothing else.

He would leave early and return late, making the most of his time to grow stronger with Blood Phantom.

On the first day of his quest for strength, Ye Ling fell into a deep sleep, exhausted.

Due to his fatigue, he slept very soundly.

Meanwhile, in a spacious courtyard.

Someone was tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep.

That person was none other than Huo Xian’er, whom Ye Ling had met earlier that day.

After returning home, Huo Xian’er immediately told her father about what she had witnessed.

But Huo Qingshan didn’t believe her.

The Federation had never seen a zombie spiritual pet evolve.

Zombies were known to be clumsy, hopping around awkwardly.

This was the common understanding in the Federation.

Huo Xian’er herself didn’t believe it when she first saw Blood Phantom.

But the undeniable truth was right before her eyes.

Not only could zombies evolve, but their power after evolution was formidable.

However, only Huo Xian’er knew this truth.

Even her father didn’t believe her, let alone anyone else.

“It might not be a zombie, but some other spiritual pet, or maybe a mutated zombie,” Huo Qingshan had said, clearly skeptical about zombies evolving.

So Huo Xian’er decided not to dwell on it.

She buried the matter in her heart.

But when she tried to rest, she couldn’t sleep with this on her mind.

Tossing and turning in bed, her thoughts were filled with Ye Ling and his zombie spiritual pet.

“Ah! This is driving me crazy!”

Huo Xian’er clutched her head, groaning in frustration.

She didn’t know why she kept thinking about Ye Ling, but every time she closed her eyes, she saw the scenes from earlier that day.

Even though they had barely interacted, and today was their first meeting.

But the impression from this first encounter was too profound.



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