Chapter 18 – Battle ended

In Huo Xian’er’s view, there was actually a better way for Blood Phantom to handle the situation.

Just like how she dealt with the first Skeleton Sergeant earlier, she could have attacked the neck bone.

There was a good chance to break the neck bone with one strike.

As long as the neck bone was broken, even if it didn’t kill the Skeleton Sergeant, it would temporarily lose its combat ability.

And the remaining Skeleton Soldiers would be no match for Blood Phantom.

This was the battle strategy Huo Xian’er considered the best.

However, the following scene left Huo Xian’er, who had felt a bit regretful, utterly shocked.

Because Blood Phantom’s claws, now turned blood-red, pierced through the hardest part of the Skeleton Sergeant’s skull in an instant.

It was as simple as cutting through butter.

This was completely illogical, even beyond Huo Xian’er’s understanding.

Although her Earth Azure Dragon could also crush the Skeleton Sergeant’s skull with one stomp, that was due to its immense strength.

After all, it had dragon blood, even if it wasn’t a pureblood dragon, just a sub-dragon, it still had dragon lineage.

Its strength was undeniable.

And the Earth Azure Dragon had thick skin, providing strong defense, almost comparable to the Skeleton Sergeant’s skull.

But now, Ye Ling’s Zombie Spiritual Pet had easily broken through the Skeleton Sergeant’s skull with its bare hands.

This also meant that Ye Ling’s Zombie Spiritual Pet could easily break through the Earth Azure Dragon’s defense.

If Huo Xian’er was initially happy for Ye Ling’s pet’s significant transformation,

Now, she was filled with fighting spirit.

If Ye Ling, who was almost deemed unfit to enter the Spirit Tamer Academy, could become so powerful,

Then she, as the young master of a prestigious family and a school genius, couldn’t afford to be weaker.

This battle was already decided, and Huo Xian’er didn’t want to stay any longer.

Staying here wouldn’t help her improve her strength; she had already witnessed Ye Ling’s formidable power.

For the upcoming Spirit Tamer Academy selection, Huo Xian’er decided to give her all in the next few days.

She aimed to reach the Eighth Level of the First Rank within these few days.

This would greatly increase her chances of entering a top Spirit Tamer Academy.

She took a deep look at Ye Ling standing on the bone hill.

Then, Huo Xian’er turned and left.

She suddenly realized she couldn’t see through this man at all.

He had hidden so well that no one noticed anything unusual.

No one knew that Ye Ling’s pet could be so strong.

In the upcoming Spirit Tamer Academy selection, Ye Ling might be a dark horse.

She wondered which academy he had his eyes on; maybe they could even be classmates in the future.

Yes, Huo Xian’er was now convinced.

Ye Ling definitely had the ability to enter any top Spirit Tamer Academy.

From the previous battle, it was clear that Blood Phantom’s combat power wasn’t much weaker than her Earth Azure Dragon.

With a few more days of battle, Blood Phantom might even rival her Earth Azure Dragon.

With such strength, getting into a top Spirit Tamer Academy was almost a certainty.

If Ye Ling ended up in the same academy as her, Huo Xian’er would even look forward to it a bit.

She was extremely curious about Ye Ling’s current strength.

But now, time was tight, and she couldn’t afford to stay here to understand him slowly.

If they could enter the same Spirit Tamer Academy in the future, they could get to know each other better then.

Ye Ling didn’t notice Huo Xian’er’s departure.

From the beginning until now, his attention was entirely on the battle below.

When Blood Phantom finally dealt with the last Skeleton Sergeant, Ye Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

The remaining Skeleton Soldiers were no threat at all.

The rest of the battle was a complete sweep.

None of the Skeleton Soldiers could withstand a single strike from Blood Phantom.

Soon, the battle was over.

The scene was left with a pile of skeletons, and the Soul Fire in their skulls gradually dissipated.

This was because Ye Ling didn’t have a Soul Bottle to collect the Soul Fire.

After the battle, Ye Ling walked down the bone hill.

He knew that after defeating demons, there was a chance they would drop materials or treasures.

It could be evolution materials or some rare treasures.

Previously, he hadn’t found much from the Skeleton Soldiers, just some evolution materials that weren’t even for Blood Phantom.

This time, after defeating so many skeletons, including three Skeleton Sergeants, Ye Ling believed there would be some good stuff.

At this moment, the Blood Fury effect on Blood Phantom had reached its limit.

The surging blood energy on her body gradually faded away.

At the same time, Blood Phantom’s skin, which had turned red due to the skill, returned to its ghastly pale color.


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