Chapter 14 – Curiosity

Ye Ling hadn’t done anything, so why did he suddenly get yelled at?

“Ha ha ha!”

At this moment, Huo Xian’er laughed from the side.

She reached out to pat the Earth Azure Dragon, soothing it.

“Alright, stop making a fuss.”

After being comforted, the Earth Azure Dragon shot Ye Ling a sideways glance but didn’t bother with him anymore.

Ye Ling was left bewildered, wondering what he had done to deserve this.

“Ye Ling, this place is very dangerous. I’m kindly reminding you to go back as soon as possible.”

After calming the Earth Azure Dragon, Huo Xian’er kindly reminded him again.

Although they usually had no interaction, they were still students of the same school.

Huo Xian’er, who was kind-hearted, didn’t want to see Ye Ling get into trouble at the Bone Burial Mound.

In her opinion, even if he couldn’t get into the Spirit Tamer Academy or become a Spirit Tamer, there was nothing wrong with being an ordinary person.

As an ordinary person, he could either work in the city and live a simple life or join the army and become a common soldier to protect the Federation’s cities.

“Thanks for your concern, Miss Huo, but you don’t need to worry about my safety. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving now. Goodbye!”

With that, Ye Ling waved his hand with a smile and walked in the opposite direction.

The Skeleton Sergeants here had already been eliminated, so Ye Ling had to move on to the next hunting ground.

Time was tight, and Ye Ling needed to become stronger in the next few days.

Watching Ye Ling ignore her advice and walk away, Huo Xian’er bit her lip in frustration.

“Damn it! What an ungrateful jerk! I was just trying to be nice, and he doesn’t appreciate it at all. Hmph!”

With her arms crossed, Huo Xian’er watched his receding figure, feeling a bit unhappy.

She had meant well, but Ye Ling didn’t appreciate it at all.

“I want to see what makes you so special that you dare to come to the Bone Burial Mound alone.”

Huo Xian’er was very curious about Ye Ling’s courage to come to the Bone Burial Mound alone without showing any fear.

In their third year, Ye Ling was considered one of the weakest students.

With such strength, it was impossible not to be curious about his daring to come here alone.

After recalling her Earth Azure Dragon into the Spiritual Pet Seal, Huo Xian’er slowly followed him.

Ye Ling, who was walking ahead, also noticed Huo Xian’er following him from a distance.

He frowned slightly, not understanding what this woman wanted.

However, he didn’t have time to waste here.

Even if Huo Xian’er kept following him, Ye Ling had to quickly eliminate more demons and rapidly improve his and Blood Phantom’s levels.

After a while, Ye Ling finally stopped.

In front of him were three tall Skeleton Sergeants, along with about ten Skeleton Soldiers.

This was the first wave of strong enemies Ye Ling had encountered after delving deeper into the Bone Burial Mound.

If it were just Skeleton Soldiers, Blood Phantom could easily handle them.

But now, with three Skeleton Sergeants, Ye Ling had to be cautious.

Through previous battles, Ye Ling had learned that Blood Phantom had unlimited stamina and could use Super Regeneration infinitely.

However, if surrounded by so many enemies, even Super Regeneration might not be enough.

Therefore, Blood Phantom’s skills, Blood Fury and Bloodthirsty, were crucial for this battle.

Surveying the surroundings, Ye Ling noticed that the skeletons were in a low-lying area.

On either side of this area were two hills of bones, living up to the name Bone Burial Mound, with bones scattered everywhere.

To end the battle as quickly as possible, he had to prioritize taking down one of the Skeleton Sergeants.

Although Skeleton Sergeants were stronger than regular Skeleton Soldiers, they were just bigger and stronger.

If he could decapitate a Skeleton Sergeant in an instant and destroy its head, it would no longer be a threat.

Given the terrain, the best position was on top of the two bone hills.

Huo Xian’er, who had been following him, naturally noticed Ye Ling’s actions.

She also saw the group of skeletons in the low-lying area ahead.

Her Earth Azure Dragon, at First Rank Seventh Level, could easily handle this group of skeletons.

But that was only for her.

To Huo Xian’er, this was a hell-level challenge for Ye Ling.

A single Skeleton Sergeant could easily take on four or five Skeleton Soldiers without any difficulty.

Even if Ye Ling’s Zombie Spiritual Pet had good defense, it would be hard to manage under so many skeletons’ attacks.

Huo Xian’er couldn’t fathom how Ye Ling planned to handle this.

Ye Ling showed no signs of retreating. Instead, he moved towards the bone hill, seemingly preparing to launch an attack from above.

A hint of curiosity flashed in Huo Xian’er’s eyes. What gave Ye Ling such confidence?


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