Chapter 7 – Super Regeneration, Blood Phantom

Given Ye Ling's current situation, with only two hundred Spiritual Power Points, aside from the continuous consumption of Spiritual Vision, the other two spiritual techniques can be used at most twice.


After two uses, the Spiritual Power Points will be depleted, and no spiritual techniques can be cast until they gradually recover.


Moreover, as the level increases, the spiritual techniques will require even more power to use.


For now, the spiritual techniques Ye Ling has mastered don't need any upgrading.


Upgrading them might make them unusable due to the high consumption, which isn't necessary at this point.


Therefore, Ye Ling decided to allocate the two Free Points he had to the White-eyed Zombie.


He opened the talents and skills available for allocation.


Allocatable Talents:


Magic Damage Reduction (Low Level): Slightly reduces magic-type damage.


Super Regeneration: As long as it's not instantly destroyed, any severe injury can be rapidly healed, consuming stamina.


Allocatable Skills:


Blood Fury: Gradually consumes one's own blood, significantly enhancing strength and speed. It automatically deactivates when blood levels drop to a certain point.


Seeing these three options, Ye Ling wanted each one.


But with only two Free Points, he could only choose two of them.


"A zombie should have the qualities of a zombie. How can it go without Super Regeneration? This is a must."


After some thought, Ye Ling decisively chose Super Regeneration as the first allocation.


As long as the Spiritual Pet doesn't die, all parts can regenerate infinitely, making it unbeatable.


In the Federation, many Spirit Tamers have Spiritual Pets that are more or less injured.


Most of these injuries are from battles and are irreparable.


Spiritual Pets are living beings too; they can get hurt and die.


Super Regeneration is a life-saving measure and a must-have.


For the second allocation, Ye Ling hesitated for a moment and finally chose to allocate to the skill Blood Fury.


The reason for choosing Blood Fury was to pair it with another skill, Bloodthirsty.


Using Blood Fury gradually reduces one's blood, enhancing strength and speed until it automatically deactivates when blood levels drop to a certain point.


At that time, the blood level will be in an unhealthy state, and pairing it with Bloodthirsty allows recovery of blood through attacking enemies.


Once the blood is fully restored, Blood Fury can be used again.


This cycle makes Ye Ling's female zombie quite terrifying.


Under Blood Fury, with significantly enhanced strength and speed, the female zombie's combat power is far beyond its current state.


Compared to when it was a Black-eyed Zombie, the female zombie's power is now incredibly strong.


Also, the female zombie, now with some flexibility, no longer needs to hop around like before.


Now, it almost looks like a normal person.


Looking at the female zombie with tattered clothes but a delicate face, Ye Ling muttered to himself.


"Always calling you 'zombie' feels weird. How about… I give you a name?"


Spiritual Pets have a certain level of intelligence and are not mere puppets.


As Ye Ling talked to himself, the female zombie tilted her head, looking at him curiously, blinking occasionally.


Her eyes were as innocent as a child's, pure and naive.


Not knowing if she understood, Ye Ling assumed she agreed.


"Zombie, blood… Since that's the case, I'll call you Blood Phantom, how about that?"


The female zombie just blinked, still looking innocent and clueless.


"Alright, I'll take that as a yes. From now on, you'll be called Blood Phantom!"


And so, Ye Ling's first Spiritual Pet's name was decided just like that.


At the same time, Blood Phantom's status panel changed.


【Name】: Blood Phantom (White-eyed Zombie)


【Genus】: Genus Undead


【Level】: First Rank, Second Level (0% Experience)


【Growth Power】: Common


【Growth Rate】: 0%


【Talents】: Physical Damage Reduction (Low Level), Super Regeneration


【Skills】: Bloodthirsty, Blood Fury


Compared to before, Blood Phantom's status panel was now quite impressive.


With a total of four talents and skills combined!


Most common Spiritual Pets have at most three talents or skills at the common stage, and many only have two.


But Blood Phantom already had four, and this was just the beginning.


So, even though her Growth Power was common, Blood Phantom's strength far exceeded other Spiritual Pets and Demons of the same Growth Power.


"To continue evolving Blood Phantom, we need to hunt more Demons. So now… the zombie's hunting time is about to begin!"


Ye Ling's eyes gleamed with excitement.


He could already see a wealth of experience points coming his way.


But before that, Blood Phantom's tattered clothes were indeed inappropriate. Ye Ling temporarily found one of his own clothes for her to change into.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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