Chapter 42 – Revenge

According to logic, Liu Wu only needed to find a quiet place to spend three days, which should have been an easy task.

After all, there weren’t many First Rank demons that would actively provoke the venomous Venomous Scale Python.

Hurting the enemy a thousand times would also mean harming oneself eight hundred times.

Even if one could luckily defeat the Venomous Scale Python, they wouldn’t live long due to the severe poison.

Therefore, unless it was a demon naturally countering the Venomous Scale Python, none would actively attack Liu Wu at this time.

However, the reason Liu Wu didn’t just find a random place to survive for three days was because he had something he wanted to do.

In the first phase of the assessment, it wasn’t stated that one couldn’t attack other students.

In this Secret Realm, there were no rules; one only needed to survive.

And that’s exactly what Liu Wu wanted. He was extremely displeased with someone, even to the point of hatred.

That person was Ye Ling.

Liu Wu felt a deep-seated displeasure towards Ye Ling.

Especially since Ye Ling had ignored him multiple times before, making Liu Wu feel even more irritated.

In Liu Wu’s eyes, Ye Ling was nothing more than a First Rank, Second Level waste. Why should he ignore him?

It should be Liu Wu ignoring Ye Ling.

Moreover, in the classroom before, Ye Ling had stolen the spotlight, making Liu Wu very unwilling to accept it.

In this class, Liu Wu was considered the strongest.

Even in other classes, those stronger than Liu Wu wouldn’t underestimate his Venomous Scale Python.

The spotlight should have been his.

Feeling repeatedly provoked, Liu Wu certainly couldn’t let Ye Ling off.

The best way was to eliminate Ye Ling in the Secret Realm.

In a ruleless Secret Realm, even if he killed Ye Ling, no one would say much.

Even if someone saw it, so what?

He hadn’t broken any rules, and even the lord couldn’t do anything to him.

This was why, the moment Liu Wu entered the Secret Realm, he started searching for Ye Ling.

However, he seemed to have forgotten his father’s advice from the previous night, letting his emotions dictate his actions.

His father had repeatedly urged him to pass the first phase of the assessment, even if he had to endure.

But now, he had completely forgotten.

Due to the large size of the Venomous Scale Python, Liu Wu didn’t even need to walk; he could sit directly on it.

Of course, whether he could find Ye Ling, Liu Wu wasn’t too sure.

After all, the Secret Realm was too vast. Even if he searched for three days, he might not find him.

But Liu Wu didn’t want to give up this opportunity.

Even if the hope was slim, Liu Wu would persist.

Three days, that’s all. If he found him, great.

If not, he’d wait for the next phase of the assessment.

Liu Wu’s face was cold as he clenched his fists, thinking of Ye Ling.

Along the way, he encountered some demons, but they all felt the faint threat from the Venomous Scale Python and didn’t dare to approach.

Even some demons stronger than Fifth Level didn’t dare to attack easily.

However, Liu Wu didn’t notice that at this moment, a pair of sharp eyes in the sky had already locked onto him.

“The Venomous Scale Python really has an advantage. It can traverse the Secret Realm without any demons daring to attack.”

Watching Liu Wu riding the Venomous Scale Python on the screen, Bai Tong smiled.

Among demons, those with poison were naturally more threatening than others.

Of course, the same applied to Spiritual Pets.

If one obtained a never-before-seen poisonous Spiritual Pet, or a mutated poisonous Spiritual Pet, the advantage would be immense.

Because such a Spiritual Pet’s poison might have no antidote.

If it could be treated, the threat wasn’t significant.

If it couldn’t be treated, the level of threat was imaginable.

“Well, what can you do? Some families have these kinds of unfair advantages. It’s an inherent edge.”

Lu Feng couldn’t say much about such inherent advantages.

The world of Spirit Tamers was never absolutely fair.

The power controlled by noble families was immense.

And these family children, from birth, could obtain a powerful Spiritual Pet.

They were winning from the starting line.

It wasn’t that common children couldn’t rise, but compared to family children, common children were at a clear disadvantage.

If their first Spiritual Pet was decent, there was hope.

If their first Spiritual Pet was a failure, then everything would be an elusive dream.

Lu Feng said this because he himself was from a common family, not a noble one.

Seeing Liu Wu’s arrogant demeanor, Lu Feng felt a bit emotional.

But hearing Lu Feng’s words, Huo Ling felt slightly uncomfortable.

“Hey, hey, hey! Teacher Lu, you can’t say that in front of me. Although I’m from a noble family, everything I have, I earned myself.”

She was a genius, very smart from a young age.

But she didn’t rely on her family. Her current strength was mostly due to her own efforts.

This was why Huo Ling, despite her strength, still worked at the Black Tortoise Spirit Tamer Academy.

Because she had reached her position through her own efforts.

Although her family had helped her, she had come this far on her own.


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