Chapter 30 – Teleportation Watch

Huo Xian’er had spent the past few days almost the same way as Ye Ling, staying outdoors every moment.

All for the sake of breaking through!

The pressure Ye Ling brought made Huo Xian’er do this involuntarily.

Originally, with her strength, she could easily get into the top Spirit Tamer Academy.

Moreover, her father, Huo Qingshan, had mentioned that this time, the representative sent by the Black Tortoise Spirit Tamer Academy was from the main branch of the Huo family in the Sacred City.

Given that Huo Xian’er was a genius, it was almost certain that she would be admitted to the Black Tortoise Spirit Tamer Academy.

Of course, this wasn’t about pulling strings.

Huo Xian’er was a prodigy, and it just so happened that there were people from the Huo family in the Black Tortoise Spirit Tamer Academy.

Huo Xian’er still needed to participate in the assessment and achieve at least a top ten ranking to be selected for the Black Tortoise Spirit Tamer Academy.

If she couldn’t make it into the top ten, it would be a great pity.

Even if the representative from the Black Tortoise Spirit Tamer Academy was Huo Ling, there would be no favoritism.

Feeling a bit disappointed that she couldn’t find Ye Ling, Huo Xian’er quickly regained her spirits.

Because she believed that Ye Ling must have become even stronger by now.

Although there were many prodigies in the senior class, Huo Xian’er somehow believed that Ye Ling would definitely make it into the top ten.

As for why she was so confident, Huo Xian’er herself didn’t know.

Perhaps it was because of the strength Blood Phantom displayed that day, which gave Huo Xian’er some confidence.

Seeing such a grand scene up close for the first time, the students were both excited and a bit worried.

The entire square was bustling with noise.

Standing at the back of the class, Ye Ling didn’t make a sound the whole time.

His eyes scanned the representatives on the stage.

Among these representatives, the weakest were Fifth Rank teachers.

Indeed, even the representatives from the lowest-ranked Spirit Tamer Academies were of Fifth Rank strength.

In Skyshine City, the heads of second-rate families were at most of Fifth Rank strength.

This showed how deep the foundations of the Spirit Tamer Academies were.


Hearing the noisy commotion below, Shang Lingkong frowned and shouted.

A powerful aura instantly overwhelmed the area.

As soon as he spoke, the previously noisy square fell silent.

An eerie silence, without a single sound.

It wasn’t because the students suddenly became obedient, but because they were forced to shut up under Shang Lingkong’s powerful aura.

Standing at the back, Ye Ling could also feel the weight pressing down on him.

It felt as if he was carrying something very heavy.

However, this feeling quickly disappeared.

Shang Lingkong only wanted a quiet environment and had no intention of harming the students.

Some of these students were future talents of the Federation, and they were from Skyshine City. Naturally, he wouldn’t harm them.

The instantly quiet environment made Shang Lingkong nod slightly.

Clearly, he was satisfied with this environment.

Then, Shang Lingkong began to talk about the Spirit Tamer Academy assessment.

“I don’t need to introduce the people behind me. They are representatives from various Spirit Tamer Academies of the Federation.”

“Whether you can get into a Spirit Tamer Academy depends entirely on them.”

“Now, let’s talk about the exam content, which is divided into two parts…”

What followed was a long speech about the assessment, which Shang Lingkong gave every year.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have been bored by now.

But Shang Lingkong showed no signs of boredom.

Because in his view, what he was doing now was for the future of the Federation, to defend against demons.

After a long while, Shang Lingkong finally explained the assessment content clearly.

At the same time, Shang Lingkong took out a watch.

“This Teleportation Watch will be your only means of survival. Once you feel you can’t hold on any longer, press the button on the watch.”

“After a moment, it will teleport you out.”

“Remember, this is a life-saving measure. No matter the reason, if you press the emergency button, you will lose your exam qualification.”

“Got it?!”

At the end, Shang Lingkong suddenly shouted.

The sudden increase in volume startled many students.


The students, snapping back to reality, responded loudly.

Seeing the students’ spirited response, Shang Lingkong nodded in satisfaction.

He then gestured lightly, and a large group of soldiers came in, holding the watches Shang Lingkong had just mentioned.

Distributed by class, each student received a watch.

Looking down at the watch, Ye Ling noticed a peculiar power within it.

Although he didn’t understand what this power was, he guessed it was related to the watch’s function.

This peculiar power should be what helps teleport students who press the emergency button.


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