Chapter 26 – Return to the classroom

The next two days would be the final days for the senior students at the Academy.

After tomorrow, they would embark on their new lives.

Some would enter the Spirit Tamer Academy for further studies, becoming Spirit Tamers admired by common people.

Those not admitted to the Spirit Tamer Academy would either live as commoners, making a living through their own efforts.

Or, they could join the army of Skyshine City, becoming ordinary recruits, undergoing training to protect the city.

Becoming a mercenary was also an option, depending on personal choice, though mercenaries had to constantly risk their lives.

Aside from these paths, there were no other options.

Such was the reality of this world, harsh and unforgiving.

Only those who became Spirit Tamers could change their lives.

Common people would remain common, struggling their whole lives without a chance to rise.

Every year, half of the students from Skyshine City’s Higher Education Institution would end up as commoners.

Their fate sealed, unable to change their destiny.

Even if they joined the army, commoners had no chance of rising to higher positions.

Higher ranks were reserved for Spirit Tamers, leaving no opportunities for common people.

Returning to the familiar classroom, it was still the same familiar classmates.

Today, how many were filled with joy, and how many with worry?

As Ye Ling’s friend, Chen Zhi had been very worried about him at first, wondering if something had happened.

Why hadn’t Ye Ling come to school for a day or two, and why couldn’t he be reached?

Finally, he got the news from the teacher that Ye Ling had taken leave, which eased his mind a bit.

He knew Ye Ling was a good student, but unfortunately, he had a waste Spiritual Pet.

Chen Zhi had thought Ye Ling had given up on the assessment.

But to his surprise, Ye Ling showed up today.

Seeing Ye Ling, Chen Zhi immediately went up and punched him hard on the shoulder.

“You rascal, what have you been up to these past few days? Couldn’t reach you at all. If the teacher hadn’t said you took leave, I would’ve thought you disappeared.”

Seeing Ye Ling unharmed and even brimming with confidence, Chen Zhi laughed and scolded.

Hearing this, Ye Ling patted Chen Zhi’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I’m tough. How could I disappear? I’ve just been training these past few days. Remember, I said I would get into the top Spirit Tamer Academy.”

Ye Ling was absolutely confident in his current strength to enter the top Spirit Tamer Academy.

Among the senior students in Skyshine City’s Higher Education Institution, the strongest were Huo Xian’er and her group, with their strength only at First Rank Seventh or Eighth Level.

But Ye Ling’s strength had already reached First Rank Ninth Level.

He could completely crush everyone.

If he couldn’t get into the top Spirit Tamer Academy with such strength, then the academy representatives must be blind.

Seeing Ye Ling so confident, Chen Zhi couldn’t bring himself to say anything discouraging, and just nodded silently.

However, the other classmates, upon hearing Ye Ling’s bold words, started whispering among themselves.

But without exception, all their comments were mocking.

“He thinks he can get into the top Spirit Tamer Academy? What a joke!”

“Yeah, does he even know what he’s talking about?”

“With a waste Spiritual Pet, it’s just bad luck for him. After today, he’ll be a commoner. Why bother with him?”

Everyone knew about Ye Ling’s waste Spiritual Pet, and no one respected him.

No one believed Ye Ling could get into the Spirit Tamer Academy with that waste Spiritual Pet.

They didn’t even think he had a chance at a lower-level Spirit Tamer Academy.

Hearing these harsh words, Ye Ling acted as if he didn’t hear them.

The more they mocked now, the more they’d regret it during the assessment.

Arguing with them now was pointless, just a waste of time.

Chen Zhi, however, clenched his fists tightly, ready to defend Ye Ling.

But Ye Ling placed a hand on his shoulder.

“No need. The assessment is soon. There’s no point in unnecessary actions.”

“After the assessment, we’ll see if what I said was true.”

With that, Ye Ling walked to his seat.

Since Ye Ling had said so, Chen Zhi didn’t want to cause trouble today and followed him back to his seat.

Among the students, one person kept staring coldly at Ye Ling.

That person was Liu Wu, who had mocked Ye Ling a few days ago when he was leaving the classroom.

Liu Wu, though the son of the head of the second-rate Liu Family in Skyshine City, had mediocre talent, only reaching First Rank Fifth Level.

He just had a good family background.

In academics, he couldn’t compare to Ye Ling, so he often mocked Ye Ling about his Spiritual Pet.


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