Chapter 4 – Insect Emperor Ancient Ring and Insect Emperor Bloodline

By the river, in a secluded corner where Alaric Ye often stayed.


Little Strong had already stolen five fragrant roasted chickens.


Meanwhile, Little White was lazily lying on a large rock, with a book in front of her. Occasionally, a gentle breeze would turn the pages.


After two months of feeding, Little Strong had grown even larger, from the size of a palm to the size of a small watermelon, and his carapace had become thicker and harder.


Little White not only learned to speak simple words but also learned to read, even faster than Alaric Ye. Alaric Ye suspected that his own literacy level was now behind Little White's.


Being outdone by a snake, what a situation.


Seeing Alaric Ye emerge from the shadows, Little Strong flashed over and hugged Alaric Ye's leg, chirping happily.


"Master…" Little White's soft, delicate voice, like that of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, came through. Although she could speak human language now, it was still not fluent, only able to say some simple key words.


"Master" was a term Little White learned on her own. Alaric Ye actually suggested that she call him by his name, as he considered Little White a close partner and friend.


But Little White seemed to have a great fear of calling Alaric Ye by his name directly.


Alaric Ye nodded and patted Little Strong's head and Little White's head.


"Tomorrow, the Upper Immortal from Top Xuan Sect will come to the Lin Residence to test for Spiritual Roots. This is my golden opportunity to ascend. If my plan succeeds and the Upper Immortal takes me back to the Immortal Sect, what will happen to you two?" At this point, Alaric Ye looked extremely melancholic and reluctant.


Little White and Little Strong were both large in size. If they followed him, they would surely be discovered by the Immortal Elder from Top Xuan Sect and be exterminated on the spot.


Alaric Ye's achievements today were all thanks to the help of Little White and Little Strong. He couldn't just leave them behind to enjoy the Immortal Sect's blessings and seek immortality alone.


It was truly a dilemma.


Little White touched Alaric Ye's hand and whispered, "Master, ring, blood!"


Alaric Ye was slightly taken aback, then took off the light gray ring he had worn for many years. "You mean this thing?"


Little White nodded obediently and repeated, "Ring, take us with you!"


The ring looked very ancient and worthless, with faintly visible, densely packed worm-like lines engraved on it. The lines were chaotic and lacked any aesthetic appeal. It was a family heirloom of the Ye Family.


Because it looked worthless, the Lin Family did not take it away, and it had been passed down for generations.


Neither Alaric Ye's grandfather nor his father had ever heard of anything magical about it, despite wearing it for decades.


Alaric Ye asked in confusion, "Do I need to stain the ring with blood?"


Little White nodded again obediently. "Yes."


Alaric Ye smiled helplessly. "That might not work. My grandfather and father both did rough and dirty work, often getting scratched, bruised, or beaten by the steward. This ring must have been stained with their blood many times, but clearly, nothing happened."


Little White said, "Master, Insect Emperor!"


Alaric Ye was slightly shocked. "Insect Emperor? What is that?"


Little White said, "Insect Emperor of Myriad Worlds!"


Alaric Ye still didn't quite understand, but it sounded impressive.


"I'll give it a try. I hope it works as you say!"


Little Strong had already fetched a blade from a crack in the rock. Alaric Ye skillfully cut his finger and let his blood drip onto the ring. He then saw his blood quickly merging with the ring.


Soon, the entire ring turned blood red, and an inexplicable soul connection was established.




Alaric Ye's vision blurred, and he saw an old man with graying hair.


The old man's face was full of wrinkles, his eyes like snake pupils, eerie and captivating. He smiled kindly at Alaric Ye and reached out to pat Alaric Ye's head.


The old man's voice, kind and gentle, echoed in Alaric Ye's mind.


"Child, this is the Ancient Ring of the Insect Emperor, the heirloom treasure of the Ye Family, an ancient clan of insect controllers!


By activating the Ancient Ring, it means you have awakened the bloodline of the Insect Emperor, a rare talent for insect control seen once in a millennium!


The Ancient Ring of the Insect Emperor has three marvelous uses.


First, it forms its own world, capable of housing billions of spirit insects!


Second, spirit insects cultivated in the space of the Ancient Ring will have a greatly increased chance of mutation, awakening their ancient bloodlines!


Third, spirit insects will grow faster, but you will have to pay a certain price for this!"


As he spoke, the old man's body gradually disintegrated, and his voice grew weaker.


"Child, for the sake of your ancestors, you must survive in the cruel cultivation world at all costs and restore the former glory of the Ye Family!"


With that, the old man's figure vanished without a trace.




Alaric Ye was so shocked that his face turned pale, and his breathing became rapid. He couldn't speak for a moment.


After a long silence, he murmured, "So, our Ye Family was not enslaved by the Lin Family for generations, but is actually descended from an ancient clan of insect controllers!


My ancestors couldn't discover the wonders of this ring because they hadn't awakened the bloodline of the Insect Emperor!"


Alaric Ye carefully put the Ancient Ring of the Insect Emperor back on his finger. With a thought, the blood-stained ancient ring disappeared without a trace. With another thought, the ring reappeared.


At the same time, Little Strong turned into a black shadow and quickly shrank, entering the ring. Little White followed suit, turning into a white shadow and merging into the ring.


In his mind, a desert about three or four meters in diameter appeared out of nowhere. Little White and Little Strong lay quietly in the desert.


This world had no water, no wind, no plants or animals. As soon as Little White and Little Strong entered, they began to hibernate.


With another thought, Little White and Little Strong turned into light and returned to his side.


However, Alaric Ye's face turned pale, his dantian faintly ached, and he felt dizzy, as if he had worked tirelessly for a day and a night without sleep.


Alaric Ye rubbed his temples and forced himself to stay awake.


"What a magical ring. I feel there are still many secrets hidden within it. Once we reach the Immortal Sect and learn the skills of the Immortal Family, we can slowly explore them!"


Little White and Little Strong nodded obediently like pecking chicks.


Alaric Ye then cut another finger with the blade, fed Little White and Little Strong until they were full, and then put them both into the ring.


Storing spirit insects in the ring had no cost, but releasing them consumed a lot of Alaric Ye's energy.




Alaric Ye returned to the servant's dormitory and fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed.


When he opened his eyes again, it was already dawn. The excited Tom Wang had already put on the latest servant's attire.


Alaric Ye got up, feeling refreshed and energetic. He also took a freshly washed servant's attire and put it on.


After a simple wash, the two of them, under the steward's summons, served the young masters and ladies as they got up and had breakfast. Then, everyone in the Lin Residence, from top to bottom, excitedly gathered at the martial arts field, looking up at the sky, waiting for the arrival of the Upper Immortal from Top Xuan Sect!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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