Chapter 3 – Little White and Little Strong

Not long after, Little White and Little Strong stopped drinking blood.


Little White's soft, forked tongue gently brushed over Alaric Ye's wound, and the cut on his hand healed and scabbed over at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Alaric Ye asked in confusion, "Why did you drink so little today? Could it be that my blood doesn't taste as good after my Spiritual Root awakened?"


Little White and Little Strong both shook their heads and then simultaneously opened their mouths to burp.


Little Strong even patted his belly with his pincers, indicating that he was very full today.


Only then did Alaric Ye understand.


"It seems that after my Spiritual Root awakened, my blood is more filling for them. Once I join the Immortal Sect, I can raise a few more little guys."


Little White and Little Strong affectionately rubbed against Alaric Ye before Little Strong darted into the bushes and disappeared, while Little White swam back into the river.


Suddenly, Alaric Ye remembered something.


"Little White, I've heard that Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures are guarded by fierce beasts. Don't take too many risks in the future; always be careful."


Little White turned back and nodded quickly, then dove into the water and vanished.


Alaric Ye sighed softly.


"Little White must have sensed my urgent desire to awaken my Spiritual Root and took the risk to seize that pearl. Fortunately, it won.


Unfortunately, Little Strong couldn't help much in underwater battles. Otherwise, it would have been much safer if they had teamed up."




Returning to the Lin Residence, Alaric Ye showed no signs of abnormality. As usual, he worked diligently under the steward's orders, bowing and scraping before the masters of the Lin Residence, enduring beatings and scoldings, appearing numb and humble.


To be safe, Alaric Ye no longer practiced his breathing exercises while working, fearing that the trace of Spiritual Qi he absorbed might be detected by others.


After his Spiritual Root awakened, his energy became more abundant, and his physical strength increased rapidly, visibly improving each day. He only needed to sleep for two hours a day to feel fully refreshed.


At the same time, his appetite grew.


Little Strong had to steal five chickens a day to satisfy Alaric Ye's hunger, which troubled the steward of the Lin Residence's kitchen. Losing one chicken a day was tolerable, but five was too much.


Five chickens a day meant over a thousand chickens a year!


Moreover, the chickens at the Lin Residence were not ordinary farm chickens but top-quality Herbal Chickens, raised on herbs from a young age, rich in nutrients and highly valuable.


After Little Strong stole chickens for seven consecutive days, the Lin Residence hired a rogue cultivator at the first level of Qi Refining to set up a trap to guard the kitchen.


As a result, not only were chickens stolen that night, but the rogue cultivator's clothes and pants were also taken.


Little Strong and Little White became stronger after drinking Alaric Ye's blood post-Spiritual Root awakening!


The entire Lin Residence was shocked, feeling the terror of the chicken thief. From then on, there were no more guards in the kitchen at night.


The Lin Residence even built a shrine in the kitchen, offering five fragrant roasted chickens every day.


Many servants whispered privately, thankful that the chicken thief only stole chickens and not people. They warned not to provoke him, fearing for the safety of the master and young master, believing only an Upper Immortal could subdue this rampant Chicken-stealing Maniac.


But the embarrassing truth was that the Great Xuan Dynasty was vast, and demons and monsters were not uncommon. The primary task of the Upper Immortals from the Top Xuan Sect was to eliminate wicked demons, not to deal with a household's stolen chickens.


Later, the rampant chicken thief not only stole chickens but also books used to teach the young masters and ladies to read.


Because Alaric Ye wanted to learn the common script of the Great Xuan Dynasty within two months.


As a lowly servant, Alaric Ye had no right to learn to read. He liked to work in the private school where the young masters and ladies were taught, occasionally picking up some knowledge, but it was far from enough.


So he specifically had Little Strong steal some books, studying them while training his body.


Little White and Little Strong would sit beside him, shaking their heads as he read. Alaric Ye occasionally heard Little White trying to mimic his pronunciation, while Little Strong still only chirped.


Alaric Ye guessed it might be related to their species.


Every so often, Little White would bring a pearl of similar size for Alaric Ye to consume.


Each time he consumed a pearl, a large amount of impurities would be expelled from his body, greatly enhancing his physique. The threads of Spiritual Qi he absorbed during breathing exercises became thicker each time.


He felt his Spiritual Root growing stronger and sturdier.


Unknowingly, Alaric Ye had become as strong as an ox and as agile as a monkey in the mountains. No longer could any random servant from the Lin Residence handle him!




Thus, in constant learning and training, two months passed quickly.


Alaric Ye learned from the steward that the Upper Immortal from the Top Xuan Sect would descend tomorrow. The entire Lin Residence, under the busy efforts of Alaric Ye and other servants, was cleaned spotless.


Everyone in the Lin Residence couldn't hide their excitement, even happier than during the New Year.


The descent of the Upper Immortal would bestow supreme Immortal Fate upon those with Spiritual Roots, bringing peace and good fortune. Even ordinary people considered it a great blessing to catch a glimpse of the Upper Immortal and bask in Immortal Qi.


After dinner, after serving the masters with their washing and waiting for them to sleep, Alaric Ye and his roommate Tom Wang returned to the dirty and rundown servant quarters of the Lin Residence.


Tom Wang, with a face full of pockmarks, usually appeared even more timid and humble than Alaric Ye. At this moment, he clenched his fists, his body trembling slightly, and asked Alaric Ye anxiously.


"Alaric Ye, what if the Upper Immortal senses that I'm the legendary Chosen when he descends tomorrow and insists on taking me away to teach me the path to immortality and save the world?


But, but, Tom Wang the lazar can only serve the masters. How could I possibly learn such profound immortal arts? Wouldn't I fail in the duty of saving the world? I'm too stupid, can't even recognize a single large character, and only know how to chop wood and scrub floors…"


Alaric Ye gazed at the starry sky and said slowly, "Maybe in the Immortal Sect, chopping wood and scrubbing floors are also forms of cultivation that can extend your lifespan? It's just that they chop wood made of gold, and the floors are made of jade."


Tom Wang's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed excitedly, "Yes, yes! Why didn't I think of that… Uh… where are you going?"


"To take a bath, want to join?"


"No thanks, last time I bathed with you, I almost got bitten to death by mosquitoes. I really envy you for not being bitten by mosquitoes… The steward said your life is too lowly, even mosquitoes disdain you."


"I need a good rest. Maybe after tomorrow, I can go to the Immortal Sect to chop wood and scrub floors to save the world. Maybe I can even marry a fairy or two, like the protagonists in those storytelling sessions!"


Yes, dreams have everything. Alaric Ye thought to himself.


Seeing Tom Wang enter the quarters, Alaric Ye's figure flickered and disappeared into the darkness. He quickly reached the high wall of the Lin Residence, leaped over it, and vanished without any guards noticing.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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