Chapter 68 – Life-and-death agreement


A group of young men and women surrounded Miles Ye. The moment they saw Terra Su approaching, Miles Ye’s supporters immediately erupted in outrage.

“Look at yourself in a mirror before you dare challenge Brother Miles to a duel, you piece of trash!”

“Kid, if you have any self-awareness, you should surrender now and beg for mercy!”

Miles Ye’s supporters started hurling insults at Terra Su as soon as he arrived.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz, like a bunch of annoying flies. Aren’t you tired of jumping around? If you like it so much, why don’t you come up and fight?”

Terra Su glanced at Miles Ye’s supporters with extreme disdain and said contemptuously.

His words were like a spark, instantly igniting the fury of the supporters.

“What did you say, kid?”

“Brother Miles, crush this kid! I bet you can defeat him in three moves!”

“What nonsense, three moves? I bet Brother Miles can crush him in one!”

“Kid, if I were you, I’d kneel and surrender now to avoid losing too badly on the duel platform!”

Terra Su suddenly smiled, “Miles Ye, if you’re scared, just let them all come at me together. What’s the point of cheering from the sidelines?”

“Kid, you’re asking for death…” The crowd erupted in anger.

“Shut up!”

At that moment, Miles Ye, who had been standing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened them.

His gaze was like a pair of sharp swords, piercing straight at Terra Su, as if it could penetrate his soul.

But to Miles Ye’s surprise, Terra Su remained calm, unaffected by his piercing gaze.

“Terra Su, today is the day you pay for not saving my brother.”

A cold female voice rang out, and Olivia Wang stepped out from the crowd, her eyes filled with venomous hatred as she locked onto Terra Su.

“Brother Miles, can I have one of his hands and one of his feet?” Olivia Wang turned to Miles Ye, her cold expression instantly turning into a flattering smile.

Her brother had been crippled for life because of Terra Su, so she wanted Terra Su to experience the same pain. For a Martial Practitioner, losing a hand and a foot meant the end of their Martial Dao journey.

Miles Ye stood still and nodded slightly.

Instantly, Olivia Wang beamed with joy, “Terra Su, you’re dead!”


Another female voice rang out as Emma Jiang hurried over.

“Since when did the duel platform allow cutting off hands and feet? That’s against the rules!” Emma Jiang said angrily, her brows furrowed.

Although weapons had no eyes on the duel platform, intentionally cutting off an opponent’s limbs was against the accepted rules.

Olivia Wang sneered, “Emma Jiang, don’t you know that life-and-death duels are allowed on the duel platform?”

“Life-and-death duel?”

“That’s right, both parties sign a life-and-death agreement, and the loser bears the consequences!” Olivia Wang sneered, “If you’re not afraid of death, why would you be afraid of losing a hand or a foot?”

“Unless… Terra Su is too scared!”

Olivia Wang’s smile was full of provocation, “Of course, Terra Su is destined to lose. How could he dare to sign a life-and-death agreement?”

Miles Ye’s other supporters also started mocking, “Talking big just now, turns out he’s a coward!”

“Doesn’t even dare to sign a life-and-death agreement, is he even a man?”

“Wasn’t he just saying we should all come at him? Now he’s silent when it comes to signing a life-and-death agreement.”

Amidst the mocking and laughter, Emma Jiang frowned and said to Terra Su, “Terra Su, don’t listen to them. A duel is just a duel, no need to sign a life-and-death agreement.”

Terra Su was only at the first level of the Condensing Origin Realm, while Miles Ye was at the second level. Forcing a life-and-death agreement in such an uneven duel was hardly fair.

But Terra Su, who had been standing with his eyes half-closed, suddenly looked up and smiled, “As long as Miles Ye is willing to sign, I have no objections.”

“Terra Su, don’t sign!” Emma Jiang said angrily. She thought Terra Su had changed from her impression, but now he seemed just as unreliable as ever. How could he sign a life-and-death agreement in such an unfair duel?

However, Terra Su ignored her, striding to the duel platform. He pulled out a sheet of white paper from the table, dipped it in ink, and quickly wrote a life-and-death agreement.

Then, with a flourish, Terra Su signed his name at the bottom right corner of the agreement.


Terra Su tossed the agreement at Miles Ye’s feet, “I’ve signed it. Now it’s your turn!”

Miles Ye’s face darkened instantly. He hadn’t expected Terra Su to sign the agreement first, putting him in a passive position.


Miles Ye snorted coldly and picked up the brush, quickly signing his name on the agreement.

Terra Su’s cultivation level was lower than his, making his victory certain. He didn’t believe that Terra Su wouldn’t be scared after signing the life-and-death agreement!

But to his disappointment, Terra Su remained calm, watching him sign with an expression as still as a deep well.

Miles Ye narrowed his eyes, a flash of killing intent in their depths.

Miles Ye was very displeased!

In the younger generation of Clear River City, no one had ever dared to act so arrogantly in front of him.

He swore to make Terra Su pay for his reckless arrogance.

By now, the sky was fully bright.

More and more people gathered around the duel platform.

“What? Terra Su and Miles Ye signed a life-and-death agreement?”

“Terra Su is too arrogant. Although he broke through to the Condensing Origin Realm, it’s only been a few days. Miles Ye has been at the second level of the Condensing Origin Realm for three years!”

“He’s a whole level lower in cultivation, yet he dares to sign a life-and-death agreement. Looks like we might witness the fall of a genius today.”

The crowd’s discussions reached Emma Jiang’s ears, making her even more anxious. She hadn’t known about Terra Su’s duel with Miles Ye until she heard the servants talking about it this morning.

And now, the whole of Clear River City knew about this duel!

She had rushed over without even washing up, only to find Terra Su had signed a life-and-death agreement!

Emma Jiang was furious with Terra Su. She bit her lip and dragged him to a corner, “Come with me!”

Terra Su was puzzled as she pulled him aside, “What’s the matter?”

Emma Jiang frowned and said, “Don’t you know I’ll be worried?”

“Worried? About who?” Terra Su asked, confused.

“Worried about you!” Emma Jiang said angrily.

“Worried about me? Hahaha…”

Terra Su couldn’t help but laugh.

But halfway through his laughter, he noticed the girl in front of him was silent, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Terra Su stopped laughing and asked in surprise, “Are you really crying?”

Even Emperor Terra was puzzled. In his past life, this girl had never been like this. When had she ever cried for him?





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