Chapter 61 – On-the-spot lesson or on-the-spot discipline

Terra Su stood tall and firm, his eyes cold and unyielding. Sophia Xu and her mother had already fulfilled their filial duties; at least at this moment, they had a clear conscience!


Moreover, if the other party hadn't gone too far earlier, Terra wouldn't have retaliated so fiercely.


After a while, Madam Jiang finally woke up slowly.


"Mother, are you alright?"


Otto Jiang and Robert Jiang immediately supported Madam Jiang from both sides.


"I'm fine."


Madam Jiang shook her head, her eyes filled with rage as she glared at Terra Su.


"Boy, since you said what you did, I will make it clear today: I will never accept any gifts from your branch of the family again! Don't even think about it!"


Madam Jiang spoke coldly, her words resolute.


As she spoke, she picked up the pair of jade bracelets Emma Jiang had given her and threw them back to Terra.


Terra raised his hand and caught the bracelets, saying indifferently, "That's fine. We didn't want to give them to you anyway."




Madam Jiang snorted coldly, her eyes still burning with anger.


"Terra Su!"


At this moment, a thunderous voice rang out, and a figure strode out from the crowd.


"Today is Madam Jiang's seventieth birthday. As a junior, you dared to openly disrespect her at her birthday banquet. I will represent all the juniors present today and curb your arrogance!"


The person pointed at Terra Su, his tone righteous and stern.


It was none other than Sean Wang!


Sean Wang's eyes were fixed on Terra, his words powerful and resonant. To those who didn't know better, it might seem as if he was genuinely standing up for Madam Jiang. But in reality, Sean was simply bitter about losing to Terra earlier and wanted revenge.


In Sean's view, losing to someone in the Inducing Qi Realm as a Condensing Origin Realm genius was the greatest humiliation of his life. However, it was because he had underestimated Terra and suppressed his cultivation level to the Inducing Qi Realm that he lost.


Now, this was a golden opportunity for Sean to regain his honor.


"That's right, such an arrogant junior should be taught a lesson!"


"Comparing Madam Jiang to a dog at her birthday banquet is outrageous!"


The guests present all voiced their support for Sean to teach Terra a lesson.


Only Instructor Ouyang from Tianyue Academy and Alchemist Yu from the Alchemy Guild remained silent.


These two held high status and didn't need to curry favor with Madam Jiang or the Jiang Family, so they stayed out of it.




Sophia Xu quickly intervened, "This is Madam Jiang's birthday banquet. How can you resort to violence here?"


"I don't mind!"


A cold voice rang out; it was Madam Jiang speaking icily!


As she spoke, she cast a look of disgust at Terra, a flash of rage in her eyes. Clearly, Terra's earlier words comparing her to a dog had infuriated her.


"Second sister-in-law."


Otto Jiang, who had been silent for a long time, raised an eyebrow and said calmly, "It's Sean Wang who wants to teach Terra a lesson. As an elder, you should stay out of it and just watch."


He then looked towards the VIP seats not far away and said, "Instructor Ouyang, Alchemist Yu, Patriarch Wang, Patriarch Ye, I apologize for the spectacle!"


The four people Otto addressed were the highest-ranking individuals present.


Instructor Ouyang merely nodded slightly, showing no further interest as the matter didn't concern him.


Alchemist Yu cleared his throat, indicating his stance, "A junior who disrespects his elders deserves some punishment!"


Patriarch Wang, being Sean's elder, had no objections. In his view, Sean should indeed teach Terra a lesson.


As for Patriarch Ye, it was none of his business, so he went along with the majority.


With this, everyone present agreed to let Sean teach Terra a lesson.


Terra seemed to have anticipated this outcome, a mocking smile playing on his lips, showing his indifference.


"Aunt, there's no need to argue with them. I'll handle this," Terra said.


"Haha, brave words!" Sean Wang laughed deeply, "It seems the earlier exchange has given you a false sense of your own strength and mine."


"But soon, you'll realize the vast difference between the Inducing Qi Realm and the Condensing Origin Realm!"


As he finished speaking, a sinister look appeared on Sean's face. This time, he was determined to regain his honor!


"In that case, let's move outside the banquet hall and let them have a match!" Otto Jiang said calmly.


In martial families, sparring at banquets was common. They just needed to move outside to have enough space for the fight.


Everyone moved to the courtyard outside the banquet hall, where there was a thirty meters square space, enough for a battle.


"Boy, you won't escape this time!" Sean Wang sneered, his eyes filled with killing intent. He lowered his voice and said, "I'm going to cripple you!"


"Daydreaming!" Terra replied with just four words.


Sean sneered, looking at the crowd, and suddenly raised his voice, "Everyone, for fairness and because it's Madam Jiang's birthday banquet, we shouldn't shed blood. So I propose we fight without weapons, bare-handed."




"Fighting bare-handed will better test true strength."


Bare-handed combat always made people more excited. Now that there was a chance to watch a bare-handed fight, everyone cheered in agreement.


Terra sneered, knowing that Sean intended to beat him to a pulp. Just because he won the earlier exchange, Sean now wanted to go all out.


"Fighting bare-handed, you'll lose even faster," Terra said with a faint smile. He was speaking the truth. If Sean fought him with weapons, he might last longer. Bare-handed combat was just asking for death.


"Haha…" Sean laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke, "You think I'll lose to you?"


His face suddenly turned fierce, "This time, you're asking for death, so don't blame me!"


With that, Sean raised his fist, threads of True Essence coiling around it, and punched towards Terra's face!


This time, Sean used his full Condensing Origin Realm power. He believed that with his full power, he wouldn't need any martial techniques to crush Terra.


Terra showed no fear, meeting the punch head-on.


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, their fists collided fiercely.




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