Chapter 60 – Gift for dog

Sophia Xu’s expression also changed slightly. She hadn’t expected Robert Jiang to deliberately make things difficult for her. But given the situation, she could only brace herself and step forward, opening the box in her hands. “Daughter-in-law wishes Madam Jiang many happy returns.”

Inside the box was a handmade forehead band. The dark green satin was embroidered with auspicious peach patterns, bordered with delicate sky-blue lace, and lined with warm rabbit fur.

The forehead band looked beautiful and exquisite, but compared to the lavish birthday gifts given by Otto Jiang and Robert Jiang earlier, it seemed too simple.

Madam Jiang’s smile had already vanished. She coldly said, “Is this the birthday gift you prepared, Second Lady?”

Sophia Xu replied, “This forehead band was sewn by me personally. I specifically added herbs inside that have calming effects. Wearing it on the forehead is beneficial to your health. I hope you like it.”

However, Madam Jiang’s face remained stern, showing no sign of liking the gift.

Seeing this, the crowd began to whisper among themselves.

“What kind of birthday gift is this? At most, it’s worth a hundred taels of silver. Madam Jiang is so wealthy; how could she possibly like such a shabby gift?”

“I think this Second Lady is too unfilial, not even willing to spend a little money for Madam Jiang.”

Sophia Xu’s face turned ugly. The forehead band was the result of her meticulous work over half a month. Although she didn’t particularly like Madam Jiang, she still made the forehead band with sincere filial piety.

Moreover, she had carefully added herbs to benefit Madam Jiang’s health.

Her intention was to repay resentment with kindness, hoping to touch Madam Jiang’s heart and make her less harsh on her and her daughter.

But now, she was being criticized so harshly.

Does everything in this world have to be measured by money and face?

Is sincerity so worthless?

Madam Jiang looked at the forehead band with no trace of happiness on her face. She impatiently ordered a maid, “Take it away!”

The maid stepped forward indifferently, grabbed the box with the forehead band, and casually tossed it onto the pile of gifts.

The box happened to hit another box and rolled to the side, with the forehead band falling out. The maid just looked on coldly, not bothering to pick it up.

This attitude was in stark contrast to how Madam Jiang had earlier instructed the maid to carefully store the gifts from Otto and Robert Jiang.

Sophia Xu felt a pang of sadness. Her sincerely made gift was treated like trash.

She had held a glimmer of hope for Madam Jiang, but now it was completely gone.

After Sophia Xu presented her gift, it was Emma Jiang’s turn.

“Granddaughter prepared this pair of jade bracelets for Grandmother, wishing you longevity as eternal as the southern mountains.”

The jade bracelets Emma Jiang presented were quite ordinary. Compared to the Night Pearl Timothy Jiang had given earlier, their value was far inferior.

This again sparked a wave of discussion among the crowd.

“The mother and daughter both gave such shabby gifts. It’s too unfilial.”

“Filial piety is the foremost virtue. As important members of the Jiang Family, giving such shabby gifts is just making the Jiang Family a laughing stock.”

The crowd’s comments made Sophia Xu and Emma Jiang feel extremely embarrassed.

Emma Jiang didn’t care much, as she hadn’t put much thought into her gift. But Sophia Xu had painstakingly made the forehead band, only to be treated this way.

Robert Jiang feigned surprise and said, “Second Sister-in-law, are you out of money? How could you give such a shabby gift? If you were short on money, you could have told me. I’m not stingy and would have lent you some. Now, you’re just embarrassing the Jiang Family in front of everyone.”

His words, though seemingly for Sophia Xu’s good, were actually adding insult to injury.

Terra Su, who had been listening, frowned deeply.

He hadn’t intended to pay attention to the gift-giving, but Robert Jiang’s words were becoming increasingly inappropriate.

Seeing Sophia Xu trying to maintain her composure but still showing signs of disappointment, Terra Su’s eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

At this moment, Timothy Jiang, always one to stir trouble, suddenly spoke up, “Oh, I almost forgot. There’s still a junior from the second branch, Terra Su!”

With a provocative look, Timothy Jiang glanced at Terra Su from afar and said with a smile, “Terra Su, what gift did you prepare for Madam Jiang? Don’t tell us it’s as shabby as theirs.”

His words were clearly meant to provoke.


Terra Su tossed his chopsticks aside and stood up.

Under everyone’s gaze, Terra Su slowly walked to Madam Jiang’s table but didn’t take out any gift.

Instead, he bent down, picked up the forehead band Sophia Xu had made from the pile of gifts, and handed it back to her. “Auntie, they don’t appreciate this gift. Let’s take it back.”

“Take… take it back?” Sophia Xu was stunned. Could a gift once given be taken back?

Terra Su nodded calmly. “Yes, Auntie. Don’t you have a pet dog in the backyard? I think it needs a forehead band. Let’s give this one to it.”

The entire hall fell silent.

Everyone thought they had misheard!

Terra Su actually said he would take back the gift meant for Madam Jiang and give it to a dog!

“Terra Su!” Robert Jiang glared angrily. “Explain yourself!”

Today was Madam Jiang’s seventieth birthday, and Terra Su dared to say such things publicly. Did he not know the meaning of death?

But Terra Su didn’t even glance at Robert Jiang. He said calmly, “At least a dog would bark a few times and might understand that you’re doing something good for it. It would be grateful. But giving it to a person only gets you cold stares and disdain.”

“So, isn’t it clear who the gift should go to?”

A birthday gift is a token of filial piety.

But if this filial piety is treated like dirt, is there any point in continuing to show it?

“Terra Su!” Robert Jiang’s face turned red and white with anger. Terra Su’s words clearly implied that Madam Jiang was worse than a dog!

“Madam Jiang!” Suddenly, a maid’s panicked scream rang out.

Turning to look, they saw Madam Jiang pointing a trembling finger at Terra Su, her face pale and covered in cold sweat, almost fainting from anger!

Immediately, the hall was filled with screams. A crowd of people rushed to help Madam Jiang, pinching her philtrum and massaging her temples.

Robert Jiang was furious. “Terra Su, if Madam Jiang suffers because of this, I’ll skin you alive! And you, Second Sister-in-law, Emma, you won’t escape blame either!”




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