Chapter 55 – Wild thoughts

If she were a Condensing Origin Realm expert, on par with Otto Jiang and Robert Jiang, would Otto still dare to take her Tianyue Academy spot and give it to Liz Jiang?

Would Otto and Robert still dare to marry her off to Wang Sheng?

“What should I do to become stronger?” Emma Jiang murmured to herself.

Terra Su nodded silently. He saw a stubborn determination in Emma’s eyes, a quality essential for a Martial Practitioner, and one of the reasons he believed Emma had great potential.

Terra spoke, “There are four days left until the birthday banquet. I will teach you a martial technique, and within these four days, you must master it. Of course, it will be very tough.”

“I’m not afraid of hardship,” Emma said stubbornly.

Terra nodded, “This martial technique is called ‘Withering and Flourishing Fist.’”

From the martial techniques in his past life memories, Terra chose “Withering and Flourishing Fist” to teach Emma.

The “Withering and Flourishing Fist” is a boxing technique that embodies the ultimate principles of Yin and Yang, simulating the cycle of life and death. The entire set consists of nine forms, and with each form mastered, the power of the technique doubles.

Thus, mastering the second form elevates the technique to the level of a Normal Grade mid-tier martial skill. If one masters the fourth form, its power reaches the Normal Grade high-tier.

As for the forms beyond the fourth, their power is even greater, but with Emma’s current strength, she can’t even touch them.

Of course, Terra had other reasons for choosing this technique for Emma.

When Emma heard that the second form could reach the Normal Grade mid-tier, she was excited. This was a whole tier higher than the Normal Grade low-tier finger technique she was currently practicing.

So, Terra taught Emma the mantra of the “Withering and Flourishing Fist,” and once Emma familiarized herself with it, she immediately began practicing.

Emma seemed to have a natural talent for the “Withering and Flourishing Fist,” quickly getting the hang of it.

However, mastering any martial technique truly tests one’s endurance after the initial learning phase. At this stage, one must repeatedly practice the moves until they become second nature, forming muscle memory.

In the courtyard, Emma practiced the moves of the “Withering and Flourishing Fist” against a sandbag hundreds and thousands of times. Her fists soon became raw and bloody, but she didn’t care, repeating the practice over and over.

Whenever she thought of Otto and Liz plotting to take her spot at Tianyue Academy, a fire seemed to burn in her chest, and a voice in her heart kept shouting, “Get stronger, I must become stronger!”

This determination drove Emma to practice the “Withering and Flourishing Fist” a thousand times, two thousand times, three thousand times…

Meanwhile, Terra was in his room, swallowing Minor Origin Elixirs and practicing the “Chaotic Immortal Records.”

Terra had no doubt that Emma could master the “Withering and Flourishing Fist” because he knew the technique seemed tailor-made for her. As long as Emma was willing, she could unleash its full power.

Emma’s physique was naturally suited for the “Withering and Flourishing Fist,” a secret only Terra knew.

In her past life, Emma had unexpectedly awakened a rare dual True Essence Core physique when she broke through to the Condensing Origin Realm.

Though not as heaven-defying as Terra’s current five True Essence Cores, Emma’s dual cores were both of mutated attributes!

Mutated attributes are those beyond the basic elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Most Martial Practitioners’ True Essence Cores are one of these five elements, with only a small chance of being a mutated attribute, like wind or thunder.

Emma’s dual True Essence Cores were Yin and Yang attributes, forming a perfect balance.

When Emma awakened her dual True Essence Cores, she transformed from a minor genius to an extraordinary one.

Her physique should have made her a top-tier genius, sought after by academies and sects. But at that time, Emma was disfigured and heartbroken, her dual mutated True Essence Cores never fully developed, and few knew of her powerful physique until her death.

However, this life would be different.

The “Withering and Flourishing Fist” was just the beginning of Emma’s journey to change her fate.

Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, Terra practiced the “Chaotic Immortal Records” by day and soaked in the Tempering Bath by night. He could clearly feel his body growing stronger each day, even without using any True Qi or True Essence, his muscles brimming with explosive power.

During these three days, Emma practiced the “Withering and Flourishing Fist” tirelessly in the courtyard. She had lost count of how many bandages she had changed, each one soaked with blood, but she seemed oblivious to the pain, practicing day and night.

“How’s your practice going?”

Terra’s voice sounded from behind, and Emma finally stopped.

“I’ve completely mastered the first form. I’ve also started on the second form, but there are a few points I’m not quite clear on.”

Emma answered confidently. Though she had never practiced a Normal Grade mid-tier martial skill before, she knew that mastering the first form and starting on the second in three days was an impressive speed.

However, Terra frowned, “Too slow!”

“Too slow?” Emma looked at Terra in disbelief, annoyed, “This is a Normal Grade mid-tier martial skill! Reaching this level in three days is faster than ninety-nine percent of people.”

Terra replied, “If you only want to compare yourself to those ninety-nine percent, then you might as well leave this courtyard. This place isn’t for you.”

Emma was speechless. Yes, how could she compare herself to those ninety-nine percent? Her goal should be the top one percent of geniuses.

Her restless heart gradually calmed down. Emma took a deep breath and said, “Can you help me with the points I’m not clear on?”


Terra then put away his cold demeanor and patiently guided Emma through each move.

With his hands-on teaching, Emma’s progress accelerated, and mastering the second form was within reach.

However, with hands-on teaching, close physical contact was inevitable.

Emma didn’t know why, but her heart started to race uncontrollably, and where her body touched Terra’s, her fair skin blushed slightly.

Fortunately, Terra didn’t seem to notice.

Emma scolded herself for her wild thoughts and focused her mind, continuing her practice.




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