Chapter 54 – Strength is the passport to everything

Mixing the medicinal liquid didn’t require an alchemy furnace but demanded precise operations and proportions. Any slight mistake would result in failure.

Time flew by, and after an entire day, Terra Su finally had ten boxes of bright red medicinal liquid in front of him. Each box was bubbling as if it were boiling.

“Finally, it’s done.” Terra Su shook his slightly sore arm. He had to admit, mixing these medicinal liquids was very taxing on his soul power. With his current fifteen-year-old body, it took a long time to recover after each mix.

“Time to start the Tempering Bath.”

Terra Su stood up and called for a servant to bring a bathtub into his room and fill it with hot water.

After closing the door, he poured one box of the bright red tempering liquid into the bathtub. The water quickly turned a deep red, resembling a ruby.

Terra Su undressed and leaped into the tub. The next moment, he was submerged in the medicinal water.

The bright red liquid bubbled, and the fiery red essence seeped into Terra Su’s skin through his pores, beginning to temper his flesh.

It felt as if tens of thousands of steel needles were piercing his skin all at once, causing him to break out in a cold sweat and making him want to jump out of the tub immediately.

However, Terra Su suppressed this impulse.

“This pain is nothing compared to the suffering I endured before I turned thirty in my previous life,” Terra Su thought, gritting his teeth and forcing himself to endure the pain.

To wear the crown, one must bear its weight. To achieve the highest power in the world, one must go through countless trials and tribulations.

With this resolve, Terra Su endured the excruciating pain of the countless needles and began to circulate the “Chaotic Immortal Records,” accelerating the absorption of the medicinal power.

The fiery red essence in the tub was rapidly absorbed by Terra Su.

A night passed.

By the next morning, the bright red water in the tub had turned completely clear and transparent, with all the medicinal essence absorbed by Terra Su.

His body was covered in a layer of black, sticky substance, which he knew were impurities expelled from his body. After cleaning himself, he put on his clothes.

The Tempering Bath needed to be done for ten days in total, and this was only the first day. Yet, he could already feel a difference throughout his body, as if he were stronger than before.

Terra Su recalled the consensus in the Martial Dao world about body tempering: only those with great perseverance could endure it. Body tempering was a form of self-torture, and one had to be mentally prepared for hellish pain.

In the Martial Dao world, there were many with mediocre talent who took the path of body tempering to become strong. Body tempering provided a path to strength for those with less natural talent.

However, the effort required to become strong through body tempering was much greater and more arduous than other paths.

Although Terra Su did not intend to take the path of body tempering, he could already feel how difficult it was.

But then again, was there any easy path in cultivation?

To become strong and achieve a hundred times the accomplishments of ordinary people, one must endure a hundred times the hardship.

The road to becoming a strong person had no shortcuts.

Knock, knock!

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in!”

To Terra Su’s slight surprise, the person who entered was Emma Jiang, dressed in martial attire.

Their eyes met, and the atmosphere in the room became awkward. There had always been some tension between Emma and Terra Su.

But today, Emma took the initiative to break the awkwardness. She looked at Terra Su and asked, “Is it true that Liz Jiang wants to take my Tianyue Academy spot at the old lady’s birthday banquet?”

“Do you not know the answer yourself?” Terra Su did not answer but asked in return.

Emma bit her lip. To be honest, when Sophia Xu first relayed Terra Su’s words to her, her initial reaction was disbelief. Even if it were true, how could Terra Su possibly know?

However, having heard about it, she couldn’t help but pay attention and secretly investigate.

She discovered that Otto Jiang had quietly sent someone to buy the most potent Soft Tendon Powder from the Five Treasures Hall, and Liz Jiang had been in an exceptionally good mood lately, despite having no apparent reason for it…

One thing after another matched what Terra Su had said, causing Emma’s heart to gradually grow cold.

She knew Terra Su was telling the truth!

“You will help me, right?” Emma bit her lip and looked at Terra Su, “You’ve helped me several times before; you’ll help me this time too, won’t you?”

Although Emma spoke with certainty, Terra Su could clearly see a hint of panic in her eyes, as if she were afraid he would refuse.

“I can help you for a while, but not for a lifetime,” Terra Su said. “You have to overcome this challenge yourself.”

“By myself?” Emma was puzzled. “What should I do?”

Terra Su did not answer but asked, “Why do you think Otto Jiang and Liz Jiang dare to covet your spot at Tianyue Academy?”

Faced with this question, Emma’s face turned pale. “Because they bully me, an orphan without a father. Ever since my father disappeared, they’ve been finding ways to bully me and my mother.”

This statement had clearly been pent up in Emma’s heart for a long time.

Because she had no father, she had to put on a proud facade from a young age as a form of protection. Only then would others not bully her.

Because she had no father, she had become sensitive and vain, constantly seeking others’ approval and often doing things that contradicted her true feelings.

If her father were still around, how would Liz Jiang dare to take her Tianyue Academy spot?

“That’s not it!”

Terra Su shook his head.

“Not it?” Emma was stunned.

Could it be that Otto Jiang and Liz Jiang didn’t bully her because she had no father?

“It’s because your strength is insufficient.”

“It’s not for any other reason; it’s simply because your strength is insufficient.”

Terra Su looked into Emma’s eyes and slowly, word by word, said, “In the Martial Dao world, strength is the ultimate pass.”

“Only the strong can achieve immortality.”

“Only the strong can easily obtain power and wealth.”

“Similarly, only the strong can control their own destiny and not be manipulated by anyone.”

“If you had the strength today, who would dare to take your spot? Similarly, if you had the strength in the past, who would dare to arrange your marriage?”

Emma had never heard anyone speak to her like this, and she was momentarily stunned.

“Similarly, if you gain unparalleled strength in the future, you can try to find your father.”

Emma’s eyes gradually brightened.

She had thought about these things before.

But previously, these thoughts were not clear in her mind.

No one had ever told her so clearly and definitively that as long as she gained great strength, she could firmly grasp her destiny.

For a moment, Emma felt as if she had been enlightened.




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