Chapter 91 – The incredible Terra Su

They saw, within that pillar of azure flame, a small globule of elixir completely enveloped by the fire, spinning continuously, being compressed more and more, visibly shrinking in size and increasing in density.

This scene made one of the judges gasp sharply, “He’s… not using the alchemy furnace wall, but directly tempering the elixir with fire! This can greatly speed up the condensing process!”

The other two judges were equally stunned. Such a method of condensing elixirs was unheard of. To directly use fire without the furnace wall required an extraordinary level of control.

One misstep and the elixir could be scorched. Terra Su dared to do this because of his precise control over the flame. What kind of mastery did it take to achieve this?

One judge furrowed his brow, as if recalling something. After a moment, he exclaimed, “I remember now! This method of condensing elixirs is called ‘Moonlight on the Sea,’ an ancient technique long lost. I only saw it in an old book, and the description matches exactly what Master Su is doing now.”

“No way, another lost technique? How is that possible?”

The judge shook his head, “I find it hard to believe too. It might be a coincidence. If Master Su is truly using ‘Moonlight on the Sea,’ it’s terrifying!”

Mastering both the lost alchemy school of the “Star Plucking Technique” and the ancient condensing method “Moonlight on the Sea,” and being so young, Terra Su was beyond comprehension!

“Master Mo, is it really as amazing as they say?”

The young girl asked curiously.

Master Mo nodded solemnly, “If this is indeed the legendary ancient technique ‘Moonlight on the Sea,’ it means Terra Su’s alchemy skills far surpass all of us here!”

Master Mo was equally astonished. Terra Su’s performance was beyond extraordinary, more like an unfathomable ancient monster than a fifteen-year-old boy.

A genius in the Elixir Path appeared in Clear River City. How would those old fellows in Anyang City react if they knew?

As the crowd’s emotions churned, Terra Su finally uttered three words:

“Condense for me!”

The elixir in the azure flame was compressed to the extreme, becoming a solid the size of a longan seed, suspended in the flame like a moon in the sea, enveloped by water.

“He actually succeeded in condensing the elixir!”

The pupils of those present contracted sharply, their bodies trembling, muttering in disbelief, “There’s no mistake, this is the legendary ancient technique ‘Moonlight on the Sea’!”

“Unbelievable, a fifteen-year-old boy actually knows ‘Moonlight on the Sea.’ This trip was truly worthwhile!”

Terra Su formed a hand seal, and the azure flame retracted.


The furnace lid fell heavily, and a rich fragrance wafted out from the alchemy furnace.

The aroma was so refreshing that just a whiff made every pore open up, absorbing the enticing scent.

“What a rich elixir fragrance!”

They murmured in awe as Terra Su retrieved the completed elixir from the furnace.

The elixir was the size of a longan seed, round and deep purple, adorned with silver specks, clearly a finished Purple Star Elixir.

As for its quality—

Master Mo quickly approached, closely examining the Purple Star Elixir in Terra Su’s hand, and confidently concluded:

“This is a thirteen-star Purple Star Elixir!”

With Master Mo’s declaration, a “thud” was heard nearby.

It was Master Wang, who had collapsed to the ground, his face pale, utterly speechless.

“Master Wang, you lost!”

Master Mo said solemnly. Terra Su’s use of “Moonlight on the Sea” had greatly accelerated the condensing process, leaving a bit of time before the end.

And Terra Su’s thirteen-star Purple Star Elixir far surpassed Master Wang’s ten-star elixir.

In this alchemy duel, Master Wang lost clearly!

“I actually lost!”

Master Wang couldn’t accept the reality before him. As a second-grade alchemist, he lost to a fifteen-year-old boy.

Master Mo and the three judges shook their heads. Today, Master Wang vividly demonstrated what it means to bring disgrace upon oneself. He intended to win the Panlong Grass from Terra Su but ended up losing both face and substance.

As a second-grade alchemist, challenging a fifteen-year-old to an alchemy duel and losing. If this spread, Master Wang’s reputation in Anyang County would be ruined.

At this moment, Master Wang appeared like a clown to them, utterly ridiculous.

“Master Wang, please abide by the duel rules and hand over the Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder to Young Friend Su.”

Master Mo said solemnly. Both parties had signed a written agreement for the duel, which was not to be reneged.

Master Wang knew this too. With a grim face, he reluctantly took out a three-inch-long jade box.

Opening the jade box revealed a red, semi-transparent oval bead the size of an apricot seed, emitting a scorching heat that raised the temperature in the duel room by several degrees.

Master Mo took the jade box and handed it to Terra Su with a smile, “Young Friend Su, here you go!”

Terra Su took the jade box, his face showing satisfaction. It was indeed the Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder, very pure and potent. With this, he could refine a batch of high-quality Great Origin Elixirs.

The better the main ingredient, the higher the quality of the elixir. With this Red Crystal Snake gallbladder, even if other ingredients were slightly inferior, the resulting elixir would still be of high quality.

Master Wang watched helplessly as Terra Su took the Red Crystal Snake gallbladder, his face full of pain. He had gone through great efforts and expense to obtain it, only to hand it over to Terra Su. At this moment, Master Wang even had thoughts of killing Terra Su.

As for the young girl, she was now staring at Terra Su in complete astonishment, her eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue.




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