Chapter 89 – I want to challenge you to an alchemy duel!

“Just now, I suspect you cheated during the alchemy!”

Master Wang pointed a finger at Terra Su. “You were just messing around earlier. That second-grade elixir of yours wasn’t made on the spot; it was pre-made!”

As soon as Master Wang said this, the three judges were stunned.

One of the judges couldn’t help but say, “Master Wang, isn’t that a bit too much?”

They weren’t amateurs. They could tell the difference between an elixir made on the spot and one that was pre-made.

The Clear Dew Elixir just now was clearly made by Terra Su on the spot. There was no doubt about it.

Master Wang, however, didn’t listen to the three judges. In his view, saying Terra Su had mastered the Star Plucking Technique was absolute nonsense. Although he didn’t know what trick Terra Su used to produce the Clear Dew Elixir, Master Wang was certain that Terra Su couldn’t use such a cheating method a second time!

“I want to challenge you to an alchemy duel!”

Master Wang said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on Terra Su.

An alchemy duel?

Master Mo and the three judges were all taken aback. An alchemy duel, as the name suggests, is a competition between alchemists, different from ordinary alchemy, and is filled with tension.

And now, Master Wang, a second-grade alchemist, was actively proposing an alchemy duel with Terra Su.

Master Mo immediately frowned and said, “Young Friend Su just finished making an elixir today. It’s not suitable for an alchemy duel. If Master Wang really wants to, it should be done another day.”

“What, you don’t dare to make another second-grade elixir on the spot?”

Master Wang sneered, his tone full of mockery.

Even Master Mo, with his good temper, couldn’t help but get a bit angry at this moment. “Master Wang, as a second-grade alchemist, don’t you know that alchemy consumes soul power? Young Friend Su just finished making a second-grade elixir, and his soul power is depleted. If you challenge him to an alchemy duel now, where’s the fairness in that?”

Master Wang knew he was in the wrong, but he was unwilling to give up. His eyes, sharp as swords, shot towards Terra Su. “Terra Su! Do you dare or not?”

“Young Friend Su, don’t agree to it.”

Master Mo quickly spoke up to stop him. He knew that although Master Wang’s character was mediocre, his alchemy skills were top-notch among second-grade alchemists. Moreover, Terra Su’s current state was not suitable for accepting an alchemy duel challenge.

“Wait, I have a wager!”

Master Wang gritted his teeth and threw out his final trump card. “If Terra Su wins the duel, I’ll give him a Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder!”

As soon as Master Wang said this, the originally indifferent Terra Su suddenly seemed to come alive, his eyes shining brightly. “A Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder?”

“That’s right!”

Seeing Terra Su’s interest, Master Wang quickly struck while the iron was hot, using a tempting tone. “The Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder is an excellent material for making Wind Fire Elixirs, even more valuable than Panlong Grass. Don’t you want it?”

Of course, Terra Su wanted it.

However, more than that, he was intrigued by another implication in Master Wang’s words. From what Master Wang said, it seemed that in the world of alchemy in the Cloud Abyss Empire, they actually used the Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder to make Wind Fire Elixirs?

This was an outrageous waste. The Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder was the main ingredient for making Great Origin Elixirs!

What is a Great Origin Elixir?

It’s a miraculous elixir that can instantly boost a Condensing Origin Realm martial practitioner’s level by one. Its effect is similar to that of Jade Fruits for Inducing Qi Realm practitioners. However, its limit is the fourth level of the Condensing Origin Realm. If taken after reaching the fourth level, it has no effect.

If such an elixir were to be sold, it would definitely become a highly sought-after item for martial practitioners below the fourth level of the Condensing Origin Realm, fetching an astronomical price.

But from Master Wang’s words, it seemed he didn’t even know that the Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder could be used to make Great Origin Elixirs.

This was like a stroke of luck falling from the sky. Terra Su thought to himself that he must get his hands on that Red Crystal Snake’s gallbladder today.

“Alright, I’ll duel you in alchemy.”

As soon as Terra Su casually said this, Master Wang was stunned. He hadn’t expected it to be so easy. He thought he would have to persuade Terra Su with more effort.

“Fine, if you lose, that Panlong Grass will be mine!”

Master Wang said eagerly, as if afraid Terra Su would back out.

“Young Friend Su…”

Master Mo looked at Terra Su with some disapproval. Making two second-grade elixirs in a row would consume a lot of soul power. Even the most talented alchemist could fall behind.

Terra Su, however, interrupted with a light smile. “Master Mo, and the three judges, please bear witness to this alchemy duel.”


Master Mo could only nod. “Everyone, follow me to the alchemy duel room.”

The three judges naturally had no objections. After all, they hadn’t had enough of watching the Star Plucking Technique. Terra Su’s alchemy earlier was so fast that they missed many steps. Now they had a chance to see it again, so why not?

The Alchemy Guild had a special alchemy duel room, different from ordinary alchemy rooms only in that it had two identical ordinary attribute-less alchemy furnaces for the duelists to use.

Under Master Mo’s supervision, Terra Su and Master Wang each signed the alchemy duel contract, making the duel official and binding.

“Now, I’ll explain the rules of the alchemy duel. Each of you will make a furnace of the same second-grade elixir, the type of which will be randomly selected by us judges. You have one hour. After an hour, you will present your elixirs, and we will judge their quality to determine the winner.”

Master Mo said, taking out a brocade pouch. Under everyone’s watchful eyes, he drew a slip of paper from the pouch and read aloud, “Purple Star Elixir.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the judges all gasped. They had drawn the Purple Star Elixir, one of the most difficult second-grade elixirs to make!

Master Wang’s face twitched. He had proposed the duel, but he hadn’t expected to draw the Purple Star Elixir. Its difficulty was immense, and even he wasn’t fully confident in making it successfully.

“If there are no objections, we can start now.”

Master Wang steeled himself. Start it then. If he couldn’t make it, Terra Su had even less chance.

In the end, Master Wang still believed that Terra Su hadn’t really mastered the Star Plucking Technique. The earlier success was just a fluke. Terra Su might have some alchemy skills, but compared to an experienced second-grade alchemist like him, he was far behind.

“Begin the alchemy duel!”

With Master Mo’s announcement, Master Wang began his alchemy process.




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