Chapter 88 – Star Plucking Technique

“How is this possible?”

A judge exclaimed in disbelief, “How could he complete so many steps in such a short time? To successfully refine a second-grade elixir in the time it takes for a stick of incense to burn is unheard of!”

Alchemy is an incredibly meticulous craft. Even a seasoned second-grade alchemist like Master Mo would be drenched in sweat, laboring beside the alchemy furnace for half an hour to produce a Clear Dew Elixir.

“Of course, it’s possible.”

Master Mo said, “Haven’t you heard of the Star Plucking Technique?”

“Star Plucking Technique?”

Two of the judges were taken aback, feeling as if they had never heard of such a term.

But the remaining judge’s expression changed drastically, and he said in disbelief, “Master Mo, you don’t mean to say that the method this young man used is the Star Plucking Technique, do you?”

“That’s exactly what I mean!” Master Mo replied.

The other two judges looked at each other and asked, “What is the Star Plucking Technique?”

“The Star Plucking Technique is an ancient alchemy school.”

Master Mo explained, “Unlike typical alchemy schools which require every step to be meticulously followed, the Star Plucking Technique is bold and unrestrained. Traditional alchemy demands strict adherence to each procedure, where any mistake could ruin the final product. However, alchemists of the Star Plucking Technique emphasize freeform execution, adapting their methods based on the specific circumstances of each alchemy session.”

“But don’t underestimate the Star Plucking Technique. It’s not random at all. Every alchemist of this school has undergone tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of alchemy sessions, internalizing every detail to the point where they can freely adapt their methods.”


The judge shook his head repeatedly, “The Star Plucking Technique has been lost to time. Even if it hadn’t, only those who have dedicated their entire lives to the Elixir Path could master it. Him? Even if he started studying alchemy from birth, it’s only been a few years. It’s utterly impossible.”

Master Mo said solemnly, “At first, I didn’t believe it either. But the alchemy method Young Friend Su used just now was unmistakably the long-lost Star Plucking Technique. It seemed chaotic, completely disregarding traditional steps, yet the result was a swiftly condensed elixir. There’s only one explanation: he used the Star Plucking Technique!”

“Impossible, I still don’t believe it.”

Though the judge said this, doubt crept into his heart. As Master Mo had pointed out, if Terra Su was just randomly mixing ingredients, it would be impossible to condense an elixir.

“Absurd, utterly absurd.”

Master Wang shouted, “You must be mad. That kid was just messing around, can’t you see? I bet he didn’t succeed in condensing an elixir. Just wait and see.”

“Exactly, open the alchemy furnace and we’ll know.”

Another judge agreed.

“Elixir complete.”

At this moment, Terra Su’s calm voice echoed in the alchemy room.

All eyes immediately focused on Terra Su as he retrieved a steaming elixir from the alchemy furnace.

Master Mo quickly stepped forward, took the elixir from Terra Su, examined it closely, and even tasted a small piece.

After a moment, a radiant smile spread across Master Mo’s face as he announced, “It is indeed the Clear Dew Elixir!”

“What? He really succeeded in refining the Clear Dew Elixir?”

“And in just the time it takes for a stick of incense to burn? How is that possible?”

The judges couldn’t remain calm. They took turns examining the elixir, and each confirmed it was indeed the Clear Dew Elixir.

“Let me see!”

Master Wang, unable to believe it, almost snatched the elixir from the last judge, roughly breaking off a piece to taste.

He, too, had to admit it was indeed the Clear Dew Elixir!

Master Wang was left speechless, his face turning pale and then green, a spectacular display of emotions.

The three judges now looked at Master Wang with disdain. Through him, they finally understood the meaning of “self-inflicted humiliation.”

“I hereby announce that the Clear River City’s Alchemy Guild is officially promoted to a second-grade guild!”

Hearing this announcement, Master Mo almost shed tears of joy. After so many years, the Clear River City’s Alchemy Guild had finally been promoted to a second-grade guild!

“Congratulations, Brother Mo!”

The judges all smiled and congratulated Master Mo.

They knew that with Master Mo’s profound knowledge of the Elixir Path, he could have left Clear River City long ago to pursue higher levels of alchemy in Anyang City. But Master Mo had stayed, dedicating himself to developing the Clear River City’s Alchemy Guild into a powerful branch.

Now, seeing the guild promoted to second grade, Master Mo was one step closer to his dream, and the judges genuinely felt happy for him.

“Here are the certificate and badge for the second-grade guild. From today, the Clear River City’s Alchemy Guild will receive double the equipment, materials, and funds from the main guild each year. Someone from the main guild should deliver this year’s materials and funds in a few days.”

“Additionally, here is the reward for the promotion to a second-grade guild, the Panlong Grass.”

The judge took out a box made of purple sandalwood. Upon opening it, a herb emitting a faint glow lay inside. The herb had a single main stem, no branches, and was coiled like a dragon ascending to the heavens.

This was the Panlong Grass, an extremely rare alchemy ingredient.

Master Mo received the purple sandalwood box containing the Panlong Grass with both hands and immediately handed it to Terra Su.

“Thank you, Master Mo.”

Terra Su thanked him and put away the Panlong Grass.

“Young Friend Su, you don’t need to thank me. If it weren’t for you, the Clear River City’s Alchemy Guild wouldn’t have been promoted to a second-grade guild today. I should be the one thanking you.”

Master Mo said.

“Who would have thought I’d witness the Star Plucking Technique in action today? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

The judge sighed. In his eyes, Terra Su was no longer just a young man but an unparalleled alchemy master.

He wondered what kind of powerful, hidden alchemy force could have nurtured such a prodigious talent. Could there be a hidden, powerful alchemy faction nearby?

Master Wang, standing to the side, kept his eyes fixed on the Panlong Grass that Terra Su had put away. With his keen eye, he could tell that the Panlong Grass was over two hundred years old, extremely potent, and incredibly valuable.

The thought that this Panlong Grass should have been his, but ended up in Terra Su’s hands, made Master Wang feel like his heart was bleeding.

Knowing he needed this Panlong Grass to refine a crucial Wind Lingering Elixir, Master Wang clenched his fists tightly and suddenly spoke coldly, “Wait!”




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