Chapter 87 – The strange refining technique

“Everyone, please calm down. It might not be the Fire Control Technique; this kid could just be putting on a show!”

Master Wang’s eyes were fixed on Terra Su. He couldn’t believe that Terra Su had truly mastered the Fire Control Technique and was convinced he was just bluffing.

However, the result was destined to disappoint him. Terra Su’s fingers moved slowly, and the blue flames under the alchemy furnace fluctuated with his movements, as if an invisible thread at his fingertips was controlling the flames!

This scene left everyone present dumbfounded.

“Fire control, this is real fire control!”

Master Mo’s eyes sparkled with excitement. He had only seen the Fire Control Technique used by the president of the Alchemy Guild before, and it had left him in awe. He never expected to witness it again today!

Moreover, when Master Mo saw the direction of the flames, he was stunned once more: “Young Friend Su is adjusting the flame intensity based on the uneven bottom of my furnace!”

Few people knew that the bottom of Master Mo’s Purple Silver Furnace had some flaws, causing uneven preheating that affected the speed and quality of elixir formation.

Almost no one knew this, but Terra Su somehow noticed the flaws at the bottom of the furnace and was adjusting the flame intensity accordingly.

This would ensure more even preheating of the furnace.

At this moment, the judges were all inwardly shocked. No wonder Master Mo said Terra Su was the most incredible alchemy genius he had ever seen. Just this Fire Control Technique alone was enough to make everyone present bow in admiration.

Master Wang, who had been mocking Terra Su moments ago, was now being harshly slapped by reality.

“Hmph!” Master Wang’s face turned ashen, and he said grudgingly, “So what if he mastered the Fire Control Technique? The real alchemy hasn’t even started yet. The next steps are the true test of an alchemist’s skill. Everything else is just talk!”

His words made the judges calm down a bit.

They realized they might have overreacted. No matter how good the Fire Control Technique was, it was just one of many alchemy skills. The true prowess of an alchemist would be revealed in the upcoming steps.

With this in mind, they focused their attention on Terra Su, watching his next moves closely.

The second step was to add the raw materials. The eighteen ingredients for the Clear Dew Elixir were ready, but the order and timing of adding them were crucial, testing the alchemist’s fundamental skills.

Of course, if Terra Su had truly reached the level of a second-grade alchemist, this step shouldn’t be a problem. The question was whether he was genuinely at that level or just bluffing, and whether his Fire Control Technique was a fluke.

The answer would be revealed by his performance in adding the materials.

However, Terra Su’s next actions shocked them once again, overturning their understanding.

Without even looking, Terra Su waved his hand and swept all eighteen materials into the furnace at once…

“Ridiculous, this is pure nonsense!”

The judges’ veins bulged on their foreheads. What kind of alchemy method was this? Calling it a method was an insult to the term. This was sheer recklessness.

Each material’s addition time and sequence were critical. Any mistake could lead to failure, not to mention Terra Su dumping everything in at once, risking a reaction that could cause an explosion.

“Completely disregarding traditional methods, this is madness.”

The judges, who had some expectations for Terra Su’s technique, were now utterly disappointed.

“Master Mo, is he just messing around?”

The young girl beside Master Mo asked curiously, her big eyes blinking.

“Messing around? No…”

Master Mo shook his head, his eyes fixed on Terra Su’s every move, a look of confusion in his eyes. “I can’t be sure, but Young Friend Su’s method resembles a long-lost alchemy school…”

Master Mo couldn’t be certain because that school had been lost to history. Even he had only heard about it once from his teacher in his youth.

Legend had it that this alchemy school could only be mastered by alchemy grandmasters, and it required tens of thousands of alchemy experiences to engrave each step into one’s bones.

But Terra Su was so young, how could it be… Master Mo himself found the idea absurd.


Terra Su shouted, his hand moving in a strange, high-frequency rhythm. The flames under the furnace followed this rhythm, fluctuating unpredictably yet giving off a profound sense of control.

His other hand occasionally slapped the furnace wall, each slap releasing a large amount of white smoke, indicating the impurities being expelled during refinement.

To the others, his method seemed like sheer nonsense. One judge shook his head, saying, “What a waste of materials.”

A full set of ingredients for the Clear Dew Elixir wasn’t cheap.

“Nothing more to see here. Clear River City’s branch has failed this time.”

Another judge waved his hand, already declaring Terra Su’s failure before a stick of incense had burned.

Master Mo said in a deep voice, “Don’t be hasty, keep watching!”

“What’s there to watch? This method won’t work.”

The judge replied disinterestedly, “We should leave the alchemy room before he causes an explosion.”

Master Wang wore an expression of “I knew it,” shaking his head and sighing, “Master Mo, you’ve been wise all your life, but today you’ve been fooled by a youngster. You should’ve listened to me. Regret it now?”

However, just as Master Wang finished speaking, a clear sound echoed in the alchemy room.

Gurgle, gurgle!

“This sound…”

The judges were stunned. They knew this sound well.

It was the sound of the elixir embryo rolling in the furnace!

But wasn’t this sound only supposed to occur after successful elixir condensation?

Could it be that in such a short time, Terra Su had already succeeded in condensing the elixir?

The judges’ eyes were glued to the hourglass, unable to believe that Terra Su had completed preheating, adding materials, refining, merging, and condensing the elixir in just the time it took for a stick of incense to burn.




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