Chapter 85 – He can refine only the weird

Master Mo ignored them and turned to Terra Su, “Young Friend Su, let me introduce you. This gentleman in the flame robe is Master Wang, a second-grade alchemist from Yellow Stone City. These three with the golden emblems are second-grade alchemists from the Alchemy Guild of Anyang City, and they are today’s judges for the promotion event.”

“As for this one…”

Master Mo’s gaze fell on the last person present, a girl who looked about seventeen or eighteen.

The girl waved her hands at Terra Su, smiling, “Don’t look at me. I’m not a master, just here to join the fun. You can ignore me.”

Master Mo, seeing the girl’s mischievous demeanor, coughed lightly and did not introduce her further. Instead, he smiled at Terra Su, “Young Friend Su, please take a seat.”

It was only then that the others in the room began to realize that Master Mo wasn’t joking. Terra Su was indeed the highly skilled alchemist Master Mo had mentioned, not some junior of his. This realization left them all feeling rather incredulous, and they looked at Terra Su with strange expressions.

“Hmph!” Master Wang snorted heavily, his face full of anger as he addressed Master Mo, “Brother Mo, I respect you for your high moral standing, which is why I agreed without hesitation when Brother Zhang invited me to Clear River City to help you. But I didn’t expect you to invite someone else as well, and such a young kid at that? Brother Mo, are you insulting my abilities? If you think I am inferior to this brat, then I’ll just leave and save you the trouble!”

“Brother Wang, don’t say that!” Master Mo quickly replied, “I absolutely didn’t mean that. It’s just that Bruce Sun didn’t inform me about asking you for help. I only found out a few days ago. But since I had already invited Young Friend Su, I couldn’t go back on my word, so I invited both of you today.”

Hearing this, the others quickly tried to mediate, “Brother Wang, don’t be angry. Brother Mo doesn’t doubt your abilities; it’s just a coincidence.” “Yes, everyone acknowledges your alchemy skills. Let’s calm down and discuss this.”

Master Wang finally calmed down a bit but still looked at Terra Su with disdain, “I’m not trying to pick a fight, but this kid doesn’t look like a second-grade alchemist at all. The title of ‘Master’ isn’t something just anyone can claim!”

Another judge from the Alchemy Guild also chimed in, “Yes, Brother Mo, is there some mistake? This young… um, young man doesn’t look like a second-grade alchemist.”

It was clear he had originally wanted to say “kid” but swallowed the word.

In the world of alchemy, titles and ranks are not given lightly but have strict standards. An apprentice alchemist becomes a formal alchemist, or first-grade alchemist, once they successfully create a first-grade elixir independently. To be called a “Master,” one must be a second-grade alchemist, having successfully created a second-grade elixir independently.

Master Mo, accustomed to others doubting Terra Su at first sight, waved his hand dismissively, “I know you won’t believe me now, but once you see his alchemy skills, you’ll understand.”

Master Wang snorted again, still looking at Terra Su with disdain, ready to say more when the cheerful girl interrupted, “Alright, alright, aren’t you tired of talking so much? Let’s get to the main event; I’ve been waiting forever.”

She looked at Terra Su with bright eyes and smiled, “Since Master Mo praises you so highly, I believe you must have some real skills. Don’t disappoint us.”

Terra Su glanced at her indifferently, said nothing, and took his seat.

Master Wang, still unwilling, muttered under his breath, “What does a kid know about alchemy?”

Master Mo’s face turned serious, “Master Wang, Young Friend Su is the most extraordinary alchemy genius I’ve ever met. His skills surpass mine, so please mind your words.”

Master Wang laughed mockingly, shaking his head in disbelief, “Brother Mo, are you saying he can also create second-grade elixirs? Ha…”

From Master Wang’s expression, it was clear he didn’t believe a word.

Master Mo didn’t want to argue further and addressed the others, “Everyone, let’s begin.”

“Wait!” Master Wang spoke again, “Before we start, I have something to say. Today, the Alchemy Guild of Clear River City invited me to help create a second-grade elixir. If I succeed, I should receive some compensation from the guild.”

“That’s reasonable,” the judges from the Alchemy Guild nodded. They knew Clear River City had called for outside help, but since Bruce Sun had informed them in advance, they turned a blind eye.

Master Mo, understanding this was only natural, nodded, “What kind of compensation does Master Wang want?”

“It’s simple. If the promotion is successful, the guild will reward a Panlong Grass. I don’t need any other compensation, just give me the Panlong Grass,” Master Wang said.

Master Mo’s expression turned odd, “Panlong Grass?”

“Yes, is that too much to ask?” Master Wang’s face darkened slightly.

“Master Wang, if it’s Panlong Grass, I’m afraid I can’t agree. I already promised it to Young Friend Su if he participated in the promotion event,” Master Mo explained.

“What?” Master Wang’s face changed, “Does that mean you really intend to let him create the second-grade elixir?”

“Yes,” Master Mo admitted frankly, “Before you arrived, I planned to have Young Friend Su create the second-grade elixir.”

Master Wang’s face turned completely dark, “Brother Mo, do you really believe this young kid can create a second-grade elixir?”

“Absolutely,” Master Mo nodded calmly.

“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!” Master Wang couldn’t hold back, “How can a kid create a second-grade elixir? Brother Mo, you’ve lived so long, do you really believe such nonsense?”

“Yes, I believe in Young Friend Su,” Master Mo said calmly, “So, I’m sorry, but I can’t give you the Panlong Grass. Of course, if you still wish to create the second-grade elixir, I can offer other compensation, but not the Panlong Grass.”


Master Wang’s face was full of anger, “Sorry, I refuse to create the elixir. I can’t stand being compared to a kid! If you trust him so much, let him do it. I want to see if he can really create a second-grade elixir!”

Master Mo wanted to say more, but Terra Su’s calm voice interrupted, “It’s fine, Master Mo. I’ll handle it.”

“Thank you, Young Friend Su,” Master Mo said quickly.


Master Wang sneered at Terra Su, ready to watch the show. If this young boy could really create a second-grade elixir, it would be a miracle.




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