Chapter 77 – Ancient Danfang

Master Mo chuckled, "Young friend Terra, you're now an honorary guest elder of the Alchemy Guild. There's no need to talk about borrowing or not borrowing. As long as you wish, you can come anytime. Are you planning to refine the Leaving Fire Elixir? I happen to know a bit about it. If you trust me, why not give me a copy of the prescription, and I'll help you refine it."


Since Master Mo offered to help, Terra Su naturally wouldn't refuse. "Then I'll trouble you, Master Mo. Once it's refined, please deliver it to Instructor Ouyang for me."


Although refining the Leaving Fire Elixir was a piece of cake for Terra Su, alchemy was an activity that consumed a lot of energy and spirit. After each session, one needed to rest for a while, which inevitably delayed martial arts training.


So, having someone else refine the elixir was the best option.


Master Mo smiled a bit sheepishly, "Young friend Terra, you're too polite. Actually, I have a small favor to ask."


"Master Mo, please go ahead. Did you encounter a problem with alchemy?"


Master Mo looked a bit embarrassed, "It's not me; it's a friend of mine who's visiting Clear River City. By chance, he obtained an ancient prescription, but the prescription is so old that many of the characters are blurred, and it lacks a few ingredients, making it impossible to refine. If you could…"


Terra Su smiled, "Master Mo wants me to help complete this prescription?"


Master Mo nodded, "This prescription is called the 'Divine Spring Elixir,' a special elixir for treating plagues and other infectious diseases. If it can be completed, it could save many lives in case of an outbreak."


For some reason, even though Master Mo had never witnessed Terra Su's expertise in ancient prescriptions, he instinctively felt that Terra Su might be able to solve this problem.


"I see."


Terra Su couldn't help but recall his past life. Clear River City had indeed experienced a plague outbreak, and many people died. It was Master Mo who led a group of subordinates, working tirelessly for twenty days to control the epidemic.


However, Terra Su hadn't expected that Master Mo had already been working on plague-treating elixirs so early.


If in this life, the Divine Spring Elixir's prescription could be completed, then when the plague broke out later, it wouldn't take twenty days to control it, and fewer people would die.


Thinking of this, Terra Su nodded decisively, "Lead the way, Master Mo."


Master Mo's face lit up with joy, "Young friend Terra, please!"


The two left Master Mo's alchemy room and went up to the fifth floor, stopping at the door of a guest room.


Master Mo knocked symbolically twice before pushing the door open. Inside was a meticulously decorated guest room, with two elderly men sitting inside. One had a head full of white hair, while the other, who looked relatively younger, carried a sword on his back.


Seeing Master Mo enter, the white-haired elder stood up with a smile, pointed at the younger sword-bearing elder, and said to Master Mo, "Brother Mo, you're just in time. Let me introduce you to Brother Gabriel Shi. He is famous in Anyang County for his dual mastery in Martial Dao and Elixir Path. He happened to be passing through Clear River City today, so I invited him over to meet you."


Hearing this, Master Mo, out of politeness, refrained from immediately introducing Terra Su. He cupped his hands towards the elder named Gabriel Shi, "Brother Shi, I've long heard of you."


"Brother Mo, I've also long heard of you," the elder named Gabriel Shi responded heartily. "I've heard of your renowned skills in alchemy, famous throughout Anyang County. It's an honor to finally meet you."


Master Mo humbly replied, "Those are just exaggerated praises. When it comes to alchemy, I'm not as good as Brother Bruce Sun."


The Bruce Sun he mentioned was naturally the white-haired elder.


Bruce Sun laughed, "Brother Mo, there's no need to be modest. Your alchemy skills far surpass mine. I haven't even congratulated you yet on successfully refining the Snow Lotus Creation Elixir recently."


"Brother Sun, Brother Shi, since you're both here today, let me take this opportunity to introduce—"


Before Master Mo could finish, Bruce Sun interrupted excitedly, "Brother Mo, with Brother Shi here today, the three of us working together can surely crack the Divine Spring Elixir prescription."


"Brother Sun, Brother Shi, let me introduce—"


Master Mo tried again but was interrupted by Gabriel Shi's loud voice, "Haha, Brother Sun, you're overestimating me. My alchemy skills can't compare to you two."


Master Mo was helpless. He knew these two had no ill intentions and weren't deliberately ignoring Terra Su. It was just that Terra Su was too young. Standing among three white-haired old fellows, he looked like a junior. Bruce Sun and Gabriel Shi evidently took him as an ordinary junior.




Master Mo had to clear his throat loudly. Finally, Bruce Sun and Gabriel Shi focused their attention on him, both looking at him in confusion.


"Brother Sun, Brother Shi, let me formally introduce young friend Terra Su. He is an alchemy grandmaster, even I can't match!" Master Mo finally got his words out.


Then, Master Mo turned to Terra Su, "Young friend Terra, these are my friends, Bruce Sun and Gabriel Shi. They are both from Anyang City and are visiting Clear River City."


This time, it was Bruce Sun and Gabriel Shi's turn to be astonished. Both stared at Master Mo with their mouths agape.


"Brother Mo, you must be joking. This joke isn't funny," Bruce Sun broke the silence with a laugh.


A grandmaster alchemist so young? If anyone else had said it, he would have scoffed.


But Master Mo was serious, "When have I ever joked with you? Young friend Terra is the most incredible alchemy genius I've ever met. The Snow Lotus Creation Elixir was refined under his guidance. Without his help, I wouldn't know how long it would have taken me to succeed!"


Now, Bruce Sun and Gabriel Shi were truly shocked. They both looked at Terra Su with incredulous eyes.


No matter how they scrutinized Terra Su, he still looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Even if they believed in Master Mo, they couldn't help but doubt the truth of his words.


After all, Terra Su was just too young. Even if he had started learning alchemy from the womb, how many years could it have been? Real alchemy grandmasters had all accumulated decades of hard work.




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