Chapter 75 – Kneel and call me grandpa

The intense clash of energies resulted in Liz Jiang staggering backward, blood spurting from her mouth!

“How is this possible? My martial technique is the strongest in the Inducing Qi Realm. How could you possibly push me back?”

Liz Jiang wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, screaming in disbelief and unwillingness.

When her father, Otto Jiang, had spent a fortune at the Five Treasures Hall auction to acquire this martial technique, the auctioneer had clearly stated that it was the most powerful technique within the Inducing Qi Realm, verified by professional appraisers from the Five Treasures Hall.

Yet, she was repelled by a single punch from Emma Jiang.


Refusing to accept defeat, Liz Jiang launched another strike of the “Ming Wang Finger” at Emma Jiang.

Emma Jiang’s True Qi surged, her fists crossing as she unleashed two punches, one representing the sun and the other the moon!

Boom! Boom!

Both punches landed squarely on Liz Jiang’s chest, causing her to spew blood and fly backward like a kite with a broken string.

“Impossible! Liz Jiang actually lost?”

“Didn’t she use a Normal Grade mid-tier martial skill bought from the Five Treasures Hall auction? How could she still lose?”

“The martial technique Emma Jiang used seems unfamiliar, not something commonly seen in Clear River City.”

“Regardless, Emma Jiang won. She truly deserves the spot at Tianyue Academy!”

Standing on the duel platform, Emma Jiang listened to the discussions below, her heart filled with joy.

She had won this duel fair and square with her own strength!

Now, she could rightfully go to Tianyue Academy, with no one able to stop her or question the legitimacy of her spot.

Amidst her excitement, Emma Jiang’s gaze subtly shifted to Terra Su, her mind filled with countless thoughts.

If it weren’t for Terra Su, given Liz Jiang’s thorough preparation, she wouldn’t have stood a chance today!

Without this victory, she wouldn’t be able to enter Tianyue Academy, and her life would have taken a completely different path.

It was Terra Su who had changed her life!

“Liz!” Otto Jiang, eyes filled with pain, rushed over to cradle the severely injured Liz Jiang.

“Emma Jiang, how dare you hurt my precious daughter!” Otto Jiang, usually composed, was now furious. If his eldest son, Stewart Jiang, was his pride, then Liz Jiang was his treasure, treated like a precious gem. He never imagined she would suffer such severe injuries on the duel platform today.

“Hmph!” Emma Jiang snorted coldly, showing no fear. “On the duel platform, injuries are part of the fight! What, do you expect us to duel like children playing house?”

“How dare you!”

Without thinking, Otto Jiang swung a palm strike at Emma Jiang.

However, midway through, a sleeve appeared out of nowhere, effortlessly neutralizing the strike.

“Hmph!” Instructor Ouyang flicked his sleeve, landing beside Emma Jiang, displeased. “How dare you strike a student of Tianyue Academy?”

Instructor Ouyang’s words clearly indicated that he already considered Emma Jiang a student of Tianyue Academy!

Otto Jiang was taken aback and quickly said, “Instructor Ouyang, I believe there are many doubts about this duel. Emma Jiang must have cheated; she didn’t win fairly!”

“Cheated?” Instructor Ouyang snorted. “I was present the entire time and witnessed their duel. How could Emma Jiang have cheated?”

“Instructor Ouyang, you may not know, but my daughter Liz Jiang used a precious martial technique I bought at great expense. She shouldn’t have lost so easily to Emma Jiang. Emma Jiang must have used some cheating method,” Otto Jiang argued.

“I did not cheat!” Emma Jiang’s eyes blazed with anger. “Don’t assume someone cheated just because their strength surpasses your expectations. Such ignorance!”

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Terra Su leisurely clapped his hands. “Well said, cousin. Some people, when faced with strength beyond their imagination, foolishly assume it’s cheating. How laughable.”

With that, Terra Su leaped onto the duel platform, standing opposite Otto Jiang from a distance.

“Do you think the martial technique you bought at great expense is powerful? Feeling indignant about losing?” Terra Su asked calmly.

“And what if I am?” Otto Jiang frowned.

“Then, watch closely.”

Terra Su finished speaking and demonstrated the complete upper half of the “Ming Wang Finger.”

Whoosh! A beam of light, faster than a shooting star, shot from Terra Su’s fingertip, striking the duel platform’s stone floor and creating a deep hole several inches wide.

The crowd gasped in shock. If it could do this to stone, imagine its effect on a human body.

But what shocked them more was that Terra Su’s technique was clearly the same one Liz Jiang had used!

However, Terra Su’s execution was far more refined and perfect. In comparison, Liz Jiang’s earlier attempt seemed like child’s play.

“What’s going on? Terra Su can use Liz Jiang’s technique, and he’s ten times better at it!”

Even Otto Jiang was stunned. How could this be? This was a technique he had bought at great expense. How did Terra Su learn it?

Moreover, Terra Su’s mastery of the technique was far superior, making even Otto Jiang himself seem inadequate in comparison.

“A good martial technique, ruined by your sloppy execution!”

Terra Su said calmly, “Now, do you still have any objections?”

Otto Jiang felt a lump in his throat, his face turning red with frustration. He couldn’t help but ask, “Where did you learn this technique?”

Terra Su replied indifferently, “If I told you, it would only embarrass you.”

“Indeed, there’s no need to argue further!” Instructor Ouyang agreed. “I now officially announce that the spot at Tianyue Academy belongs to Emma Jiang, and it will not be changed for any reason.”

“Thank you, Instructor Ouyang,” Terra Su smiled slightly.

“Just remember the Leaving Fire Elixir,” Instructor Ouyang’s eyes gleamed.

Watching their exchange, Otto Jiang felt extremely frustrated. Knowing that Terra Su could use the martial technique he had bought was like having a fishbone stuck in his throat.

“Let’s go!”

Suppressing his anger, Otto Jiang ordered his men to carry Liz Jiang away.

As they left, he shot a resentful glance at Terra Su, vowing to settle this score with him eventually.


Terra Su’s voice suddenly rang out, “Did you forget about the promise to kneel and call me grandpa?”




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