Chapter 73 – Compete with her

Steven Ye’s words were completely ignored by Terra Su.

Terra Su simply said to Instructor Ouyang, “I have one more condition. After you get the Leaving Fire Elixir, you must immediately take Emma Jiang away from Clear River City and return to Tianyue Academy.”

“Sure, no problem.”

Instructor Ouyang agreed without hesitation. After all, his main purpose for coming to Clear River City this time was to take Emma Jiang back to Tianyue Academy as instructed.


“Emma Jiang cannot go to Tianyue Academy!”

At this moment, several voices rang out inappropriately.

Terra Su looked in the direction of the voices and saw Otto Jiang leading a group of people, emerging from who knows where.

“Otto Jiang!”

Terra Su narrowed his eyes. For Otto Jiang to suddenly appear at this moment, knowing Otto Jiang’s character, he wouldn’t come unprepared.

Could it be that there’s another twist in Emma Jiang’s admission?

“Instructor Ouyang!”

Otto Jiang didn’t even glance at Terra Su and directly addressed Instructor Ouyang, “I have something to report to you, Instructor Ouyang. Emma Jiang cannot go to Tianyue Academy!”

“How dare you!”

Instructor Ouyang’s eyes narrowed in displeasure, “Is it up to you to decide whether Emma Jiang can go to Tianyue Academy?”

“Instructor Ouyang, you’ve misunderstood.”

Otto Jiang walked forward respectfully and handed over a piece of paper, “We found this among the old Patriarch’s belongings, so we had to report this to you.”

The old Jiang Patriarch’s belongings?

Instructor Ouyang frowned as he took the paper from Otto Jiang’s hand. He opened it and frowned even more, “The old Patriarch’s will?”

Otto Jiang said respectfully, “Yes, in this will, the old Patriarch stated that although the spot at Tianyue Academy was secured by Emma Jiang’s father, Robert Jiang, the final recipient of this spot should be determined through competition among the younger generation of the Jiang Family to select the best candidate.”

“I dare not go against the old Patriarch’s wishes, so I brought this will here for you to decide, Instructor Ouyang,” Otto Jiang said.

Instructor Ouyang frowned. If this will was genuine, it would indeed be a troublesome matter.

Because the spot at Tianyue Academy was secured by Robert Jiang, and it was agreed at the time that his daughter, Emma Jiang, would receive this spot.

But now, a will from the old Patriarch suddenly appeared, stating that the spot must be competed for among the younger generation of the Jiang Family.

The old Patriarch was Robert Jiang’s father. A son must obey his father’s instructions. Even if Robert Jiang were not missing, he would still have to follow the old Patriarch’s will once it was revealed.

This put Instructor Ouyang in a difficult position. Ignoring the will would be seen as disrespecting the deceased old Patriarch, and he would be criticized for it.

But if he followed the will… it would be hard to explain to Terra Su!

“Are you sure this will was left by the old Patriarch?” Instructor Ouyang asked with a frown.

“Absolutely. It even has the old Patriarch’s seal on it,” Otto Jiang said. “Everyone knows that the Jiang Family’s Patriarch’s Seal has been missing since the old Patriarch passed away, so this proves that the will is indeed genuine.”

Terra Su’s eyes turned cold, and his gaze, sharp as a sword, shot towards the will in Instructor Ouyang’s hand. He instantly saw the handwriting and the seal on it.

Then, Terra Su sneered inwardly. What a clever move by Otto Jiang!

Otto Jiang didn’t have the Patriarch’s Seal, but he produced a will with the seal on it, which on the surface, proved the will’s authenticity.

This way, according to the will, other younger members of the Jiang Family could compete for the spot at Tianyue Academy.

But was this will really left by the old Patriarch?

“This will is a forgery!”

Emma Jiang stepped out from the crowd, her face full of anger, “Grandfather never left such a will before he died!”

Otto Jiang shook his head and slowly unfolded the will in front of Emma, “Niece Emma, the evidence is right here. Just because you didn’t know about it doesn’t mean it’s fake. The Patriarch’s Seal on this will cannot be forged, and I don’t have the ability to create a fake seal.”

“You!” Emma Jiang was furious.

She was one hundred percent sure that the old Patriarch wouldn’t leave such a will. Given his upright character, how could he leave such a biased will?

But the will was right in front of her, with the bright red Patriarch’s Seal, making it impossible for her to refute.

“Indeed, you don’t have the ability to forge the Patriarch’s Seal.”

At this moment, Terra Su’s voice suddenly rang out, “So, the seal on this will is not a forgery.”

“However…” Terra Su’s face suddenly turned cold, “The content of this will is forged by you!”


Otto Jiang’s pupils contracted, then he sneered, “Nonsense! How could I get a blank paper with the Patriarch’s Seal and then forge the content on it?”

“Although it’s not exactly as you said, it’s close.”

Terra Su said calmly, “You first got hold of a decree issued by the old Patriarch during his lifetime, then used a special solution to erase the original writing. Once it became a blank paper, you wrote new content on it, forging it into a will.”

“Your imagination is quite vivid!”

Otto Jiang sneered, “But unfortunately, the fact is not as you said. This will is genuine, not a forgery. Do you have any evidence to prove it’s a forgery?”

“Evidence? Is that necessary?”

Terra Su shook his head, then in a flash, he snatched the will from Otto Jiang’s hand before he could react.

Under everyone’s gaze, Terra Su directly tore the will into pieces!

“Terra Su, how dare you tear up the old Patriarch’s will?”

Otto Jiang was completely taken aback. By the time he reacted, the will was already in shreds on the ground.

“Terra Su, even if you destroy the old Patriarch’s will, everyone has already seen its content. You can’t deny it!”

Otto Jiang sneered. Did Terra Su naively think that destroying the will would allow him to deny its content? If so, Terra Su was gravely mistaken. In fact, Otto Jiang was grateful to Terra Su for destroying the will, as it would prevent anyone from discovering it was a forgery.

“Otto Jiang, after all this, you just want your daughter Liz Jiang to go to Tianyue Academy, don’t you?”

Terra Su sneered and waved his hand nonchalantly, “Emma, compete with her!”

“Today, let Instructor Ouyang from Tianyue Academy see your strength and determine whether you or Liz Jiang is more suited to attend Tianyue Academy.” Terra Su looked calmly at Emma Jiang.

Emma Jiang’s heart trembled, and she nodded heavily, “Yes!”




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