Chapter 47 – Borrow a pair of eyes and ears

Evan Chen pretended to calculate for a moment.

“The cost of the medicinal soup, plus the subsequent recuperation fees, and the loss of future prospects… all in all, fifty thousand Immortal Crystals should cover it.”

“You little bastard, are you looking for death?!”

Hearing this number, Edward Wu was so furious he nearly jumped.

Fifty thousand Immortal Crystals wasn’t a huge amount for him.

But for someone like Evan Chen, a lowly miner, it was an astronomical figure.

This outrageous demand had completely enraged Edward Wu.

“Elder Wu, don’t get so worked up. That bastard Alex Li isn’t even your biological son. There’s no need to spend so much to save him. Let me torture him for a few decades, and I’ll eventually let him go. Don’t worry.”

Evan Chen spoke slowly and deliberately.

Edward Wu was so angry he was grinding his teeth, feeling like a dragon being toyed with by an ant.

But could he really abandon Alex Li?

Absolutely not.

Alex Li’s father was his savior.

Moreover, as the third elder, if he couldn’t even protect his benefactor’s son on his own turf, wouldn’t that be a disgrace and a laughingstock?

Thinking of this.

Edward Wu took a long breath to calm his anger, then took out a black crystal from his storage bag. “This Ink Crystal is worth tens of thousands. Take it and release Alex Li.”

At this moment, Edward Wu appeared very calm.

Because in his view, this Ink Crystal was Evan Chen’s death sentence. He had already decided to kill this greedy scoundrel when the opportunity arose.

“Elder Wu, you’re really generous, willing to spend so much for that little bastard. By the way, is Alex Li really related to you by blood?” Evan Chen chuckled.

“Shut up! Say one more word, and I’ll risk being expelled from the cave to crush you!” Edward Wu trembled with rage.

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited. I’ll go fetch Young Master Li right away.”

Sensing the murderous intent, Evan Chen shrank his neck and dashed into the small house.

Soon, he dragged out Alex Li, who was beaten black and blue and tied up.

“Place the Ink Crystal by the fence and step back. Then I’ll release him.”

Evan Chen was wary of being ambushed when he deactivated the restriction, especially since the opponent was a True Immortal.

Edward Wu knew he couldn’t do anything to Evan Chen today. Arguing would only exhaust himself, so he complied.

Evan Chen then took out the jade token to control the restriction.

“Open, close!”

Evan Chen opened and closed the restriction several times to ensure Edward Wu wasn’t hiding nearby to ambush him. Only then did he fully open the restriction, using Immortal Power to draw the Ink Crystal over while pushing Alex Li out.

As soon as the restriction was closed again, Evan Chen relaxed completely.

An Ink Crystal in hand!

This was a resource cultivators dreamed of.

Seeing Alex Li released, Edward Wu returned and with a flick of his finger, dissolved the ropes binding him.

Evan Chen immediately used his consciousness to control Alex Li to stand up.

“Evan Chen, you piece of shit, just wait. If I don’t get my revenge, I won’t be called Li!”

Alex Li’s body was jumping and cursing outside, but it was actually Evan Chen cursing himself. It felt quite strange.

However, to avoid arousing Edward Wu’s suspicion, he had no choice but to do so.

“Alright, Nephew Li, words are useless. Come with me.” Edward Wu called out.

“Uncle Wu, that guy beat me up so badly. You must get justice for me.”

“Don’t worry, he’s not just your enemy. Even if the young lady doesn’t skin him alive, I’ll make sure he has no place to be buried.”

“Yes, yes, we should skin him and hang him out to dry to vent our anger.”

The two cursed as they left, and the small courtyard fell silent.

Evan Chen’s consciousness remained attached to Alex Li, allowing him to see and hear everything Alex Li did.

“Good thing my mental strength is strong. Otherwise, it would be impossible to control him while doing other things.”

With Evan Chen’s current mental strength, controlling Alex Li was easy and didn’t interfere with his other activities.

Moreover, even if they were separated by vast distances or multiple layers of space, it wouldn’t hinder his control.

“I haven’t seen the real scenery of the spirit cave. I might as well use Alex Li’s eyes to take a good look.”

Evan Chen entered the house, his consciousness following Alex Li’s steps, ready to experience the true splendor of Sky Moon Cave.

Inside Sky Moon Cave was a vast, self-contained space.

To occupy such a spirit cave, having Profound Immortal-level cultivation wasn’t enough. There had to be a stronger force backing it.

As for what force was backing Sky Moon Cave, Evan Chen had no idea.

Alex Li followed Edward Wu all the way back to the true mountain gate.

Along the way, various Immortal Beasts and Spirit Beasts appeared one after another. The area shrouded in clouds and mist, with Immortal Light shimmering, was home to numerous palaces.

That was where the true mountain gate of Sky Moon Cave was located.

After crossing a celestial bridge, Alex Li arrived in front of the outer gate palace.

Along the way, Edward Wu didn’t miss a chance to scold Alex Li.

Under Evan Chen’s control, Alex Li cried and admitted his mistakes, promising to serve Edward Wu well in the future to repay his great kindness.

Edward Wu found it nauseating and thought this kid seemed a bit off. Could he have some peculiar inclinations? He decided to stop scolding him to avoid any further entanglements.

“Hehe, Junior Brother Li, you’re finally back safe and sound. Congratulations.”

In front of the outer gate, a few disciples in white robes looked at Alex Li mockingly.

Alex Li ignored them and immediately turned to Edward Wu to complain, “Third Elder, yesterday I went with these Senior Brothers to curse Evan Chen, but I was the only one captured. These Senior Brothers now hold a grudge against me and want to teach me a lesson. Please save me.”

Hearing this, the disciples were dumbfounded.

Did this fool not understand the rules of Sky Moon Cave?

How dare he complain openly!

Hearing this, Edward Wu couldn’t just ignore it.

“You few, if you disregard the camaraderie of fellow disciples and bully the weak, don’t blame me for strict enforcement!” Edward Wu said coldly.

“We wouldn’t dare, Junior Brother Li must have misunderstood.”

The white-robed disciples were immediately terrified, their thoughts of revenge against Alex Li vanishing.

Who told this kid to have such a strong backer!

Comparisons are odious.

“Alright, Alex, focus on your cultivation here. Strive to reach the True Immortal Realm soon and bring honor to your father.”

“I will heed your advice, Uncle. I will give my all in cultivation and never slack off.”

When Alex Li called himself “nephew,” he raised his voice on purpose and gave the white-robed disciples a look that said, “Who dares to touch me?”

“Alright, go on.”

Edward Wu waved his hand, and Alex Li entered the mountain gate with the white-robed disciples.

After entering, the disciples first flattered Alex Li insincerely.

Then one of them said, “Junior Brother Alex, we failed to complete the task assigned by the young lady yesterday. She instructed us to bring you to her immediately upon your return. If you’re late, you’ll bear the consequences.”

The white-robed disciples were secretly delighted.

So what if you have an elder backing you?

In front of the young lady, you’re still nothing but a dog.




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