Chapter 35 – A place to live

Laura Nangong pondered for a moment.

“This matter doesn’t directly concern you, so there’s no need for you to inquire further.”

Evan Chen felt frustrated.

Clearly, it was your daughter who wanted to kill me, and now you’re telling me not to ask questions?

What kind of logic is that?

However, from the snippets of conversation, Evan could tell that Sophia Ji’s hostility towards him had something to do with Big Brother Li.

“Could it be some story about a green hat that she’s too embarrassed to talk about?”

Evan speculated inwardly.

Seeing Evan’s distressed expression, Laura Nangong, having already forced him to stay, felt obligated to fulfill her promise and ensure his safety.

“Little Uncle, there’s no need to worry. To the west of this bamboo forest, there’s an old house that used to belong to the previous master. It is protected by powerful restrictions, and no one but me can force their way in. How about you stay there for your cultivation?”

Laura suggested.

Evan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Having such a safe place to stay would certainly ease his anxiety.

Even though he knew this “special care” was given reluctantly, Evan still thanked her and agreed immediately.

Before long, Evan followed Laura Nangong to an old but clean courtyard.

The courtyard was quite large, covering about ten acres.

In the yard stood a massive phoenix tree, whose age was unknown.

“This jade token is your key to enter and exit. Don’t lose it.”

Laura handed the jade token to Evan.

Evan took the token.

“To avoid others disturbing you, I won’t arrange for anyone to serve you. Additionally, there is a complete cultivation method, the ‘Absorbing Spirits Technique,’ in the house. You can study and practice it on your own,” Laura instructed.

“Master Nangong, this house used to belong to the previous master. Wouldn’t it be inappropriate for me to stay here and possibly cause dissatisfaction among others?”

Evan was quite satisfied with the place himself.

With strong restrictions guarding it and no outside disturbances, it was both safe and convenient for him to travel to the lower realm.

“You haven’t officially joined our sect; you’re considered a personal guest of mine. There’s nothing inappropriate about it. Just stay here with peace of mind.”

Laura’s words dispelled Evan’s concerns.

“That’s great. Thank you, Master Nangong.” Evan’s thanks were merely a formality.

Laura nodded slightly and then left.

“At least I’ve entered the spirit cave for cultivation. For now, this will do!”

Evan felt a mix of emotions.

Being able to cultivate in a place rich in spiritual energy was acceptable. However, the humiliation he suffered today was significant, and the future didn’t promise peace.

“Whatever, a real man can endure humiliation. As long as I can cultivate in the spirit cave, a few insults are nothing.”

Evan temporarily set aside his unpleasant feelings and entered the old house.

The furnishings inside were simple: a stone bed, a set of stone tables and chairs, and a wooden shelf with some books on it, nothing more.

“Why do masters always prefer such simple living conditions? I’m different. When I become successful, I’ll build an immortal palace to live in.”

Evan didn’t dare to despise the place; he just had other aspirations in his heart.

After tidying up a bit, Evan found the “Absorbing Spirits Technique” on the bookshelf, as Laura had mentioned.

This was a basic technique found in all immortal sects’ spirit caves. Only by mastering this technique could one maximize the utilization of immortal energy.

Following the book’s instructions, Evan practiced for several hours.

“It’s quite difficult.”

Evan frowned.

Without a mentor to guide him, self-study was indeed challenging.

Moreover, mastering the Absorbing Spirits Technique required not only comprehension but also a significant amount of time for practice.

“The time difference between the Immortal World and the lower realm is vast. I might as well go to the lower realm to cultivate, which would save a lot of time in the Immortal World.”

One hour in the Immortal World was equivalent to a day in the lower realm, a twelvefold difference.

Taking the technique to the lower realm for cultivation would mean that Evan’s time spent practicing wouldn’t change, but in the Immortal World, his cultivation time would be twelve times shorter than others!

“Laura Nangong shouldn’t come here again anytime soon.”

According to Laura, no one but her could break into this place.

Evan also understood that while Laura seemed to treat him well on the surface, she didn’t really care much about him. She had no reason to check on him frequently.

Thinking of this, Evan activated the cross-realm stone and disappeared into the light portal.


In the Forbidden Palace of the True Immortal Sect.

Evan opened his eyes, and the feeling of invincibility returned!

“Damn it, if I had this level of power in the Immortal World, would I have to endure such humiliation?”

Invincibility made one arrogant.

Just arriving in the lower realm, Evan felt indignant about what had happened in the Immortal World.

After calming himself down a bit, Evan left the secret chamber and lay on a swing chair in the courtyard.

“Someone, come serve me.”

At this call, Shirley, who was meditating, opened her eyes in surprise and flew over to Evan.

“Young Master, you’ve come out of seclusion!”


Evan responded indifferently.

“I’ll arrange for someone to serve you right away.”

Soon, several stunning beauties brought fine wine and delicious food to serve Evan.

“Has anything major happened during the six months I was in seclusion?”

Evan asked while drinking and eating.

“Young Master, after you went into seclusion, Sect Leader Li single-handedly attacked the Flying Immortal Sect, defeated its remnants, and officially incorporated the Flying Immortal Sect’s old site into our sect’s territory.”

Shirley was still speaking when Evan asked, “Good. How did the other sects react?”

Shirley replied, “There was no excessive reaction, especially from the Shining Moon Sect. Not only did they not blame us, but they also announced to all sects that the Flying Immortal Sect was greedy and brought about its own destruction.”

Evan laughed heartily, his gloom dissipating significantly. “Continue.”

Shirley nodded respectfully and said, “There were no other major events, except that the Shining Moon Sect and the Taihao Immortal Clan each introduced a Dao companion for you. The two women have visited many times, but I sent them away.”

Evan immediately perked up, “What do they look like?”

Shirley hesitated for a moment and said, “Both are stunningly beautiful, one pure and lovely, the other with a more elaborate makeup.”

Evan was curious about the two women and instructed, “Notify them that I’m willing to meet them.”

“Yes, Young Master. I’ll take care of it right away.”

Although Shirley felt a bit reluctant, as a servant, she knew she had no right to oppose her master’s decisions.

After Shirley left, Evan expanded his Immortal Sense to locate Li Huaizhen.

“I wonder if Li Huaizhen has made any progress in his cultivation.”

Li Huaizhen was practicing the supreme demonic technique, and his progress was crucial to Evan’s status in the Immortal World, so it couldn’t be taken lightly.


When his Immortal Sense detected Li Huaizhen’s presence, Evan frowned.

“How did he get injured?”

In his perception, Li Huaizhen’s aura was weak, indicating severe internal injuries.

Evan’s figure disappeared from his spot and reappeared in Li Huaizhen’s cultivation chamber.

“Li Huaizhen, how did you get seriously injured?”

Hearing Evan’s voice, Li Huaizhen finally noticed his arrival.

“Reporting to Young Master, I was injured near the Forbidden Zone a few days ago.”

Li Huaizhen quickly stood up and bowed.

“What happened in the Forbidden Zone?” Evan asked.

Li Huaizhen recounted the events in detail.

It turned out that after Evan left, Li Huaizhen had been pondering how to quickly master the True Demon Heart Sutra.

After much thought, he went to the Forbidden Zone, hoping to use the dense demonic energy there to enhance his cultivation.

For the first two months, nothing happened, and Li Huaizhen’s cultivation and comprehension speed indeed improved while bathing in the demonic energy.

But starting from the third month, the Forbidden Zone underwent a drastic change, expanding tenfold, and the intense demonic energy became unbearable even for Li Huaizhen.

To master the demonic technique quickly, Li Huaizhen endured the corrosive demonic energy and continued to cultivate in the Forbidden Zone.

He often felt an extremely terrifying presence watching him, whether it was due to hallucinations or something else.

Eventually, he decided to leave the Forbidden Zone.

However, the changes in the Forbidden Zone attracted the attention of major forces outside Islet Prefecture. In the past month, many powerful experts had arrived in Islet Prefecture.

A few days ago, while checking the situation at the edge of the Forbidden Zone, Li Huaizhen encountered several experts from outside. Seeing his demonic aura, they attacked him without any explanation and injured him.

“Do you know who those people were?”

After hearing this, Evan’s face darkened.

Someone dared to bully a member of the True Immortal Sect? They must have a death wish!




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