Chapter 26 – I am Alex Li, with connections

A fierce and menacing twenty-four meters Flood Dragon was pulling a palace carriage.


This was the beast carriage Evan Chen had rented.


Of course, he wasn't extravagant enough to book the entire carriage; there would be other travelers heading in the same direction.


One hundred and twenty Immortal Crystals—a bit pricey, but still several hundred cheaper than using a teleportation array.


Fortunately, the food and lodging along the way were provided by the carriage company, and they would pass through some ancient towns, villages, Cave Mansions on Spirit Mountains, and other places, making it a bit of a journey.


The carriage had over a hundred seats, but currently, Evan Chen was the only passenger.


He lay on the seat, hands behind his head, legs crossed.


Imagining the scene of joining the Cave Mansion for cultivation, Evan felt quite delighted.


A few hours later, a torrential rain began.


Evan lifted the side curtain and stared blankly at the rain outside the window.


The beast carriage stopped.


The first passenger besides Evan walked in gracefully.


It was a young girl in white, carrying a long sword on her back.


Evan glanced at her from the corner of his eye and then continued to gaze out the window.


In the Lower Realm, he could be reckless and indulgent, following his heart.


But in the Immortal World, it was different; he was still that humble, timid boy from the bottom rung.


He didn't dare to make eye contact with strangers, especially women. If one appeared within thirty meters of him, he would feel flustered and at a loss.


"Don't come over, don't come over…"


Evan heard the sound of light footsteps and shouted in his heart.


There were plenty of seats in the front, why squeeze to the back?


A faint fragrance wafted into Evan's nose, giving him goosebumps for no reason.


"Sir, I hope I'm not disturbing you."


A clear and pleasant voice gently reached Evan's ears.


With just the two of them on the carriage, Evan couldn't pretend the girl wasn't talking to him, so he forced himself to turn his head and give a "do as you please" smile.


"The carriage master said there are many people waiting to board at the next town, and the back is more spacious, so I disturbed you." Seeing Evan's awkward smile, the girl couldn't help but explain.


"It's fine, it's fine." Evan pretended to look elsewhere, responding indifferently.


"Sir, you don't go out much, do you?" Seeing Evan's deeply introverted demeanor, the girl couldn't help but ask with a smile.


"Yes, yes." Evan nodded.


He had spent over a decade in the mining area, the farthest he had gone was to the market to buy supplies. Besides the men in the mining area and the low-level cultivators from the Lower Realm, he hadn't interacted with outsiders.


The girl didn't say much more. Having a quiet person beside her was much better than someone trying to strike up a conversation.


"Looks like I won't be able to visit the Lower Realm on this trip."


Evan sighed inwardly. There would definitely be people on the carriage all the way, and if he disappeared for a few hours and then reappeared, it would surely cause trouble.


Feeling a bit depressed and bored.


To avoid the girl talking to him again, Evan pretended to sleep.


After enduring for two or three hours, the beast carriage stopped again. There was a commotion outside, and quite a few people boarded.


"Excuse me, you two don't mind, do you?"


Evan heard a voice and opened his eyes to find a young man in green already seated between him and the girl in white.


The girl had intentionally left this space.


"My name is Alex Li. My father is the top expert in Green Bull Town, and our ancestors had a True Immortal master, though we've fallen on hard times since."






Evan and the girl in white couldn't help but roll their eyes simultaneously.


Both of them disliked chatterboxes, and here they were, meeting one.


With such a detailed introduction, anyone would think this guy was here to court the girl in white.


"Brother, I'm heading to Sky Moon Cave on Mount Nine Splendid to become an apprentice. What about you?" Seeing that neither of them responded, Alex didn't have the nerve to approach the girl first, so he patted Evan on the shoulder.


Evan looked helpless, but hearing that this guy was also heading to Sky Moon Cave, he thought they might become fellow disciples in the future, so he said, "What a coincidence, me too."


Alex smiled and said, "It's not really a coincidence. The thirty people who just boarded are all from my hometown, and they're all going to Sky Moon Cave to become apprentices."


Evan was stunned, "So many? As far as I know, Sky Moon Cave only accepts a hundred disciples every ten years. Your town alone has thirty people going?"


Alex said grandly, "Oh, they're just trying their luck. I'm different."


Evan was about to ask what was different when Alex looked around cautiously and lowered his voice, "I have connections. It's all arranged. As long as I pass the basic test, I'll be given priority. Not only that, but my future promotion path is also well planned by my family."


Evan remained silent.


Why act so mysterious? Who doesn't have connections? I'm the Little Uncle of the Sky Moon Cave's master.


Alex then turned to the girl in white and naturally continued, "Miss, are you also going to Sky Moon Cave?"


The girl in white didn't want to respond, but this guy's conversation flowed so naturally that she couldn't help but softly say, "Yes."


Alex was overjoyed and said, "What a coincidence! Maybe the three of us will become fellow disciples. Don't worry, as long as you pass the basic test, I'll put in a good word for you and ensure you get in."


Alex didn't want to include Evan in his words, but that would make his intentions too obvious.


The girl in white frowned slightly and asked, "May I know what connections you have, Mr. Li?"


Alex wanted to whisper in her ear but was glared at, so he reluctantly pulled back and said, "My father once accidentally saved the life of the third elder of Sky Moon Cave. Of course, this relationship can only get me in, but for future promotions, there will be plenty of benefits."


Alex gave the girl a knowing look.


The girl sneered, seemingly a bit disdainful, and stopped talking.


Alex secretly scoffed, pretending to be aloof. When I become a core disciple, you'll be begging to lick my boots.


"Brother, what's your name?"


Having been snubbed by the girl, Alex turned back to Evan.


"Evan Chen."


Alex nodded and said, "Brother Chen, to be honest, do you have anyone to introduce you? If not, even if I try my best, it will be hard to help you get selected."


Evan wanted to get rid of this guy quickly and then pretend to sleep, "I have a brother looking out for me. He wrote a recommendation letter."


"Good for you, brother!" Alex slapped Evan on the shoulder, "Let me take a look at the letter. I'll check it for you."


"That's not convenient."


Evan was speechless.


The recommendation letter written by James Li was sealed with Immortal Power, and he hadn't dared to open it himself.


"You're right. A recommendation letter is a private matter and shouldn't be shown to outsiders, especially since we're not familiar yet." Alex acted understandingly, "How many people are in your family? Are you from a noble family? What's your father's name?"


Evan rubbed his temples, yawned, and tilted his head.


"Asleep already?"


Alex felt bored and thickened his skin to try talking to the girl in white again.


When he turned, he found the seat beside him empty.


Feeling disappointed, his eyes inadvertently caught a fresh bloodstain on the ground.


"No wonder she wasn't interested in me. It's that time of the month, and she's in a bad mood. Understandable."


Alex smacked his lips. With no one to talk to, it was really boring.




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