Chapter 24 – It’s too late to regret

The sky had just begun to lighten.


The Flying Immortal Sect, led by Sect Leader Brian Yu, marched with an imposing force of eight hundred experts.


"Attacking the rebels before the Shining Moon Sect does, this is a brilliant move by the Sect Leader," said an elder.


Hearing this flattery, Brian Yu looked pleased and deliberately asked, "What's so brilliant about it?"


The elder smiled mysteriously, clasped his hands behind his back, and replied, "We strike first. If we succeed in killing the rebels, our sect will take the credit. Even if the Shining Moon Sect wants to compete, they will have to consider their reputation. I estimate we can at least take half of the territory! If we can't defeat the rebels, we can fight and retreat, letting the Shining Moon Sect clean up the mess. After the battle, we can still claim a third of the credit and territory."


"Hahaha, you understand me well, Great Elder," Brian Yu laughed heartily.


As everyone was immersed in joy, a disciple asked, "Sect Leader, what if our entire army is wiped out before the Shining Moon Sect arrives?"


Great Elder: "…"


Brian Yu: "…"


"Shut your mouth! With the Sect Leader and all the elders personally leading, even the Shining Moon Sect must respect us. What are a few rebels?" a core disciple scolded.


"But…" the disciple said fearfully, "Last night, I got up to relieve myself and saw Mr. Longchu's corpse being pecked by a flock of crows. I think it's an ominous sign."


The joyful atmosphere vanished instantly.


After a few moments, Brian Yu laughed again and said, "Everyone, don't forget, Longchu is a reverse beacon. His corpse being desecrated is actually a great omen!"


"Hahaha, the Sect Leader is right."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except for that disciple who was still worried, muttering, "Even a blind cat catches a dead mouse sometimes. Maybe this time Mr. Longchu is right."


"You little brat, disrupting my Dao Heart repeatedly! Seize him and execute him on the spot!" Brian Yu, feeling uneasy from the disciple's words, erupted in anger.


"Spare me, Sect Leader…"


Before the disciple could finish pleading, he was hacked to pieces.


"Everyone, the Brahma Sound Sect is just ahead. We will surely win today's battle! Which elder will go first? There will be a heavy reward!" Brian Yu said.


Only a mile away from the Brahma Sound Sect, Brian Yu quietly released his Immortal Sense but couldn't penetrate the thin white mist, feeling a sudden dread.


"Sect Leader, I am willing to scout ahead!" an elder volunteered.


"Good! Elder Gu, you are a pillar of our sect and a peak Body Fusion expert. You are perfect for this task."


"I shall go!" Elder Gu lifted his robe and soared towards the Brahma Sound Sect.


Hovering above the old site of the Brahma Sound Sect, Elder Gu was stunned.


Among the mountains, palaces rose and fell, with ethereal immortal light turning the mist into rainbow colors.


It was breathtaking and magnificent!


"To build such a grand Immortal Palace overnight, this is beyond human capability."


Elder Gu, who had been full of ambition, was now filled with inexplicable fear.


He regretted being the first to step forward but couldn't retreat now without becoming a laughingstock.


Summoning his courage, he shouted, "You who occupy the Brahma Sound Sect, I, the Fourth Elder of the Flying Immortal Sect, have come to eliminate you! Come out and die!"


Hearing this bold shout, the old monks hiding in the forest by the mountains were overjoyed.


"Amitabha, everyone, our sect's revival is in sight. Quickly, go and assist!"


In an instant, ten old monks at the initial Body Fusion stage soared into the sky.



Inside the Forbidden Palace of the True Immortal Sect.


Evan Chen lay among soft cushions, exhausted from teaching divine skills the previous day, intending to rest and recuperate.


Unexpectedly, there were lackeys outside the sect causing trouble.


Evan immediately extended his Immortal Sense to see what was happening outside.


He then dressed and walked out of the Forbidden Palace.


"Master, those ignorant old monks have colluded with the Flying Immortal Sect to challenge us," Li Huaizhen, who had been waiting outside, reported as soon as Evan appeared.


"Understood," Evan nodded indifferently.


"Master, let me go and kill those old fellows," Li Huaizhen volunteered.


Evan raised his hand to stop him, saying, "These ants, they fear power but do not respect virtue. There's no need for you to act; I will handle this personally."


Li Huaizhen's heart stirred. The master was personally going to deal with these old monks, indicating he was truly angry.


"Max Zhi, you colluded with bandits, occupied the sect, and betrayed your teachers and ancestors. Today, with the help of the heroes from the Flying Immortal Sect, we have come to eliminate you. Come out and die!" The dozen old monks, emboldened by the Flying Immortal Sect, were much more confident than yesterday.




Two figures shot into the sky, landing in front of the Flying Immortal Sect elders and the old monks in the blink of an eye.


Seeing Evan Chen and Li Huaizhen, the old monks were inexplicably terrified, retreating repeatedly and looking towards the Fourth Elder.


The Fourth Elder was also uneasy, feeling as if countless mountains were pressing on his chest, making it hard to breathe.


However, with Sect Leader Yu's large force arriving, there was no need to flee!


"You vile bandit, kneel and beg for mercy!" the Fourth Elder shouted, trying to maintain his composure.


Evan didn't crush him immediately, instead, he asked with interest, "I want to know, who gave you the courage to come here and shout? Have you asked the Shining Moon Sect how they act?"


The Fourth Elder sneered, "The Flying Immortal Sect raises the righteous banner to slay you, a mere scoundrel. Why should we ask anyone else?"


"Good," Evan smiled and nodded, then looked at the dozen old monks, his face turning cold, "You bald donkeys, you chose the path of death. Don't blame me."


The old monks, hiding behind the Fourth Elder, laughed arrogantly, "Hahaha, you brat, today the Flying Immortal Sect has brought hundreds of experts to eliminate you. How dare you still boast? Let's see how you beg for mercy later!"


Evan couldn't be bothered to argue with these foolish monks any longer. He flicked his finger.


A wisp of Immortal Power shot out.




The old monk exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist.


"Ah, this!"


Seeing this, the remaining old monks and the Fourth Elder turned pale, almost losing their souls.


"Immortal Power! It's true Immortal Power!"


The Fourth Elder trembled, his body uncontrollably spasming.


The person before him had such pure and terrifying Immortal Power. He wasn't a Land Immortal; he was clearly an Immortal Realm powerhouse!


It's over…


The Fourth Elder felt weak, his knees buckling as he tried to kneel, but a shout came from behind:


"Charge, kill!"


Brian Yu led the charge, commanding, "The Fourth Elder has been challenging them for a while, finally drawing the bandits out. All elders and disciples, attack with full force, no mistakes!"


After giving the order, Brian Yu was certain of victory today, his heart settling. He couldn't help but lament the loss of Mr. Longchu.


"Longchu is dead. I shouldn't have killed that disrespectful disciple. He should have taken Longchu's place."


As he regretted, Brian Yu reached the front lines.


"Sect Leader, kneel, quickly…" Seeing the Fourth Elder, he was urged to kneel with a tearful face.


"Hmm?" Brian Yu frowned, "Fourth Elder, have you gone mad?"


"Sect Leader, the opponent is an Immortal… beg for mercy quickly," the Fourth Elder said, collapsing in mid-air.




Opposite, Evan saw that everyone had arrived. It was time to eliminate them.


It wasn't that Evan was ruthless, but they had made the mistake and had to pay the price, right?


Evan opened his palm and gently pushed forward.


Ethereal immortal light illuminated the world, and terrifying Immortal Power crushed the mountains and rivers.




Feeling the overwhelming power, Brian Yu's eyes lost their light, and he wet himself in fear.


"Longchu, oh Longchu, I regret not listening to you. My life is over."


Regret, immense regret.


But what use was it?


The overwhelming palm fell, and the eight hundred elders and disciples behind Brian Yu were turned to ashes without even a scream.


As for Brian Yu? Evan only shattered his meridians, leaving him with a breath.




Because two more sects were on their way. Leaving him alive would show everyone his miserable state, serving as a warning.


Additionally, the remaining old monks were still alive.


"Masters, what do you think? Do you remember the lesson I taught you the other day?" Evan asked, looking at the trembling old monks with a mocking gaze.


"Immortal, we know our mistake. Please spare us," the old monks regretted deeply. If they had known he was an Immortal, they wouldn't have dared to cause trouble even with a thousand guts.


"Huaizhen, take care of it."


Evan turned away indifferently.


"Yes, Master."


Li Huaizhen then summoned his Immortal Artifact, a scythe, surrounded by demonic energy, and walked towards the monks step by step.


"Huaizhen, do you remember? I held you when you were little…"




A black blade flashed, and the monks' heads fell, blood raining from the sky.




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