Chapter 18 – What kind of high immortal is this?

A massive toad spoke human words: “Just capture him, why the panic?”

Several monks exchanged glances and said, “Reporting to the Ancestor, that fiend’s demonic aura is overwhelming, seemingly even stronger than a few days ago. He specifically named us to face death, so we dare not go rashly and have come to seek your guidance.”

Upon hearing this, the giant toad transformed into a withered old monk.

This was the revered founder of the Brahma Sound Sect, worshipped by over five thousand disciples!

His true form was actually a toad demon that had cultivated for seven thousand years.

Few within the Brahma Sound Sect knew his true identity.

The monks before him were among those few.

Over three thousand years ago, the toad demon ambushed and killed the Brahma Sound Sect’s abbot, Master Dhatian, and took over his body.

Originally, he planned to devour all the monks of the Brahma Sound Sect. However, he discovered that using the sect to conceal his identity and commanding the disciples to capture other demons for him to consume allowed his cultivation to grow faster.

Since then, he had lived as the sect’s founder, drinking blood and eating flesh, enjoying over three thousand years of indulgence.


The toad demon snorted coldly.

“I truly suspect, as that young monk said, that you all have embezzled my Immortal Crystals.”

The monks immediately felt uneasy. One of them, with a bitter expression, said, “Heaven and earth bear witness, Ancestor, Immortal Crystals are so rare that even the great families and holy lands of the major domains can hardly produce a single one. How could Max Zhi have the means to obtain it?”

Another monk quickly added, “Indeed, Ancestor, it is entirely because that fiend lusted after the snake demon’s beauty and was manipulated by her, hence the falsehood.”

The toad demon nodded slightly. The idea of Immortal Crystals being involved seemed implausible.

“Enough.” The toad demon pondered for a moment and said, “I am but a step away from entering the Land Immortal Realm. You all stay here and guard me. Once I have crossed the Heavenly Tribulation, it will not be too late to kill Max Zhi.”

“Ancestor, you intend to cross the tribulation now?!” The monks were shocked.

“Less talk, set up the Earthly Formation!” the toad demon commanded.

“Yes, Ancestor.”

The monks bowed simultaneously, but a flash of malice flickered in their eyes.

The toad demon sat cross-legged, gathering his demonic power into his demon core.

As long as he successfully crossed the Heavenly Tribulation, his demon core would transform into an Immortal Core, and he would no longer be a demon. Even if a Daoist saw his true form, they would have to address him as an Immortal Toad.

Achieving immortality was the lifelong pursuit of all demons.

Under the influence of his demonic power, the toad demon’s core began to transform. When the transformation was complete, the Heavenly Tribulation would descend.

The toad demon chose this place to cross the tribulation because the True Thunder Tower could withstand the tribulation, reducing the power of the Forty-Nine Heavenly Tribulation by forty percent.

This made his successful tribulation crossing almost a certainty.

In the span of a few breaths, the sky above the Brahma Sound Sect darkened, with thick clouds rolling in, enveloping the True Thunder Tower.

“Now, the toad demon is at his weakest. Brothers, attack!”

At this moment, all the toad demon’s power was focused on transforming his core into an Immortal Core, making it the weakest moment of his life.

With a shout from one of the monks, the six of them attacked without reservation.

The toad demon’s body was instantly pierced with dozens of bloody holes, his heart and dantian completely shattered.


The toad demon fell to the ground in pain, staring in disbelief at the monks before him.

“Hahaha, you filthy toad, see who we really are!”

With a puff of green smoke, the six monks transformed into six muscular pig demons.

“For over two thousand years, my brothers and I have been lying in wait for this day.”

The toad demon’s eyes filled with despair. He never imagined that pig demons had been hiding by his side, waiting for the chance to seize his Immortal Core.

Above the Brahma Sound Sect, Evan Chen’s Immortal Sense had already taken in everything.

The drama inside the True Thunder Tower, with its twists and turns, left him dumbfounded.

“To think they could endure for over two thousand years for an Immortal Core from a demon. That’s some patience,” Evan murmured to himself, the spectacle once again redefining his understanding of deceit and intrigue.

“Senior, those treacherous monks dare not come out. I’ll go down and kill them myself.”

After waiting for a long time without seeing the monks emerge, Max Zhi raised his scythe, ready to charge down.

“No need.”

Evan stopped Max Zhi and then flicked his finger.

A beam of Immortal Power shot out, striking the True Thunder Tower.

The True Thunder Tower exploded instantly, and six figures, terrified, flew out carrying the toad demon’s corpse.

Then, Evan gently waved his hand, enveloping Shirley in Immortal Power. In the blink of an eye, she was in his arms.

“What kind of divine technique is this!”

“Destroying the True Thunder Tower with a flick of the finger, this person must be at least a peak Land Immortal!”

The monks of the Brahma Sound Sect were so frightened by this scene that they nearly collapsed.

Max Zhi, sensing all this, was also shocked, thinking to himself that the senior’s power was unfathomable.

“Your enemies have come out. Go and kill them,” Evan said calmly.

“Senior, I only sensed six powerful pig demons flying out of the True Thunder Tower, along with a lifeless toad demon!” Monk Max Zhi said.

“Those six pig demons are your uncles, and that toad is the founder you’ve been worshipping for over a decade,” Evan told Max Zhi.

Max Zhi was stunned!

The founder he had sincerely worshipped, the elders of his sect, were actually demons!

If he had known this a month ago, before he had fallen into demonic cultivation, his Buddhist heart would have shattered, and he would have been in unbearable pain.

“Brothers, that fiend has brought reinforcements. We must quickly use the Immortal Crystals to refine the toad demon’s core if we are to stand a chance!”

The pig demons were nearly scared out of their wits by the terrifying attack.

They didn’t know that if Evan hadn’t deliberately spared their lives to let Max Zhi kill them and resolve his inner demons, they would have already turned to ash.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

Enraged by the truth, Max Zhi wielded his scythe and charged out like a black shadow.

On the other side, the six pig demons began refining the stolen Immortal Crystals and the toad demon’s core together, their realms skyrocketing and their auras rapidly rising.

As soon as Max Zhi arrived, the pig demons brandished their weapons and fought him.

After a fierce battle, the pig demons’ weapons were all shattered by the scythe, and Max Zhi himself was injured multiple times, his body covered in blood.

In the midst of the struggle, Max Zhi comprehended the demonic techniques he had obtained in the Forbidden Zone, further enhancing his strength.

With the dual boost of the Immortal Artifact scythe and demonic techniques, Max Zhi killed each pig demon with a single strike.

In just a few breaths, he had slaughtered all six pig demons!

Demon blood turned into raindrops, falling on the monks below.

They all knelt and chanted the Buddha’s name.

The battle ended.

Half an hour later, the monks of the Brahma Sound Sect learned the whole truth and expelled all the high monks who had served the toad demon.

“Amitabha, Nephew Max Zhi, our Brahma Sound Sect has been under demonic control for over three thousand years. Thanks to your bravery in slaying the demons, we wish to appoint you as the new abbot. Please do not decline.”

After some discussion, the senior monks said.

“My name is Li Huaizhen, not Monk Max Zhi. If you want a new abbot, find someone else.”

Max Zhi had been taken in by the Brahma Sound Sect monks during a famine when he was three years old. Li Huaizhen was his secular name, which he could never forget.

After this ordeal, Li Huaizhen’s heart for Buddhism had long since vanished, and he had no intention of continuing as a monk.

In the rear courtyard, Evan Chen took out a herb, crushed it, and fed it to Shirley.

In just a few breaths, Shirley’s wounds were healed.

She opened her eyes to see a handsome young face.

“Master! It’s really you. Shirley knew you would come back,” she cried with joy, wanting to throw herself into Evan’s arms but remembering her status as a servant, she knelt before him instead.

“As the saying goes, a drop of water in need should be returned with a spring of gratitude. I’ve saved your life twice. If I don’t let you repay me, you will be restless. Don’t worry, I’m not a heartless person,” Evan said grandly.

Shirley smiled through her tears, shyly saying, “Thank you, Master. You once taught me that gratitude should not be delayed. I hope you will allow me to repay you now.”

“I permit it!”

Evan had not done much today, so he thought, why not enjoy a passionate battle with the little fairy for a few hundred rounds.

A few hours later, the door to the room opened.

A group of young monks hiding outside blushed and fled.

In the outer hall, Li Huaizhen (Max Zhi) saw Evan Chen and Shirley coming out and immediately approached.

“Senior, the old monks have been waiting for a long time to thank you in person.”

“Thank me for what? A bunch of fools who can’t tell right from wrong. Drive them all away. From today on, this place will be renamed ‘True Immortal Sect,’ and I appoint you as the first-generation sect master.”

Evan deliberately raised his voice, making the old monks outside feel like crying.

They thought a few apologies would suffice, but who would have thought the entire sect would be taken over.

The monks were devastated, cursing in their hearts: What kind of high immortal is this!




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