Chapter 1 – Cross

Immortal Realm.

Jambu and the Northern Wilderness, mining area.

It was the monthly rest day in the mining area, and the dark-skinned men sat around drinking and chatting.

Among them was a burly man with a bushy beard who claimed to be an Ascendant, vividly recounting his carefree days in the Lower Realm.

“Big Brother Li, is the Lower Realm really as good as you say?”

Evan Chen listened intently.

Especially when Big Man Li mentioned the abundance of beauties in the Lower Realm and occasionally slipped in a dirty joke, it made the inexperienced Evan’s heart race and his face flush.

“Would I lie to you? Back then, I was known as the Sun Sword Immortal, unrivaled for three thousand years, invincible across ninety thousand miles, drinking the strongest wine and sleeping with the most beautiful women. It was a life of freedom and joy,” Big Man Li boasted.

“Then why did you come to the Immortal Realm to suffer?” Evan blurted out.

“I was tricked!” Big Man Li got a bit agitated. “Everyone says the Immortal Realm is great, but it’s all a damn lie. They tricked me into becoming a laborer.”

No wonder Big Man Li felt so unbalanced.

In the Lower Realm, he was an invincible existence, commanding the wind and rain.

But upon arriving in the Immortal Realm, he found that the “Immortal” Realm, which was rare in the Lower Realm, was everywhere here. The indigenous people born in the Immortal Realm automatically entered the Immortal Realm upon reaching adulthood without needing to cultivate.

Of course, to continue advancing in realms, one had to cultivate in a Cave Mansion on Spirit Mountain at the very least.

But the Cave Mansions on Spirit Mountain had long been divided among the great immortal clans, leaving no room for the lower class.

After stumbling around for many years, Big Man Li gave in and had to join the ranks of miners to make a living.

“That’s not entirely true,” a thin old man spoke up quietly. “As far as I know, those Ascendants from the Lower Realm are all exceptional cultivation geniuses, eagerly sought after by various immortal mansions. I think you, James Li, must have done something disgraceful and violated the heavenly rules to end up here.”

Upon hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, teasing James Li.

James Li glared at the old man and angrily waved him off. “Get lost, you old fellow. You’re over four thousand years old and still a virgin. If you’re jealous, just say so.”

The old man blushed and stammered, unable to retort.

The Immortal Realm was too competitive.

People like the Thin Old Man, who were at the bottom, were over four thousand years old and still toiling in the mines, never having experienced the taste of a woman.

How tragic.

Evan Chen fiddled with a round black stone he had just dug up and sighed deeply.

He suddenly wondered if his future would be like Old Zhang’s.

“Evan Chen, why are you, a young man, so unambitious, working in the mines? If I were you, I’d rather be a Medicine Testing Boy than do this,” James Li said to Evan after a moment of silence.

Evan snapped out of his thoughts and smiled awkwardly. “Mining is tough, but at least I can earn sixty Immortal Crystals a month, which is much better than being a Medicine Testing Boy.”

James Li shook his head helplessly. “Fool, those immortal mansions have plenty of fairy maidens. If you don’t get in, you’ll end up like Old Zhang, dying a virgin.”

Hearing this, Evan blushed again and said embarrassedly, “If I work a few more years and save enough Immortal Crystals to buy a lower-level Cave Mansion, I won’t have to worry about not getting a wife.”

James Li scoffed, “Keep dreaming.”

Everyone laughed.

A lower-level Cave Mansion costs at least 1.8 million Immortal Crystals. Evan would need to work for 2,500 years without eating or drinking to afford it.

Moreover, the idea that having a Cave Mansion guarantees a wife is outdated by tens of thousands of years.

Nowadays, without a background, even owning a mid-level Cave Mansion doesn’t guarantee anything.

In reality, Evan wasn’t as naive as he appeared.

He knew how difficult it was to buy a Cave Mansion and get a wife.

But what could he do?

Being born lowly, he had to accept his fate. Having a goal was better than just waiting for death.

“Sigh, if only I could go to the Lower Realm.”

Evan silently lamented. If he went to the Lower Realm, with his current Third Immortal Realm level, he wouldn’t be invincible, but at least he would be a top-tier cultivator, not suffering like this.

Many in the Immortal Realm had the same thought, but no one could achieve it.

Because, except for the Immortal Emperor, no one could cross realms.

And if one reached the Immortal Emperor level, who would be foolish enough to go to the Lower Realm?


As he thought this, Evan suddenly felt a shock, and a strange force swept through his consciousness.

“What’s happening!”

Evan was terrified. Just as he was about to shout, unfamiliar information flooded his mind.

“Huh, a cross-realm stone?”

In his astonishment, Evan calmed down and quietly looked at the black stone in his hand.

The mysterious information made Evan understand the stone’s function.

He could use this stone to enter other realms!

What a coincidence?

This was unbelievable!

“Evan Chen, what’s wrong with you? Your face turned pale after a few words.”

Seeing Evan’s odd state, James Li asked with concern.

“Nothing, nothing.”

Evan clenched the black stone tightly and shook his head repeatedly.

“You’re such a fool,” James Li said, glancing at Evan. “You have the Pure Sword Body, what a waste. If you had a way to join a Cave Mansion on Spirit Mountain, you could at least become a True Immortal. But you don’t have that fate.”

The Pure Sword Body wasn’t considered top-tier in the Immortal Realm.

Without someone to recommend him, it was impossible to join a Cave Mansion on Spirit Mountain.

At this moment, Evan’s mind wasn’t on his qualifications. “Um… Big Brother Li, with my current Third Immortal Realm level, what rank would I be in the Lower Realm?”

James Li frowned. What a fool, asking such useless questions.

Coming to the Immortal Realm was like entering an eternal prison. Who could go back down?

But since he had nothing better to do, James Li answered, “Not the best, but not the worst. In the Canglan Realm where I’m from, you’d probably be in the top five hundred.”

The Immortal Realm is divided into First Immortal Realm, Second Immortal Realm, Third Immortal Realm… up to Ninth Immortal Realm.

After the Ninth Immortal Realm, there are True Immortal, Profound Immortal, and Heavenly Immortal, followed by Immortal King, Immortal Sovereign, and Immortal Emperor.

Outside the Immortal Realm, generally, those in the Sixth Immortal Realm can choose to ascend, and those in the Ninth Immortal Realm must ascend as they are at the absolute peak.

“Top five hundred!”

Hearing James Li’s answer, not only Evan but also the other workers were excited.

“Damn, I’m in the Fourth Immortal Realm. Wouldn’t I be a big shot in the Lower Realm?”

“As far as I know, there are trillions of cultivators in the Lower Realm. Being in the top five hundred at the Third Immortal Realm is truly enviable!”

“If I, the Old Man, could go to the Lower Realm, I’d take ten or eight beautiful women and live happily.”

For a moment, everyone was fantasizing about enjoying life in the Lower Realm.

At this time, the representative of the Wang Family responsible for mining area 1165 came over and shouted in a commanding tone:

“Time’s up, everyone line up for inspection and prepare to leave the mining area!”

Everyone, including Evan, immediately got up and lined up for inspection.

The so-called inspection was mainly to check if anyone was hiding any Amethyst Mines.

Generally, no one dared to do this. If caught, skinning and dismemberment would be the least of their worries.

So, the monthly inspection before leaving the mine was just a formality.

Dozens of miners lined up and slowly moved forward, all passing without exception.

Soon, Evan came to the young person in charge.

“What’s this? Who allowed you to take it!”

The young man stared at the black stone in Evan’s hand and sternly shouted.




4 responses to “Chapter 1 – Cross”

  1. Anon Avatar

    Evan Chen? Why is the name Evan Chen lol

    1. wuxia100 Avatar

      Hi, this is to improve the reading fluency for western reader , as Chinese names are too difficult to remember.

      1. Anon Avatar

        Fair enough, but as someone who’s read previous Chinese novels before, especially of the xianxia genre, it’s kinda immersive breaking since I know it’s supposed to be Chinese names and that’s what I’m expecting and the last names aren’t helping. Considering future readers will probably be in the same boat might wanna consider using Chinese names in the future for other novels. I might be in the minority though maybe you can do a poll or something.

        1. wuxia100 Avatar

          Thank you for your honest feedback! I will conduct a poll to gather more opinions from other readers. Your input is valuable, and I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.

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