Chapter 113 – Lower Totem

The middle-aged man’s gentle words carried an undeniable certainty.

Hearing this, James Chen was even more startled.

He hadn’t expected that his whispered words would be overheard by the person in front of him, who then offered to visit the clan.

James had many thoughts, but at this moment, he dared not show any negligence.

He simply smiled and said, “Sir, please follow me.”

“A stranger?”

Hearing the report from the house servant, Ethan Chen fell into deep thought.

Disordered Burial Mountain had always been remote. The clan had expended considerable effort to migrate here, cutting through thorns and slaying many fierce beasts along the way.

If an ordinary person had bad luck, they probably wouldn’t be able to reach this place.

To come here alone, one must either be extraordinarily lucky or possess significant strength.

Based on James Chen’s description, this person was likely the latter.

This made Ethan Chen’s face show a hint of worry.

The clan had only just begun to establish a foothold in Disordered Burial Mountain and hadn’t had much time to develop. They couldn’t afford any unexpected incidents.

At this moment, another clan member reported:

“Clan Chief, James Chen is leading someone to the clan’s entrance.”

“I understand. Go notify…”

After giving his orders, Ethan Chen, accompanied by two clan members, headed towards the entrance.

If it’s a blessing, it’s not a curse; if it’s a curse, it can’t be avoided.

The clan now had some strength and was not entirely defenseless.

Of course, perhaps he was overthinking it, and it was just a passing stranger.

But as the Clan Chief, he had to consider all aspects to ensure the clan’s future.

In any case, he had to go out and meet this person first to assess the situation.

“Guest, this is the Chen Clan.”

Seeing the clan in the distance and Ethan Chen along with many clan elders waiting at the entrance, James Chen felt slightly more at ease.

During the journey, he had deliberately slowed his pace to give the clan time to prepare.

In this way, he thought the Clan Chief wouldn’t blame him for bringing this person to the clan unannounced.

This was his little scheme.

Upon returning to the clan, James Chen’s confidence grew, and his face showed a hint of obvious relaxation.

The middle-aged man seemed to notice this and merely smiled faintly, not minding at all.

At the entrance, Ethan Chen and Mason Chen had been waiting for some time.

When Ethan Chen saw the unfamiliar figure in the distance, his heart skipped a beat.

Such luxurious attire and extraordinary demeanor indicated that this person was no ordinary individual.

Sensing this, Ethan Chen stepped forward, cupped his hands with a smile, and said, “I am Ethan Chen, Clan Chief of the Chen Clan. I did not know we would have such an esteemed guest. Please forgive us.”

The middle-aged man simply raised his hand slightly and said, “Gabriel Zhou from the Zhou Family in Cloud Dream City.”

Ethan Chen was slightly startled. Although he didn’t know where Cloud Dream City was or how powerful the Zhou Family was, owning a city meant the Zhou Family was certainly not something a small clan like the Chen Clan could compare to.

Many of the clan members were also puzzled but remained vigilant.

Before Ethan Chen could inquire further, Gabriel Zhou slowly spoke:

“I heard your clan has a Sacred Tree. I would like to see it. Would the Clan Chief mind?”

After Gabriel Zhou finished speaking, many clan members became agitated, their excitement tinged with hostility.

The Sacred Tree was the clan’s totem, the symbol of the clan.

This person wanted to see their Sacred Tree as soon as he arrived, clearly showing no respect for the Chen Clan.

Many clan members’ Qi and Blood surged, glaring angrily, ready to act at Ethan Chen’s command.

This was their own clan, with the power of the Sacred Tree supporting them. They didn’t believe they couldn’t handle this person.

Upon hearing this, Ethan Chen’s expression changed slightly.

His thoughts were naturally aligned with most of the clan members.

The Sacred Tree was the clan’s foundation; how could they allow an outsider to see it casually?

But when Ethan Chen looked at Gabriel Zhou, he instantly calmed down.

Facing the somewhat excited and angry crowd, Gabriel Zhou remained unmoved, his expression natural and calm, as if he had just made a simple and ordinary request.

Though alone, his demeanor was even more extraordinary.

That was absolute confidence and a serene disregard for everything, something ordinary people could not possess.

“If the guest wishes to see it, of course, he may.”


Ethan Chen did not refuse but instead led the way.

Although the clan members did not understand why the Clan Chief didn’t act, since he had spoken, they said no more.

On the side, Mason Chen slowly left the crowd, his expression somewhat solemn.

Seeing Ethan Chen agree without hesitation, Gabriel Zhou, whose face remained calm, revealed a faint smile.

Ethan Chen’s agreement was simple.

Before this person revealed his true strength, the clan should keep him stable. If he had any ill intentions, the clan could use the power of the Sacred Tree to deal with him.

But hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.

Even though the clan had Oliver Chen, an Innate Realm warrior, Ethan Chen felt a profound and unfathomable aura from Gabriel Zhou.

This person was definitely an Innate Realm warrior, and his realm was higher than Oliver Chen’s. This was Ethan Chen’s intuition.

Soon, the group arrived at the Ancestral Hall.

As the doors of the Ancestral Hall opened, the Sacred Tree of the clan appeared before them.

Compared to a few months ago, the Sacred Tree had only grown slightly.

On the trunk of the Sacred Tree, clusters of lush branches and leaves grew, with intertwined brown and black patterns, giving it a somewhat eerie appearance. Even the Sophora leaves were half green and half black.

However, the not-so-thick and not-so-tall trunk made the Sacred Tree seem less majestic.

But to the clan members, these details were unimportant.

When Gabriel Zhou saw the Sacred Tree, his eyes showed a hint of interest.

But when he noticed the crimson soil not far from the tree, his eyes revealed a trace of disappointment, and he shook his head:

“It does look peculiar, but unfortunately, it’s just a lower-tier totem.”

Hearing Gabriel Zhou’s arrogant words, many clan members silently clenched their fists.

This person was not only rude but also called their totem a lower-tier totem!

Ethan Chen remained calm and couldn’t help but ask in confusion:

“May I ask, what is a lower-tier totem?”

“Very well, since I’m in a good mood today, I’ll explain it to you.”

“All spiritual beings in the world can become clan totems, but even totems are divided into three tiers: upper, middle, and lower!”

“Lower-tier totems feed on blood, the blood of fierce beasts.”

“Middle-tier totems feed on Qi, the incense of worship.”

“Upper-tier totems feed on spirit, the essence of heaven and earth.”

Gabriel Zhou’s words made Ethan Chen fall into deep thought.

By this explanation, the Sacred Tree indeed counted as a lower-tier totem, as they usually offered sacrifices of fierce beasts.

But regardless of the tier, it didn’t matter. The Sacred Tree was the symbol of the clan and its hope.


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