Chapter 105 – Wolf Attack

The night grew darker, but the surrounding firelight became even brighter.

To safely get through the night, the people of the clan had gathered a lot of wood.

After cooking the blood rice they carried with them and pairing it with some roasted beast meat, the firelight added a unique flavor to the meal.

A few Body Tempering Realm clan members were already leaning to one side, their breathing gradually steadying as they prepared to rest.

Although the Green Wolves had not yet attacked, Elijah and the others decided to take turns keeping watch to prevent any surprises.


Just as everyone was about to rest, a bright wolf howl echoed in all directions.

The howl instantly woke everyone present.

The awakened clan members looked towards the source of the sound, their faces filled with suspicion.

After the first howl, several more howls came from not far away, some even quite close to them.

The clan members who were about to rest now focused their minds, their eyes becoming vigilant.

“Everyone, be careful.”

“It seems this Green Wolf isn’t afraid of us but is planning to attack at night.”

Elijah reminded everyone.

However, the clan members did not panic. After all, they were the ones taking the initiative this time. Although there were some unexpected developments, it was not a big deal.

Moreover, there was an Innate Realm warrior among them!

The howls around them added a hint of excitement to the clan members’ expressions.

“They’re here.”

Oliver, who had not slept, spoke calmly.

As soon as Oliver finished speaking, rustling sounds came from not far away.

When everyone focused their attention, several pairs of eerie green eyes were already flickering in the darkness.

As they approached, the wolves’ forms gradually became visible in the firelight.

They were Green Wolves, each covered in green fur and standing about half a man’s height.

They were robust, with sharp, cold, and fierce eyes.

At a glance, there were at least a dozen Green Wolves around, and more howls could be heard from afar.

They were surrounded by the wolf pack.

These Green Wolves were not ordinary wild beasts; the weakest among them were Body Tempering Realm beasts, and the bonfire posed no threat to them.

Seeing so many Green Wolves surrounding them, the clan members became alert, slowly forming a circle with the lowest-realm members, Lucas and Alexander, in the center, giving the wolves no chance to exploit any weaknesses.

Although the wolves’ attack was unexpected, it fit perfectly with the clan’s plan.

But as Mason looked around, he didn’t see the Innate Realm Green Wolf, not even a Blood Condensation Realm one.

Mason immediately made a judgment and reminded everyone:

“It seems it’s planning to let these Body Tempering Realm Green Wolves exhaust our strength first. Everyone, stay vigilant.”

Then Mason lowered his voice:

“Oliver, don’t act yet. Your target is the Innate Realm Green Wolf.”

“Got it.”

Oliver nodded, keeping a close watch on the darkness.

As soon as that Green Wolf appeared, he would no longer hide.

He was confident that with his current Innate Realm strength, he could easily kill it.

Among the crowd, Lucas, who had never experienced such a situation, looked slightly panicked, but the ‘wall’ formed by the clan members around him gave him a sense of security.

“When the fight starts, I might not be able to look after you two. Be careful, don’t be reckless. If you can dodge, dodge. If you can’t, protect your heart and head.”

Elijah’s solemn reminder came to their ears.

“Dad, I understand.”

Lucas replied seriously.

Alexander also nodded.


A loud howl echoed from afar again, more intense than before.

The wolves surrounding them began to move, searching for the clan members’ weak spots.

“Be careful, they’re coming.”

As the words fell, a Green Wolf leaped from above, heading straight for Mason.

As this Green Wolf attacked, the others also launched their assault.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

In an instant, several flying Green Wolves were knocked away by the clan members.

The outer circle consisted of Blood Condensation Realm members, and with their mastery of the Grand Ancestor Long Fist, the Body Tempering Realm Green Wolves were not a threat.

However, the knocked-away Green Wolves did not stay down; after struggling for a moment, they slowly stood up again.

Only the Green Wolves knocked away by Mason and Elijah remained down.

Before these Green Wolves could fully rise, another batch of uninjured Green Wolves attacked again.

“Don’t hit their heads or backs, aim for their waists!”

In the heat of battle, Mason reminded everyone.

Even fierce beasts had weak spots.

If they were ordinary wild beasts, a single punch could crush their skulls, but the Green Wolves’ heads were much harder. Even warriors a small realm higher might not kill them in one blow, so they had to aim for their weak spots for a fatal strike.

It sounded simple, and many clan members knew this, but in the heat of battle, it was hard to hit their weak spots accurately.

Moreover, these Green Wolves were quite intelligent, knowing how to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, making the fight challenging.

After dealing with the Green Wolf in front of him, Mason glanced around at the battle. Seeing that many attacking Green Wolves were not killed in one blow, he frowned.

These were just Body Tempering Realm Green Wolves, at most late-stage Body Tempering Realm, yet they were already struggling. If a Blood Condensation Realm Green Wolf appeared, it would be even harder to deal with.

The most troublesome part was that their Qi and blood were constantly depleting, while countless eerie green eyes kept appearing in the surrounding darkness.

Their Qi and blood had limits, but the Green Wolves seemed endless.

At this rate, not only would they fail to decapitate the leader, but even the safety of the clan members would be in jeopardy.

Although the highest-realm Oliver hadn’t acted yet, if he did, the Innate Realm Green Wolf would definitely not show up, and their plan would fail.

While pondering, a Green Wolf pounced at him.

Mason struck out with a palm, a flash of bright white light appearing in his hand.

This was the Liu Family’s inherited combat skill, Bright Moon Like Frost, but now it belonged to the Chen Clan.

Although he was only mid-stage Blood Condensation Realm, two months had been enough for him to learn it.

Even though he hadn’t mastered it, and no frost appeared on his palm, the power of the Xuan-level combat skill allowed him to kill the attacking Green Wolf with one strike.

However, the Xuan-level combat skill consumed more Qi and blood than a Normal-Grade combat skill, making it unsustainable for prolonged battles.

In the moment of striking, an idea flashed in Mason’s mind, and he immediately shouted to the clan members:

“Use the clan’s combat skill, Crushing Heart Palm!”

Hearing Mason’s reminder, everyone suddenly realized.

They had been focusing on learning the Grand Ancestor Long Fist recently and almost forgot about the clan’s other combat skill.

Although the Grand Ancestor Long Fist was powerful, the Green Wolves’ heads were hard.

On the other hand, the clan’s other Normal-Grade mid-tier combat skill, Crushing Heart Palm, was perfect for the current situation.

Crushing Heart Palm focused on channeling Qi and blood to explode from within. The Green Wolves’ skulls might be hard, but beneath the skull, there was no difference.

This was the unique charm of this combat skill. Moreover, being a Normal-Grade mid-tier skill, it was easier to learn.

Even if not fully mastered, it was enough to deal with these low-realm Green Wolves.


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