Chapter 94 – Knock, knock, knock!

After a meal, Lucas Chen and Alexander Chen successfully left the clan.

However, all the items they had prepared for hunting were confiscated.

Accompanying them was a wooden cart loaded with dozens of pounds of grain rice.

At this moment, Lucas was in the front, Alexander in the back, both pushing the cart towards the village mentioned by the Clan Chief.

Although the grain rice was somewhat heavy, it was not a problem for them as Body Tempering Realm warriors.

“Oliver can go, why can’t I? I’m at least in the mid-stage of the Body Tempering Realm! Maybe I can even break through during the hunt!”

“Alexander, don’t you think that’s reasonable?”

Lucas said angrily while pulling the cart.

“Actually, I think delivering grain is fine too. It’s all contributing to the clan anyway.”

Alexander said nonchalantly.

This left Lucas speechless.

“But hunting seems a bit more interesting.”

“Exactly, exactly!”

After all, they were young. In the new environment different from the clan, their initial emotions quickly dissipated.

Pushing the cart along a relatively flat path, Lucas suddenly asked:

“Alexander, what do you want to do in the future?”

Without hesitation, Alexander replied:

“In the future, I want to be as powerful as Oliver!”

“And then, after becoming as powerful as Oliver, what do you want to do?”

Alexander thought for a moment, then quickly answered:

“Of course, I want to protect the clan and make it stronger!”

“By then, I’ll hunt two fierce beasts a day, eat one, and raise one! That way, the clan will never have to worry about food again!”

After saying this, Alexander instinctively licked his lips, his eyes seemingly imagining how to eat the hunted beasts.

Hearing Alexander’s thoughts, Lucas sighed helplessly with his youthful face.

“And you, Lucas? What do you want to do in the future?”

Regaining his composure, Alexander asked back.

Lucas also answered:

“I also want to be as powerful as Oliver first! Then, I want to see the world outside Disordered Burial Mountain!”

“I heard from Grandpa that the outside world is vast, with many powerful people and beautiful places. I want to see different sceneries.”

Lucas’s eyes looked beyond the surrounding mountains, gazing into the distance with a hint of longing.

“Alexander, why don’t you come with me then?”

“I heard there are lots of delicious foods out there!”

Alexander’s eyes also showed a hint of longing, but he quickly shook his head:

“No, Grandpa said the outside world is dangerous. It’s better to stay with the clan.”

Lucas didn’t look disappointed but smiled and said:

“Alright, then when I return to the clan, I’ll bring you some delicious food! The kind you’ve never had before!”


Both of them smiled, imagining a beautiful future.

The glow of the setting sun shone on them, casting long shadows.

Soon, they saw their destination ahead.

It was a very simple village, surrounded by a half-person-high, crooked stone wall. The wall was incomplete, with gaps every few meters, making it hard to believe in its defensive capabilities.

Inside the stone wall, there were a dozen or so houses built with wood and straw.

These houses were still simple, and the straw on the roofs was of different colors, as if they had been recently repaired.

Seeing their destination, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down, and then arrived at the village entrance.

The distance from the clan to this village was not short. Even though the dozens of pounds of grain rice were not too heavy, it still took a lot of effort from them.

“Stone Village!”

Alexander read out the three big characters on the wooden board above the village entrance, but when he got to the second character, he scratched his head and looked at Lucas:

“Lucas, what’s the middle character?”

Lucas looked up, stared for a while, then shook his head:

“Doesn’t matter, let’s just call it Stone Village. Let’s finish up quickly and head back, or we’ll be late.”

Seeing the sky getting darker, Alexander nodded hurriedly. They could have arrived faster, but they had stopped to play along the way.

Seeing no one in the village, Lucas and Alexander didn’t hesitate. They pushed the cart into the village and quickly arrived at the door of a house:

“Knock, knock, knock!”

“Hello, we’re here to deliver grain! Please open the door!”

With a few knocks from Lucas, the already fragile wooden door made a creaking sound and then fell down under their gaze.

Lucas’s hand, still raised to knock, froze in mid-air. Realizing he had broken someone else’s door, Lucas’s expression changed slightly.

He had forgotten that he was now a mid-stage Body Tempering Realm warrior. Having just advanced, he couldn’t perfectly control his strength yet, causing him to use too much force.

It didn’t stop there. After the door fell, Lucas’s eyes scanned the simple room and found an old man and a young girl trembling in the corner.

The old man and the girl, seeing the broken door, didn’t dare to say anything, only looking at Lucas with fearful eyes.

Lucas forced a smile:

“So, you were home!”

“I’m here to deliver grain. Come, take the grain quickly!”

Lucas tried his best to put on a friendly and sunny smile, but the room was dark, and his figure completely blocked the doorway, leaving only his shiny white teeth visible.

At this moment, Lucas’s smile looked like a sinister grin to the old man and the girl.

“Hehe, finally found someone!”

Alexander’s untimely words broke the silence in the room.

“Spare us, sir, spare us. We have nothing valuable at home, please spare us.”

“Grandpa, I’m scared!”

The old man tried his best to shield his granddaughter, constantly begging for mercy.

This made Lucas’s smile freeze, and Alexander, who was unloading the grain from the cart, also stopped, scratching his head in confusion. They had never encountered such a situation before.

“Stop, you beasts! Our Stone Village is not so easily bullied!”

Just as the two were at a loss, a dozen villagers rushed out from the other houses.

These villagers, both men and women, held farming tools in their hands. However, the fear and panic in their eyes were still evident, despite their attempts to appear brave.


One response to “Chapter 94 – Knock, knock, knock!”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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