Chapter 91 – Clan Mission

Don’t be fooled by the small population of these villages; when they gather, their numbers are ten to even dozens of times greater than the Chen Clan.

Although the Chen Clan is currently dominant and no one dares to oppose them, Ethan Chen believes that the clan, situated at Disordered Burial Mountain, should be carefully planned. This approach of exhausting resources and losing the people’s support is not advisable.

With the clan’s current strength, they can attract villagers who want to join through sheer power. However, before that, the clan’s reputation needs to be spread, and Ethan already has a plan in mind.

The next day, the Chen Clan’s market was bustling with many villagers gathering, creating a lively atmosphere.

Various hawking sounds echoed continuously.

“Grain rice, top-quality grain rice, three pounds of rice for one pound of meat!”

“Fresh venison, trade for five pairs of straw sandals.”

“Ironware, only for animal hides.”

On regular days, there wouldn’t be so many villagers here for trading. But with winter approaching, the fields are frozen and cannot be cultivated. As for hunting, it’s even more impossible. Nowadays, even warriors wouldn’t easily venture into Disordered Burial Mountain, let alone ordinary people who usually hunt common wild animals.

This time of year is often the busiest at the market. Many villagers choose to trade items they don’t need or have in excess to get what they need for a more comfortable winter.

Unfortunately, trading here is limited to bartering, and often villagers don’t get what they need. But having lived here for so long, they are used to it and don’t find it strange, though they still feel regretful when they can’t make a trade.

Time for trading is also limited. If heavy snow falls in a few days, blocking the roads to the market from nearby villages, the market will gradually close.

“Hey, isn’t that James? I heard he recently became a house servant for the Chen Clan and is living quite well.”


“And didn’t Terry Tian also become a house servant? Why haven’t we seen him recently?”

Hearing the discussions, a slight smile appeared on James Chen’s face.

No, now he is called James Chen.

Compared to a month ago, he has indeed changed significantly. Even his clothes are made of fine fur, and he no longer worries about going hungry.

Two house servants of lower status followed behind him.

Amidst the envious gazes of many villagers, James couldn’t help but raise his head slightly, a sense of pride for his clan rising on his face.

But thinking about the task assigned by the clan this time, James’s expression turned serious.

This was the first task given to him since becoming a house servant, and he was determined to complete it well, hoping to catch the Clan Chief’s eye.

“Dear villagers, I, James Chen, on behalf of the Chen Clan, have two announcements to make.”

Hearing this, the crowd gathered around, curious.

Although many villagers looked down on house servants, James Chen’s attire and demeanor seemed quite good, better than theirs, which made them envious and curious about what he had to say.

Seeing everyone looking at him, James Chen began:

“The first announcement, issued personally by our Clan Chief Ethan Chen, is that from today, the market will be open to everyone for free. This winter, the Chen Clan will no longer collect any head tax.”

Hearing this, many villagers were delighted. Although the head tax wasn’t much, it was significant to them, and not having to pay it was great news, as it directly affected their interests.

“The second announcement is that considering the harsh living conditions of the villagers around Disordered Burial Mountain, our Clan Chief has decided to distribute two pounds of grain rice to each person in every village.”

Hearing this, many villagers were surprised and found it hard to believe, so there was no immediate cheer from the crowd.

“James, is this true? You’re not deceiving us, are you?”

An elderly man with a slightly hunched back asked skeptically.

“Grandpa Qiang, every word I said is true. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the clan.”

“In a few days, the grain rice will be delivered.”

James Chen vowed, but many villagers still looked doubtful. After all, the other two major clans had never done such a thing before. Waiving the head tax had happened once or twice, but it was rare.

Seeing the continued skepticism, James Chen didn’t explain further. In a few days, they would naturally believe.

Afterward, James Chen began chatting with the villagers, informing them of the Liu Family’s demise and reassuring them that now the Chen Clan controlled Disordered Burial Mountain, life would be better than before.

Disordered Burial Mountain was isolated, and the Liu Family’s demise had only happened recently, though there were some rumors. Now confirmed, the villagers had mixed reactions.

They didn’t care about the battles between clans; they only cared about how it would affect their villages and themselves.

After completing the task assigned by the Clan Chief, James Chen led his two followers back to the clan.

“James, what’s the point of the clan doing this? Why give grain rice to all the nearby villagers?”

“Yeah, with so many villages, how much grain rice will that take? If it were given to my family, it would last us for years.”

James Chen stopped, looking seriously at the two behind him:

“Don’t speak nonsense. Have you forgotten the third rule of being a house servant? As a house servant, you must not discuss clan matters.”

“If you don’t want to be house servants, don’t drag me down.”

Hearing this, the two’s expressions changed. They had no skills other than farming, and without being house servants, they would starve this winter.

After scolding them, James Chen was also puzzled.

He didn’t understand why the clan was doing something so thankless.

But he knew not to ask too many questions or think too much. The clan must have its reasons.

What he needed to do now was follow the Clan Chief’s orders and strive to become a warrior with the clan’s help!

This thought had suddenly emerged in his mind after being chosen as the head of the house servants.

Compared to other house servants, he didn’t have much advantage, but he was lucky.

But luck wouldn’t last forever. Only by working hard and moving up could he improve his life!

He needed to progress.

“Clan Chief, are these villagers worth wasting so much grain on?”

In the clan’s main hall, Elijah Chen asked curiously, and William Chen and others also seemed puzzled.

“Of course, it’s necessary.”

“With the Li and Liu families gone, our clan’s territory has expanded significantly. Even if we don’t plant Blood Rice, planting ordinary grain rice will require a lot of manpower.”

“In the long run, how will the clan develop? By next year, we can lease the fields to the villagers and have them plant for us.”

“With this relationship established now and giving them some grain rice, many will be willing.”


One response to “Chapter 91 – Clan Mission”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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