Chapter 69 – Did you not study?

“Ethan, where did you find it? Didn’t I hide this combat skill?”

Lucas scratched his head. “I accidentally saw it in the ancestral hall. I thought it was a waste to leave it there, so I took it out, thinking our clan members could learn it.”

Ethan’s beard trembled uncontrollably upon hearing this. He had hidden the combat skill in the ancestral hall, thinking it was well-concealed. Who would have thought Lucas would find it?

This wasn’t about letting the clan members learn; it was about sending them to their deaths.

Fortunately, he hadn’t heard any warriors in the clan discussing this combat skill recently, so it seemed the news hadn’t spread yet.

There was still time to remedy the situation.

Ethan hurriedly asked, “When did you take it? You haven’t had a chance to spread it around, right? The clan members don’t know about it, right?”

Seeing the hope and plea in Ethan’s eyes, Lucas’s voice grew smaller, mumbling, “About a month ago, when I went to the ancestral hall to pay respects to our ancestors.”

“I didn’t spread it around; it’s a family combat skill. I only told the clan members!”

“Most of them should have learned it by now.”

“Oh, and a few days ago, Oliver borrowed it to study for a day.”

Lucas was quite proud when he said he only told the clan members.

He was a member of the family; how could he let such a combat skill spread outside?

But every word Lucas said was like an icy blade stabbing into Ethan’s heart.

When he heard that Oliver had also borrowed it a few days ago, Ethan felt a chill in his heart.

This kid was really squeezing every bit out of the clan members.

If this continued for a few more days, the entire clan would have learned it. If a clan war broke out, there would be explosions of organs everywhere.

The clan would be doomed after the war.

Ethan quickly calmed down.

Fortunately, the clan was stable for now, and there didn’t seem to be any imminent wars. Everything could still be salvaged.

“Clan Chief.”

At this moment, a figure walked in quickly from outside.

It was none other than Elijah.

Seeing Lucas standing there, Elijah snorted coldly, “I’ll deal with you when we get home!”

“Elijah, what’s the matter?”

Seeing Elijah, Ethan quickly snapped out of his thoughts.

After recalling the hunting team a few days ago, Ethan had sent Elijah to investigate the Liu Family.

“Clan Chief, the Liu Family seems to be up to something these past few days.”


Hearing this, Ethan’s expression became serious. He immediately dismissed Lucas and the others, deciding to discuss the combat skill matter later.

“Elijah, tell me in detail.”

“Yesterday, I saw Liu Family members appearing all over the Disordered Burial Mountain. They were holding iron hoes, seemingly digging for something. There were also several Blood Condensation Realm warriors among them…”

“I didn’t dare to look closely for fear of being discovered.”

As Elijah reported, Ethan’s frown deepened.

Even during the previous clan war, the Liu Family hadn’t made any moves. Why were they acting now?


What could they be digging for in the Disordered Burial Mountain?

What was the Liu Family’s goal?

Had the Liu Family done anything similar before?

Many questions flooded Ethan’s mind.

But due to the clan’s ongoing conflict with the Li Clan in recent years, they hadn’t paid much attention to the Liu Family, so they knew nothing about their current actions.

But one thing was certain: the Liu Family had a purpose for doing this.

And hearing the number of warriors from the Liu Family in Elijah’s report made Ethan feel a tinge of worry and fear.

According to Elijah, he had observed at least seven or eight Blood Condensation Realm warriors, including two or three late-stage Blood Condensation Realm warriors.

And that was just a corner of the Liu Family, not the whole picture. This meant the Liu Family had at least a dozen Blood Condensation Realm warriors.

Although the clan had another member advance to the Blood Condensation Realm this month, including Ethan as the Clan Chief, they only had seven Blood Condensation Realm warriors, three of whom had just reached the realm.

The numbers and realms were no match for the Liu Family, and the difference in combat power was significant.

If the Liu Family wanted to make a move, the clan would have little chance.

Moreover, the clan’s Elder Ancestor had been incapacitated since the last war and was now lying in a coffin, weakening the clan’s strength.

Ethan hadn’t expected the Liu Family, which had been quietly lurking, to be so powerful.

But fortunately, the clan still had the Sacred Tree, which could compensate for some of the combat power gap.

However, thinking of this, Ethan’s expression froze.

Since the Liu Family was so powerful, could they have their own clan totem?

The Li Clan didn’t have a totem, which was understandable since they were still a small clan in the Disordered Burial Mountain.

But the Liu Family’s origins were mysterious, and they had only been in the Disordered Burial Mountain for a few years. It was highly likely they had their own clan totem, just like Ethan’s clan.

If the Liu Family also had a clan totem, the Sacred Tree’s advantage would be nullified.

After thinking for a while, Ethan slowly said, “First, recall our people from outside. Stop the investigations. As long as the Liu Family doesn’t threaten the clan, we won’t interfere.”


Elijah nodded silently.

He knew the gap between the two clans. If the Liu Family had other intentions, the clan’s current situation would be more dangerous than the duel with the Li Clan a few months ago.

The clan’s best course of action now was to pretend not to see anything, even if the Liu Family crossed the line.

Though it didn’t sound pleasant, the difference in strength left the clan no choice but to remain silent.

The clan’s prosperity was urgent.

Similarly, the clan lacked a high-level warrior.

Who knew when Oliver would have a chance to break through to the Innate Realm?

Ethan decided to ask his father, Benjamin, in the evening.

As the previous Clan Chief, his father knew more about this and could give Oliver some guidance.

In a clan, if an elder broke through to a higher realm, they would share their knowledge with the younger generation, which was key to the clan’s longevity.

Just as Elijah was about to leave, Ethan suddenly called out to him, “By the way, do you know about the new combat skill in the clan, Elijah?”

“Clan Chief, do you mean the Five Organs Ascension Technique?”

“Yes, this matter is also very important. You haven’t learned this combat skill, have you?”


One response to “Chapter 69 – Did you not study?”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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