Chapter 60 – Recruit House Servant

In a small market at the foot of Disordered Burial Mountain, many people dressed in coarse linen or animal skins were shouting and selling their goods with great effort.


These were villagers from the small settlements around Disordered Burial Mountain. Every so often, they would come here to sell their surplus items in exchange for other necessities.


Among the items being sold were various animal furs, dried meats, and some homemade iron weapons.


However, these weapons were not finely crafted and could only serve basic functions.


Moreover, this market did not accept money; bartering was the only way to trade.


The market gathered people from more than a dozen nearby villages and had always been under the jurisdiction of the Chen Clan. To sell here, one had to pay a tenth of the value of their goods to the Chen Clan.


Although it wasn't much, it accumulated into a considerable fortune over time.


Despite some discontent, the villagers had to swallow their grievances for the sake of safety and convenience.


Especially now, after the Chen Clan had eliminated the Li Family, their prestige was unmatched. With several Blood Condensation Realm Warriors in the clan, no one dared to voice any complaints.


The conflict between the two families had become a common topic of gossip among the villagers.


Many had thought the market would change hands, but in the end, the Chen Clan emerged victorious.


The stall owners sighed and expressed curiosity about the process, but it was too far removed from their daily lives. They were more concerned about how to survive the coming winter.


"Hey, did you hear? The Chen Clan is recruiting house servants."


A vendor suddenly said, causing a stir among the crowd, who eagerly asked if it was true.


"Of course, it's true."


The vendors wanted to gather more details. After all, they were just villagers with no warriors among them. If a fierce beast attacked their village, it could be wiped out.


Although the status of a house servant was low, the Chen Clan was now a major family in Disordered Burial Mountain. Becoming a house servant could significantly improve their lives.


At this moment, a strong vendor scoffed and said:


"Hmph, becoming a house servant means being under someone's control for life. How is that better than the freedom we have now?"


"I'm Terry Tian. I can hunt in the mountains and farm in the fields. I have plenty of strength. Why would I become a house servant? The Chen Clan is underestimating us."


Other vendors nodded slightly. Indeed, they had some skills and could make a living. Why lower themselves to become house servants?


But some vendors looked enviously at the dried meat on Terry Tian's stall.


This man was naturally strong and had learned hunting skills from an old hunter in the village. He was a well-known figure in the nearby villages and had even escaped from a Body Tempering Realm fierce beast last time he went into the mountains.


With such strength, he naturally disdained the status of a house servant.


In contrast, those who were weak and could barely make ends meet saw the Chen Clan's offer as a good opportunity.


"I also heard that the Chen Clan is offering excellent conditions for house servants. They say that house servants can receive two pounds of Blood Rice and one pound of fresh fierce beast meat every month. If they make significant contributions to the clan, they can even learn the Body Tempering method…"


The crowd, initially skeptical, now had their eyes lit up with excitement.


Blood Rice was precious. Even non-warriors could enhance their physique by eating it. The fertile land around Disordered Burial Mountain that could grow Blood Rice was scarce, and it was even rarer in small villages like theirs.


Besides Blood Rice, there was also fresh fierce beast meat.


And the Body Tempering method was the most tempting of all.


Although they were villagers, they yearned to become warriors. Unfortunately, not everyone had the qualifications to practice martial arts.


Firstly, they didn't have the Body Tempering method to get started. Secondly, the resources required for warriors were beyond their means.


If they could become warriors, being a house servant didn't seem so bad.


As the crowd pondered the pros and cons, Terry Tian had already started packing up his goods.


A familiar vendor asked in surprise:


"Terry Tian, you're not setting up your stall?"


"Setting up a stall? I, Terry Tian, can hunt in the mountains and farm in the fields. I have plenty of strength. I'm definitely going to be the head of the house servants! No one better compete with me!"


With that, Terry Tian packed up and left.


The others were stunned but quickly reacted, hurriedly packing up their stalls.


If even someone like Terry Tian was interested, what were they hesitating for? This was an opportunity they couldn't miss.


Moreover, becoming a house servant wasn't easy. The Chen Clan had a selection process.


As the news spread, soon all the villages around Disordered Burial Mountain were aware.



The next day, Elijah Chen led a few clan members out of the family grounds.


Not far from the Chen Clan's territory, a clearing had been prepared for the recruitment of house servants.


Elijah was in charge of this recruitment.


Although he knew about it before Ethan Chen announced it, he sighed, worried about the clan's future, given their limited food supplies and many clan members.


As he stepped out, the sight of the crowd made Elijah momentarily dazed.


There were over a hundred people, almost as many as the Chen Clan itself.


Unlike the clan members, most of these people were in rags, malnourished, and looked pitiful.


But Elijah was used to such sights and didn't think much of it.


Without a clan to rely on, surviving alone in Disordered Burial Mountain was no easy task, especially for those without martial skills.


Facing the crowd's gaze, Elijah slowly walked to a higher spot, with a few clan warriors standing tall beside him.


The sense of clan pride surged to its peak.


"I believe everyone is here for the Chen Clan's house servant recruitment. You should all be aware of the details, but I'll reiterate…"


After Elijah explained the benefits, many people looked excited.


This wasn't a rumor; it was directly from the Chen Clan, making it highly credible.


But Elijah's next words were like a bucket of cold water.


"The Chen Clan is only recruiting twenty house servants this time. Those who don't meet the standards must leave. I hope everyone follows the rules!"


"What? Only twenty? That's too few!"





There were murmurs of dissatisfaction in the crowd.


Elijah snorted coldly, releasing the aura of a Blood Condensation Realm Warrior. With a punch, a millstone-sized rock shattered into pieces.


One response to “Chapter 60 – Recruit House Servant”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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