Chapter 51 – Shadowy Sophora Tree

The next morning, Ethan Chen pushed open the door and stepped out.

His eyes were red, clearly from a sleepless night, but his spirit was high.

Especially when he saw the fully transcribed combat skill “Grand Ancestor Long Fist” in his hands, his heart brimmed with joy.

He had worried he wouldn’t remember the vast knowledge of the combat skill, but then he found it had somehow integrated into his mind, impossible to forget.

For the future of the clan, he had burned the midnight oil to finish transcribing it.

Just as Ethan was about to call Mason Chen and other Blood Condensation Realm warriors to pass on the combat skill, he saw Oliver Chen walking towards him.

“Oliver, you’re just in time. Take this combat skill and start learning it.”

“Hmm? The clan has combat skills too?”

Oliver, who was about to tell Ethan about last night’s events, was taken aback. The next moment, Ethan had already placed the combat skill in his hands, saying joyfully:

“This combat skill was bestowed upon me by the Sacred Tree last night. It’s greatly beneficial to the clan. Once you’ve learned it, pass it on to your second uncle and the others, let them make copies and distribute it to the rest of the clan.”

“This combat skill is of great importance. For now, it can only be taught to the clan’s warriors. After it’s been passed on, it must be collected and not spread outside…”

Ethan continued speaking, not noticing the slight change in Oliver’s expression as he flipped through the combat skill.

This was clearly the Grand Ancestor Long Fist he had obtained last night.

Thinking it over, it made perfect sense.

Since the Sacred Tree had given the combat skill to him, why wouldn’t it also give it to the Clan Chief?

Oliver, who had originally intended to tell Ethan about the combat skill, changed his mind. If he spoke up, it would reveal that he had sneaked into the Ancestral Hall last night.

Although it wasn’t a big deal, and given his status in the clan, he could have reported to the Clan Chief and entered the Ancestral Hall openly to pay respects to his late father.

But as a genius of the clan, he didn’t want to expose his weaknesses to others, not even to his own clan members.


Oliver said no more, taking the combat skill and leaving.

Watching Oliver’s departing figure, Ethan sighed.

Oliver was highly talented and dedicated to the clan, though his parents’ early deaths had made him more aloof than others.

Ethan could guess who had been in the Ancestral Hall last night.

He also understood why Oliver had gone in, but he chose not to expose him.

As the Clan Chief, he knew his clan members well.

Behind Oliver’s aloofness lay a heart more fragile than others.

Unfortunately, even as the Clan Chief, there was little he could do to help in this regard.

He could only do his best to provide a safe haven for his clan members, making the clan a final sanctuary in their hearts.

“Combat skill? And it’s a top-tier Normal-Grade skill?”

“Hahaha, this is great!”

“Quick, let me see!”

When the news of the Grand Ancestor Long Fist spread among the clan’s warriors, it caused quite a stir.

Many clan members eagerly passed it around, wanting to glimpse the mysteries of this Normal-Grade combat skill.

Before long, Clan Chief Ethan Chen personally announced that the first three clan members to master the Grand Ancestor Long Fist would receive rewards at the end of the year.

The prize was the flesh of a Blood Condensation Realm fierce beast.

Hearing this, the clan members were even more enthusiastic. Although the clan distributed fierce beast flesh based on realm or merit each year, no one would refuse such a body-tempering, Qi and Blood refining treasure.

For a time, all the clan’s warriors were practicing the Grand Ancestor Long Fist, eager to be the first to master it.

Oliver Chen did not join in. Though his seniority was not high, his realm was second only to the Clan Chief, and participating as a late-stage Blood Condensation Realm warrior would dampen the others’ enthusiasm.

More importantly, he had already mastered it.

Moreover, there were many tasks in the clan that needed attention. Even young boys like Lucas Chen and Alexander Chen had to plant Blood Rice in the spiritual fields.

However, their planting techniques differed slightly. Upon closer inspection, it was clear they were using the movements of the Grand Ancestor Long Fist to plant.

In the Ancestral Hall, Noah Ji listened to the excited shouts of the clan members, feeling a bit happier.

It seemed this top-tier Normal-Grade combat skill was greatly beneficial to the clan. Unfortunately, he hadn’t stayed long in the Shadowy Realm; otherwise, he might have learned more combat skills from those living souls.

But then, doubts arose in Noah’s mind.

Since he could comprehend this combat skill, it meant it and those living souls truly existed. So, did the Shadowy Realm really exist in this world? What was its purpose?

Noah had many questions, but his current knowledge was insufficient to find the answers.

He stopped pondering and turned his attention to the many gray fruits on his branches.

Today was the sixth day of their growth, but their appearance hadn’t changed much from the previous day, only gradually turning from white to gray.

In about a day, these white fruits would be fully “ripe.”

After several days of effort, the end was finally in sight. These days, the vitality he absorbed from the moonlight was barely enough to sustain him.

Noah opened his panel to check his current attributes:

[Name: Noah Ji]

[Race: Shadowy Sophora Tree]

[Vitality: 16]

[Supernatural Power: Eye of Insight, Reversal Pill, One Leaf Hindrance, Soul Condensation, Armor Overlay]

[Technique: Lunar Eclipse, Gathering Yin]

[Combat Skill: Grand Ancestor Long Fist (Can pass on once)]

[Qi and Blood: 54 (Can be converted to Vitality)]

[Spiritual Power: 11]

[Deduction Points: 0]

[Cannot be deduced!]

[Status: Due to long-term use of the Gathering Yin technique, your race has changed, but this is of no consequence. You are still weak.]

The clan had been busy hunting and had not yet made any sacrifices. Although Noah could absorb moonlight, the consumption of these white fruits was greater, leaving him with only 16 points of vitality.

However, when Noah noticed his race had suddenly changed, he was startled.

How had he become a Shadowy Sophora Tree? Seeing the status section, he understood it was due to the technique.

Although the new race sounded better, Noah still preferred his green self.

It symbolized vibrant life.

Noah tried stopping the Gathering Yin technique. As he ceased its operation, his originally black trunk gradually turned brown, and the leaves on his branches slowly changed from black to green.


One response to “Chapter 51 – Shadowy Sophora Tree”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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