Chapter 25 – Encounter with the Giant Tiger

Thus, his hunting became quite troublesome.

To secure a fruitful hunt, Oliver Chen had no choice but to carefully choose his direction, heading towards more distant territories.

The terrain of Disordered Burial Mountain was uneven, and the towering trees within made it difficult to discern one’s path. However, as a member of a clan that resided by the mountain, Oliver had his own methods of navigation, so there was no worry of getting lost.

After traversing several hundred meters, Oliver’s footsteps came to an abrupt halt as his gaze shifted towards the dense forest nearby.

He sensed the presence of a fierce beast and detected the dispersal of Qi and Blood not far away.

Since he was hunting alone, to avoid startling the beast and causing it to flee, he had to be extra cautious.

Oliver lowered the sound of his footsteps, moving slowly towards the direction ahead.

After parting a dense thicket of vines, he finally laid eyes on his first target of the hunt.

It was a Dark Gold Beast, commonly found in Disordered Burial Mountain, known for its tough, dark brown fur, sharp fangs, a spiny back, and despite its short limbs, it was renowned for its strength.

Although the Dark Gold Beast before him was only at the early stage of the Blood Condensation Realm, its threat level was no less than the Zhen Beast he had hunted the previous day, which was at the mid-stage of the same realm.

However, to Oliver, there was no difference.

His strength at the later stage of the Blood Condensation Realm meant he was no weaker than the Dark Gold Beast before him.

After surveying the surroundings, Oliver no longer hesitated. He maneuvered his body and slowly approached the Dark Gold Beast.

Being alone on this hunt, the timing of his strike was crucial. Ideally, he would land a fatal blow, giving the beast no chance to react.

As Oliver drew closer, the Dark Gold Beast, which was feeding, seemed to sense something, stopping its meal to glance around.

But by the time it paused, Oliver had already concealed himself behind a large tree, suppressing his Qi and Blood.

The unsuspecting Dark Gold Beast continued to feed.

Moments later, however, the beast seemed to sense something amiss. Its fur stood on end, its hind legs tensed, and its sharp fangs struck out behind it.

But Oliver, who was well-prepared, would not give it the chance to fight back.

The moment the Dark Gold Beast sensed danger, Oliver, perched in the tree, erupted with fierce Qi and Blood. His right fist, accompanied by a whistling wind and afterimages, aimed straight for the nape of the beast’s neck.


In the next instant, the body of the Dark Gold Beast was sent flying several meters away, even snapping a tree trunk as thick as a bowl in its path.

Having landed a successful blow, Oliver did not strike again but slowly walked towards the fallen beast.

The Dark Gold Beast roared in pain, struggling to stand, but Oliver’s previous strike, laden with the force of his Qi and Blood, had already broken its neck.

No matter how it struggled, it could not rise again.

Under Oliver’s second punch, its roar turned into a final whimper.

Having easily dealt with the Dark Gold Beast, Oliver’s expression remained unchanged; such a beast was not worth his excitement.

Moreover, he did not intend to return home just yet, but carrying the Dark Gold Beast would be quite inconvenient for further hunting.

In an instant, Oliver took out a porcelain bottle and sprinkled the prepared Wood Lotus Powder over the body of the Dark Gold Beast to mask its scent.

To avoid attracting other fierce beasts, Oliver covered the corpse with some foliage before turning and walking in another direction.

Before long, Oliver stopped again, but unlike the previous ease, his eyes now held a trace of gravity.

For the beast before him was a fierce creature at the later stage of the Blood Condensation Realm.

Although he was at the same stage, facing a beast of equal realm did not guarantee victory, let alone a successful hunt.

If it were an unscathed beast, he would have turned and fled without a second thought.

But the beast ahead was the same giant tiger he had encountered the day before, now looking rather bedraggled. Its right leg bore a deep, bone-deep gash, seemingly inflicted by the claws of another beast, causing the tiger to limp heavily.

The tiger’s size was as immense as before, but it lacked the previous ferocity in its demeanor.

Seeing the wounded tiger, a hint of joy flashed in Oliver’s eyes.

It wasn’t that he enjoyed preying on disabled beasts, but such opportunities were rare. If he could successfully hunt this giant tiger, it would greatly improve his clan’s situation, as the single beast could alleviate their food worries for three days.

Such a source of abundant Qi and Blood could even allow many warriors of the clan to temper their bodies and Qi and Blood, enhancing their realms!

Despite the tiger’s severe injuries, Oliver did not act recklessly.

If he remembered correctly, this tiger had been pursued by a green wolf of the Innate Realm the day before.

Even injured, it was a creature he needed to handle with care, having survived an encounter with a beast of the Innate Realm.

Oliver moved forward slowly, planning to ambush it as he had done before.

But before he could take two steps, the tiger licking its wounds stopped and turned its sharp gaze towards Oliver’s direction.

Feeling the tiger’s focus on him, Oliver no longer concealed his presence.

This beast was not like the Dark Gold Beast; once discovered, he would lose the chance to ambush it.

But he had only intended to try his luck without much expectation of success, so being detected was within reason.

He had dared to fight an uninjured giant tiger; all the more now that the tiger was wounded.

Oliver strode forward, passing obstacles, and quickly arrived a few meters in front of the tiger.

Unlike other beasts, the tiger, upon seeing Oliver approach, did not roar but stared at him with fierce eyes.

This behavior made Oliver even more cautious, for only beasts lacking in strength would try to scare off enemies with their roars, seemingly fierce but actually fearful.

The tiger before him, both in realm and intelligence, was superior to the previous Dark Gold Beast.

Oliver did not rush to attack but observed the tiger while concentrating his Qi and Blood, ready to unleash a powerful strike at any moment.

The tiger across from him also cast a scrutinizing look. Although it had not seen Oliver before, the scent on him was somewhat familiar.

Most importantly, it felt threatened by Oliver.

Oliver edged closer, while the tiger sat, seemingly indifferent to his approach, but its limbs were slightly buried in the soil, revealing sharp claws glinting with cold light.

Neither side made the first move, each searching for the other’s weakness.


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