Chapter 19 – Zhen Beast

Soon, the others arrived at the prearranged location.

When Elijah Chen took the lead and approached the Zhen Beast, it finally reacted, scrambling to its feet from the ground.

The half-zhang tall Zhen Beast stood up with an imposing presence, but facing the oncoming Elijah Chen, whose Qi and Blood were abundant and momentum overwhelming, the beast was somewhat panicked.

It retreated and immediately ran in another direction.

However, the others who had been waiting elsewhere now also appeared in its line of sight, bursting forth with their own Qi and Blood.

Seeing itself surrounded, the Zhen Beast’s eyes flashed fiercely, baring its sharp fangs and emitting a low growl. Although it was an omnivorous animal, it was no pushover.

Just as the Zhen Beast prepared to break through a weak point, it suddenly discovered a vulnerability in the encirclement.

To its side, there was no one guarding.

Without a second thought, the Zhen Beast immediately ran towards the gap.

A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him, and this saying applies to fierce beasts as well.

Watching the Zhen Beast run towards him, Oliver Chen snorted coldly:

“Beasts will be beasts!”

As the Zhen Beast was about to break through the gap, Oliver Chen, who was prepared, burst forth with his Qi and Blood and appeared in front of it.

Seeing the sudden figure before it, the Zhen Beast’s eyes were filled with panic, sensing the threat from the figure ahead.

Realizing its disadvantageous position, the Zhen Beast did not change direction but instead charged towards Oliver Chen with increased speed, baring its fangs.

When cornered, a fierce beast will launch an even more ferocious attack.

“Perfect timing!”

Understanding the Zhen Beast’s intent, Oliver Chen was not flustered. At this moment, his Qi and Blood surged to his arms, his hands forming fists!

As the Zhen Beast lunged with its gaping maw, Oliver Chen met it with clenched fists.

The next moment, a wail came from the Zhen Beast, and its body was sent flying by Oliver’s punches.

The fierce onslaught was instantly dissolved by Oliver Chen’s fists.

After sending the Zhen Beast flying, Oliver Chen also stepped back several paces to absorb the impact.

“Oliver! Nicely done!”

“Way to go!”

At this time, shouts from Elijah Chen and the others reached Oliver’s ears.

The Zhen Beast, no longer as imposing, still tried to scramble to its feet, but Elijah Chen and the others quickly closed in, trapping the beast within their midst.

Without giving the Zhen Beast time to react, everyone attacked in unison, and in just a few breaths, the beast’s life was extinguished.

Seeing how easily they hunted a mid-Blood Condensation Realm Zhen Beast, everyone was thrilled, much easier than the day before.

Elijah Chen and Mason Chen both wore smiles.

The hunt seemed easy, but that was only true for them.

For Oliver Chen, who was the first to confront the Zhen Beast, had he not been able to withstand it, their plan would have failed, and the first to engage would likely have been injured.

Just like what happened yesterday.

If he had barely managed to hold off, the Zhen Beast, after being repelled, would still have been able to fight fiercely.

But with Oliver’s punch, the Zhen Beast was sent reeling, its Qi and Blood unstable, unable to rise, allowing everyone to finish it off easily.

After dealing with the Zhen Beast, the clan members hurriedly began processing the carcass.

Although they had not used weapons, their fists had left the beast bleeding profusely.

The scent of blood spread quickly, and with the keen sense of smell of fierce beasts, they needed to process and leave the area quickly.

Meanwhile, Oliver Chen circulated his Technique to calm his own turbulent Qi and Blood.

That punch seemed effortless, but it was actually his full strength, and he would not be able to deliver a second punch anytime soon!

Had he not severely injured the Zhen Beast, a tough battle would have likely ensued.

Fortunately, the outcome was favorable.

Looking at the fallen Zhen Beast, a confident smile appeared on Oliver Chen’s face.

“Oliver, how are you? Any injuries?”

Taking advantage of the time the clan members were processing the Zhen Beast’s body, Elijah Chen came over to inquire.

“Uncle, I’m fine.”

“Good, good, good, truly worthy of being a young talent of our clan.”

Elijah Chen nodded repeatedly, a smile on his face.

But when he thought of his own family’s Lucas Chen, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

Although there was a significant age difference between the two, the gap seemed too vast.

Never mind, better not to dwell on it.

Nearby, as the clan members finished processing the Zhen Beast’s body, Mason Chen, who had been surveying the surroundings, spoke to everyone:

“It’s about time, let’s go!”

Just as everyone was packing up the carcass and preparing to retreat, a rapid series of footsteps suddenly came from not far in the jungle.

Wherever the sound passed, the grass and trees broke, clearly indicating a very powerful fierce beast.

“Quick, retreat!”

Mason Chen immediately whispered, and the group prepared to leave.

“Wait, Uncle, let’s assess the situation first,” Oliver Chen said at this moment.

Having just fought with the Zhen Beast, he felt he hadn’t reached his limit. It seemed that a mid-Blood Condensation Realm fierce beast was just that, and the beast that was approaching now had much stronger Qi and Blood, but not to an outrageous extent.

It was likely a late-Blood Condensation Realm fierce beast, and he was confident in facing it.

After hearing this, Mason Chen hesitated, looking at the confident Oliver Chen, he wanted to advise caution.

After all, hunting also required ensuring the safety of the clan members.

But Elijah Chen also spoke up at this moment:

“In my opinion, let’s wait and see. The approaching fierce beast is at most late Blood Condensation Realm. Even if we don’t succeed in hunting, we can still retreat safely.”

Hearing this, Mason Chen said no more and immediately signaled the clan members to conceal themselves and observe what kind of fierce beast was approaching!

They had just hidden themselves when movement stirred in the nearby underbrush.

As everyone focused their gaze, a massive creature appeared before them.

It was a huge tiger, several zhang tall, with a variegated body and a “king” character on its forehead.

Compared to the Iron Thorn Tiger they hunted yesterday, this giant tiger was more than twice the size.

Furthermore, this giant tiger exuded a strong scent of blood, and with every step it took, its regal demeanor was unmistakable.

This was at least a late Blood Condensation Realm fierce beast, and it was no ordinary one, likely already at the peak of the Blood Condensation Realm.

Even the previously confident Oliver Chen hesitated.

Although he had broken through to the late Blood Condensation Realm, he had no assurance of victory against this giant tiger.

If it were just him alone, he would have the courage to fight it, but with other clan members around, he couldn’t be reckless and disregard the safety of his people.

Mason Chen, hiding nearby, breathed a sigh of relief seeing Oliver Chen make no move. He was genuinely worried that Oliver would rush in headlong, which could make things difficult to handle, especially since this giant tiger seemed like a formidable opponent.

As everyone held their breath and focused, the giant tiger stepped forward, arriving at the spot where the Zhen Beast had been dealt with.

The giant tiger first sniffed the ground, then circled the area twice before turning its gaze towards the direction Mason Chen and the others had retreated.

This series of actions made everyone hiding nearby tense up.

Not only was the tiger’s Realm high, but it also seemed to have a high level of intelligence, making it more challenging to deal with than those beasts that were all brawn and no brains.

At this moment, no one dared to make a move, lest the giant tiger notice their hiding spot.

But then, a faint noise came from one of the clan members.

Although the sound was soft, it was particularly noticeable in the quiet environment.


Elijah Chen and the others sighed inwardly.

As expected, the moment the sound was made, the giant tiger’s gaze immediately turned towards the place where everyone was hiding.

The tiger looked cautious, slowly approaching the clan members’ hiding spot.

Although they had sprinkled Wood Lotus Powder on themselves, if the tiger got too close, the powder would not be able to mask their scent, especially not for a beast of this Realm.

Mason Chen and the others had serious expressions, signaling to the clan members beside them.

If they were discovered, there would be no room for negotiation, and they would have to strike first.

But facing this giant tiger, their hopes of victory were not high, so at this moment, they could only pray that the tiger would simply leave!

After all, the only ones who could face this giant tiger were probably the three Blood Condensation Realm Warriors, and the other clan members would likely be unable to get close.

If a fight broke out, they would only hinder the battle.

Watching the tiger draw nearer, everyone grew increasingly nervous. Oliver Chen silently clenched his fists, his eyes revealing a glint of fighting spirit and excitement.

Even against a fierce beast of the same Realm, he was unafraid.

If a battle truly ensued, the outcome was not a foregone conclusion!

After all, he was the youngest prodigy of the clan!


One response to “Chapter 19 – Zhen Beast”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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