Chapter 58 – Tushi Tribe Soul Nourishing Tea

Fang Ling didn’t rush to leave the mountain range but instead ventured deeper into it.

The monkey tribe here was quite large, so there should be some valuable items.

Before long, he discovered a pool of fine wine deep in the mountains.

Like humans, the monkey tribe had a habit of drinking, and they were natural masters of brewing.

To all monkey tribes, the wine pool was a sacred place.

Therefore, it was extremely difficult to purchase monkey wine in the outside world. Each time a jar of monkey wine appeared, it meant a monkey tribe had been annihilated.

The pool of fine wine emitted a rich aroma that was intoxicating with just one whiff.

Monkey wine was not only delicious but also a rare tonic because it was made from spiritual fruits found in the mountains.

The medicinal power of these spiritual fruits had accumulated in this wine pool for many years, continuously fermenting, making it extremely potent.

If someone with insufficient cultivation drank too much at once, there was even a risk of their spiritual power exploding.

“This place is deep in the desolate area, and the strength of the monkey tribe is quite formidable. They must have been here for a long time.”

“The quality of this pool of monkey wine is definitely top-notch!” Fang Ling thought to himself as he immediately took out a gourd from his storage ring.

This gourd was just a two-layered restricted magical item, and he couldn’t remember from which battle he had obtained it.

The gourd had no special powers; it was just a top-tier container.

In no time, he had filled the gourd with the entire pool of monkey wine.

He took a small sip, and the medicinal power of the wine far exceeded his expectations, equivalent to several days of arduous cultivation.

However, he didn’t plan to drink it all but intended to save some to bring back as a tribute to his masters.

Apart from the monkey wine, there was nothing else of value here.

Fang Ling waved his hand to dispel the Saramita Realm and left the mountain range.

But shortly after he left, a few people suddenly started chasing after him.

These people were dressed oddly, resembling those from the Miao Territory tribes.

Among them was the woman who had almost been assaulted by the black-furred demon monkeys earlier.

At this moment, she was leaning against a sturdy man, still shaken and looking somewhat haggard.

“Duo’er, was it him who saved you just now?” the sturdy man asked.

The woman nodded and whispered, “Yes, it was him.”

Upon hearing this, the man immediately stepped forward and bowed to Fang Ling.

“Thank you, sir, for saving my wife from the demon monkeys. I, Tu Er, am eternally grateful.”

“To express my gratitude, I would like to invite you to be a guest at our Tu Clan tribe!”

The sturdy man, named Tu Er, was the chief of the Tu Clan tribe in the Miao Territory.

Because his tribespeople were ill, he had to bring a few stronger members into the desolate area to search for medicinal herbs.

However, due to some accidents, the team got separated, and his wife Duo’er almost encountered danger.

Fang Ling nodded, thinking it was convenient to follow them, and he might even gather some information he needed.

Tu Er was overjoyed when Fang Ling agreed.

He didn’t ask about Fang Ling’s background, only inquired about his name.

The Miao Territory was adjacent to this desolate area, so these tribes were very familiar with it.

Following them, Fang Ling encountered no more demons along the way.

A few days later, he left the desolate area and arrived at the Tu Clan tribe.

The Tu Clan tribe was a small tribe in the Miao Territory, with only over twenty thousand members.

The tribe’s chief, Tu Er, was the strongest in the tribe, at the early stage of the Megrez Realm.

The buildings in the tribe were simple, mostly stilted bamboo houses or thatched huts.

Their clothing was also plain, mostly made of hemp, and their living conditions seemed even worse than those in the South Sun Kingdom.

However, as Fang Ling walked through the tribe, he felt that the people here did not live in misery.

Most of the men, women, and children he saw along the way had smiles on their faces, and the tribe’s atmosphere was quite pleasant.

“Benefactor, this is our Tu Clan’s Soul-Nourishing Tea. Please have a taste!”

A chubby boy approached Fang Ling with a cup of tea.

This chubby boy, named Tu Shan, was the son of Tu Er and Duo’er.

People of the Miao Territory mostly practiced witchcraft, which was closely related to the strength of their souls.

Therefore, Miao Territory cultivators paid special attention to the cultivation of their souls.

They were less concerned with their physical bodies and spiritual power.

Almost every tribe had ancient recipes passed down through generations.

These recipes, refined over time, were the core of a tribe’s heritage.

Fang Ling drank it all in one gulp, feeling a sense of comfort.

The sensation of his soul being nourished made him feel ecstatic.

At this moment, Tu Er also approached, holding an ancient wooden box.

“Our tribe’s Soul-Nourishing Tea becomes more fragrant and effective in enhancing soul power with age.”

“This box I have here contains tea that has been passed down from my ancestors for ten thousand years.”

“In our tribe, it is the oldest tea!”

“You are our most esteemed guest, and I hope you won’t mind this small gift from our family.”

Tu Er handed over the box of ten-thousand-year-old Soul-Nourishing Tea with both hands, intending to repay Fang Ling.

“Thank you!” Fang Ling accepted the box and stored it in his ring.

Seeing Fang Ling accept the gift, Tu Er smiled and continued, “By the way, Old Grandpa has also returned from gathering herbs.”

“I’ll take you to see him. He is the oldest person in our tribe and the previous chief.”

“He might know where you can find the Carefree Curse and the Rebirth Curse,” Tu Er added.

On the way back from the desolate area to the Miao Territory, Fang Ling had already inquired about these from Tu Er.

But Tu Er’s knowledge was limited, and he didn’t know.

Following Tu Er through the tribe, they soon arrived at the old grandpa’s residence.

The old grandpa was sorting herbs in front of his bamboo house. Seeing Tu Er bringing someone over, he quickly scooped a ladle of water from a nearby water jar to wash his hands.

He had heard from the tribe members about Fang Ling saving Duo’er in the desolate area, so he also regarded Fang Ling as an honored guest.

“What does the young man want to know?” the old grandpa asked directly.

Fang Ling replied, “I want to know where I can find a witch cultivator who knows the Carefree Curse or the Rebirth Curse.”

Upon hearing this, the old grandpa immediately frowned and scrutinized Fang Ling.

“These two curses can break the Death Wish Curse. Young man, have you been cursed with the Death Wish Curse?” he asked in astonishment.

Fang Ling nodded.

Tu Er, standing nearby, also looked shocked.

The Death Wish Curse was well-known in witchcraft, and most witch cultivators had heard of it.

It was said that those cursed would suffer constant soul-tearing pain, which would intensify until the cursed person could no longer endure it and sought death.

But the Fang Ling before them appeared calm, which they found terrifying…

How strong must his endurance be to achieve this?

Seeing their astonishment, Fang Ling didn’t explain further and silently looked at the old grandpa.

The old grandpa snapped out of his shock and quickly said, “I don’t know who knows the Carefree Curse, but I do know of a tribe that has passed down the Rebirth Curse for generations.”

“That is the Lan Clan tribe, one of the largest tribes in the Miao Territory.”

“The Lan Clan tribe is far from our Tu Clan tribe, but Tu Er can take you there.”

“When Tu Er was young, he trained at the Lan Clan tribe,” he said.

Tu Er, standing nearby, was puzzled and asked, “Grandpa, the Lan Clan tribe has eleven inherited curses, but none of them seem to be the Rebirth Curse, right?”

The old grandpa chuckled and said, “What everyone knows is not reliable. Outsiders only know that our Tu Clan tribe has one inherited curse, but we actually have two!”

“Do you think the Lan Clan tribe wouldn’t have hidden curses? I am certain that someone in the Lan Clan tribe knows the Rebirth Curse.”

“Because when I was young, I also went to the Lan Clan tribe and even courted a girl from there. I learned this from her.”

Fang Ling was secretly delighted, not expecting his luck to be this good. He had just arrived in the Miao Territory and already found a lead on the Rebirth Curse.


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