Chapter 57 – Great Advancement in Cultivation, Slaying the Demon Monkey

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, three years had passed.

Inside the Snow Jade Purity Bottle, Purple Bamboo twisted her waist and limbs, spinning in circles…

After a long while, she nestled against Fang Ling, closing her eyes contentedly.

Fang Ling gently stroked her silky hair, feeling as if these three years had been nothing but a beautiful dream.

But just then, a flying message talisman appeared out of thin air in the bottle’s space.

The lazy Purple Bamboo’s heart tightened, and she sat up with a serious expression.

She flicked her finger, opening the flying message talisman: “Purple Bamboo, return to the Pure Bamboo Nunnery immediately.”

There was only this one sentence on the talisman, but it made her mood heavy.

Initially, the two had planned to stay in the Snow Jade Purity Bottle for just a month, but who would have thought they would stay until now.

At the very beginning, Fang Ling, relying on the Nine Extremes Yin-Yang Technique, advanced in cultivation within the bottle’s space instead of regressing.

This made Purple Bamboo, whose cultivation had been regressing, feel extremely unbalanced. Eventually, she couldn’t resist the temptation and also practiced a simplified version of the Nine Extremes Yin-Yang Technique given by Fang Ling.

After tasting the benefits, she became even more proactive, and her cultivation grew day by day.

As a result, she was unwilling to leave even after several months, ultimately staying in the bottle with Fang Ling for three years.

In this place, there was nothing but each other.

But now, receiving the message from the abbess, she felt as if she was being pulled back to reality from a dream.

It was like a spring thunderclap, shaking her heart and mind.

She suddenly realized how absurd it was to have stayed here for three years.

Every day, she had been indulging in pleasure with Fang Ling, completely forgetting her initial resolve to overcome her inner demons.

She had even become proactive, turning utterly depraved.

“I have to go back,” she said to Fang Ling beside her, her voice heavy.

“Everything that happened, just consider it a dream, a dream that can’t be continued.”

“I can’t keep falling like this…”

Fang Ling nodded; he had things to do as well.

Romantic entanglements were never something he cared about.

In a certain desolate place, the Snow Jade Purity Bottle gradually solidified and reappeared.

With a flash of light, Fang Ling and Purple Bamboo emerged from the bottle, returning to the outside world.

Three years had passed quickly, and Fang Ling was now twenty-one years old.

Compared to when he had descended the mountain, he no longer had any trace of childishness, looking extraordinarily handsome.

Beside him, Purple Bamboo, who had maintained her appearance for thousands of years, also showed some changes due to the nourishment over the past three years.

Now, she was like a ripe peach, ready to burst with juice at the slightest touch.

Her feminine charm was displayed to the fullest.

She gave Fang Ling one last look, then leaped into the air, flying away from the desolate forest.

Fang Ling also turned and walked forward, without any words of farewell between them.

In three years, Fang Ling’s cultivation had grown day by day.

He had now reached the early stage of the Alioth Realm!

Before entering the bottle, he had only been at the mid-stage of the Megrez Realm, breaking through three small realms in total.

However, the greatest gain wasn’t the increase in cultivation but the accumulation of Yin and Yang energy within his body.

Purple Bamboo had profound cultivation and had been a virgin for thousands of years, with an unknown amount of pure Yin energy in her body.

As for Fang Ling himself, his Yang energy was as vigorous as the nine heavens, making their dual cultivation incredibly effective.

So over the past three years, the Yin and Yang energies within him had surged, reaching the threshold for using the Great Yin-Yang Hand.

He walked slowly, not in a hurry to travel.

After staying in the bottle for three years, he needed some time to clear his mind.

Suddenly, a group of monkeys appeared around him.

These monkeys were chattering noisily, and some even threw peaches at him.

These were not ordinary monkeys; their demonic aura was not weak, and they were covered in black fur, looking extremely fierce.

He also heard a woman’s cries ahead.

Using his spiritual sense, he discovered a woman dressed in a style very different from Nanyang, also surrounded by a group of monkeys.

However, she was clearly in a more dire situation, with the monkeys tearing at her clothes.

But she clung desperately to her inner garments, preserving the last shred of her dignity.

At this moment, another group of monkeys arrived, among them a large monkey at the Megrez Realm.

The other monkeys surrounded it like stars around the moon.

The large monkey glanced at Fang Ling in the distance, seemingly indifferent.

Then it turned to look at the woman, nodding in satisfaction.

The monkeys around the woman, seeing the large monkey’s reaction, immediately pounced, pinning her hands and feet down.

Meanwhile, the monkeys around Fang Ling also moved, trying to capture him alive.

The woman struggled desperately but couldn’t break free.

“Please, let me go…” she pleaded bitterly.

But the large monkey was unmoved, slowly walking towards her, letting out a sinister laugh.

On the other side, Fang Ling snorted coldly, instantly turning the surrounding monkeys into a mist of blood.

“Black-furred demon monkeys, just as the books described, love to ravage humans…”

He murmured, condensing his Life-Bound Blood Sword in his hand.

Then he charged forward, slaughtering the black-furred demon monkeys around him.

But he didn’t kill them all; he intentionally let two escape.

The two lucky black-furred demon monkeys immediately fled towards their lair.

Fang Ling followed behind, not sparing a glance at the woman.

After three years in the bottle, his Blood Sword was already thirsty for a massacre.

Before long, Fang Ling followed the two fleeing black-furred demon monkeys to a mountain range filled with spiritual energy.

This was the territory of the black-furred demon monkey clan. His spiritual sense scanned the area, revealing a large monkey population.

Roughly estimating, there were no less than thirty thousand black-furred demon monkeys in this mountain forest!

“Saramita Realm!”

He erected a barrier, covering the entire mountain range.

Then, lifting his Blood Sword, he charged in.

The black-furred demon monkeys immediately retaliated upon discovering the intruder.

But they couldn’t stop him; however many came, Fang Ling killed them all.

“Human, why are you slaughtering my clan?” At this moment, the monkey king of the black-furred demon monkeys appeared.

Its realm was not low, at the early stage of the Mizar Realm, one major realm higher than Fang Ling.

Such a level of the demon race could already speak, though transforming into human form required becoming an immortal.

Fang Ling didn’t answer the monkey king’s question, instead slashing with his sword.

He unleashed the Slay Dragon Sword, its light spanning thirty thousand miles, sword energy piercing the nine heavens!

Having slaughtered millions of elite cultivators in the Blood Marsh, the Blood Sword’s power was now terrifying.

Moreover, in the three years inside the bottle, he hadn’t just dual cultivated with Purple Bamboo.

He had also spent a lot of time comprehending the Sword Dao contained in the Tong Yuan Sword Soul.

Compared to three years ago, his Sword Dao attainments had increased severalfold.

The monkey king, seeing Fang Ling’s ferocity, was enraged.

It used its Divine Power, transforming from a monkey into a ten-zhang-tall giant ape.

It pounded its chest in fury, roaring, and threw a punch.

But in an instant, its massive body was sliced into pieces by the sword light, killed by Fang Ling with one strike.

With the monkey king dead, the remaining monkeys fell into chaos.

They desperately pounded and struck the Saramita Realm barrier, trying to escape, but it was all in vain.

Drip, drip…

Fang Ling, holding his blood-dripping Life-Bound Sword, strolled through the mountain range, exterminating the thirty thousand-strong monkey clan.

Before long, the monkeys’ corpses turned into piles of white bones.

The demon race’s physical bodies were usually much stronger than humans, containing more abundant life essence.

The blood refinement of the black-furred demon monkey clan brought him far more growth than he had imagined.


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