Chapter 53 – Invincible Path of Flesh and Blood Formation

At this moment, within the Saramita Realm.

Fang Ling gripped the Blood Sword, engaging in a frenzied slaughter.

Everyone in the Blood Marsh was vying for ruthlessness and bravery; there were hardly any kind souls.

To turn such a place into his private domain, he had to be even more ruthless, killing until fear gripped their hearts.

The millions before him were elite forces from various cities and factions.

If he could annihilate them all here, everything would become much easier, and he wouldn’t even need to show his face.

Seeing Fang Ling cut down several top experts, some people couldn’t hold on any longer.

“Spare us! I am willing to lead the Ninefold Tower in surrender…”

The beautiful woman kneeling beneath Fang Ling was the master of the Ninefold Tower.

The Ninefold Tower was a top-tier force in the Blood Marsh, renowned and long-standing.

Seeing even her kneel and beg for mercy, more and more people dropped their weapons and knelt before Fang Ling.

Fang Ling ignored them, slashing with his sword.

Except for a few master-level experts, everyone else died on the spot.

“Gentlemen, this guy is a complete madman.”

“Today, it’s either him or us. Fight to the death!” the Ninefold Tower master roared, but before she finished speaking, Fang Ling decapitated her with a single stroke…

The Sunset Plains, originally a vast green meadow, were now completely stained red.

Fang Ling, like a monster driven solely by slaughter, swung his Blood Sword relentlessly.

In less than an hour, millions of elite cultivators from the Blood Marsh had turned into white bones.

The white bones covered the blood-red grassland, creating an eerie and desolate scene.

Above the plains, Fang Ling’s Life-Bound Blood Sword hung upside down, continuously emitting black qi.

This black qi was solidified killing intent, too intense to be contained by the Blood Sword in such a short time, so Fang Ling had to let it dissipate.

He looked at his own body; black lines had begun to appear on his crimson skin.

These lines were intermittent and incomplete, a sign of the Demon Prison Body developing.

He had seen Master Manzi display a complete Demon Prison Body before; once these lines formed, they would create a formation, known as the Flesh Formation.

But these formations were not fixed, as everyone’s circumstances differed, leading to various outcomes.

Master Manzi’s Flesh Formation was called “Heaven-Splitting,” which, when activated, could increase his strength tenfold!

So Fang Ling was also eager to see what kind of formation his body would eventually develop.

After a while, he retracted the Blood Sword into his body and waved his hand to dissolve the Saramita Realm.

He looked up at the sky above Tianqing City, then his figure flashed, and he returned to the study in the branch hall.

Above the Sunset Plains, Purple Bamboo Abbess looked solemnly at the scattered bones, tightly gripping the Snow Jade Purity Bottle.

After a moment’s pause, she left angrily and appeared in Fang Ling’s study.

“Why are you so vicious?” she scolded.

“Millions of cultivators on the Sunset Plains, not a single one left…”

“You’ve committed such a massacre today; you will surely face retribution in the future!”

“This has nothing to do with you,” Fang Ling said indifferently.

Purple Bamboo Abbess wanted to say more but suddenly stopped.

She had completely seen through the person before her, believing Fang Ling was beyond redemption.

The only way to save him was to send him to meet the Buddha.

“If I don’t kill you, who knows how many innocent people will die at your hands in the future.”

“When my inner demons are resolved, it will be the day I send you to hell!” she thought.

Holding back her anger, she immediately left.

The battle at the Sunset Plains cast a shadow over the entire Blood Marsh.

The vicious individuals who once saw this place as a refuge were now scared away overnight.

For a time, the Blood Marsh was in chaos, seemingly returning to its initial state of birth.

A few days later, in Tianqing City.

One hundred and eighty thousand cultivators knelt neatly before Fang Ling.

“Greetings, Sect Master!” Yun Shuiqing said firmly, and the other disciples quickly echoed.

The Blood Marsh was too vast; the eight hundred demon soldiers alone couldn’t control it.

So Fang Ling ordered all the sect members to move over, completely abandoning the South Sun Kingdom.

Next, he planned to have them settle in the thirty-six cities of the Blood Marsh in batches, establishing branch halls to fully control the Blood Marsh.

Although the one hundred and eighty thousand disciples transferred from the South Sun Kingdom were not very strong, with his current power, no one dared to resist, and everything was already set.

During his absence from the South Sun Kingdom, Emperor Shao did not suppress the sect members who stayed behind.

As a result, their numbers grew from the original one hundred and twenty thousand to the current one hundred and eighty thousand.

“Now it’s up to you,” Fang Ling nodded, signaling them to rise.

Yun Shuiqing and the others had been holding back their energy while staying in the South Sun Kingdom.

In the following days, she, Hu Yue, and others acted swiftly.

They quickly took over the thirty-six cities and established branch halls.

From now on, the fragmented state of the Blood Marsh would disappear, with the Tianluo Sect reigning supreme.

However, Fang Ling did not leave immediately; he stayed for a while longer.

Seeing everything stabilize, he prepared to head south.

But before heading south, he left the Nether Beast behind.

Although the Blood Marsh was stable, there was no guarantee that no unexpected events would occur while he was in the Miao Territory.

So he chose to leave the Nether Beast behind, believing that with its current strength, it could handle any unforeseen events.

“Sect Master, you called for me?” Mr. Mo walked into the study, respectfully asking.

Fang Ling rolled up the map of the Miao Territory on the table and stored it in his storage ring.

Then he looked up and said, “I’m heading south soon. The sect’s affairs will be in your hands and a few others.”

Mr. Mo had long known about Fang Ling’s plan to head south to the Miao Territory, so he was not surprised.

“I will do my utmost!” he replied.

“Before I leave, I want to give you something.” Fang Ling waved his hand, and the Deadly Spike appeared in his hand.

“This is a seven-layer restricted treasure, the Deadly Spike.”

“I bestow this powerful treasure upon you.”

“If a strong enemy invades while I’m away, this might help turn the tide!”

The Deadly Spike was the treasure of the Blood Demon Ancestor, of quite high quality.

But it was of no use to Fang Ling.

It was just a postnatal treasure, while he possessed the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear, an innate Companion Spiritual Treasure.

“Thank you, Sect Master!” Mr. Mo did not refuse, feeling extremely honored.

He knew Fang Ling was leaving some contingencies behind.

To prevent the Tianluo Sect from being bullied in his absence.

Fang Ling’s decision to entrust him with this treasure showed that he was considered a trusted confidant.

After giving all necessary instructions, Fang Ling left the Blood Marsh.

The Blood Marsh was separated from the Miao Territory by a vast wilderness.

After a few days of travel, he finally set foot in this demon-infested land.

By a mountain stream, he scooped up a handful of water and drank it heartily.

The wilderness was rich in spiritual energy, even the spring water was better than that of the Blood Marsh in South Sun.

After drinking, he turned to look at a large tree.

“If you still want to cultivate, show yourself,” he said.

“If you don’t want to cultivate anymore, stop following me.”

A graceful figure slowly emerged from behind the tree, Purple Bamboo Abbess staring coldly at Fang Ling.

Since the day at the Sunset Plains, she had not appeared again.

But Fang Ling knew she had been following him, just sulking.


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