Chapter 52 – The one who ties the knot must untie it

Mr. Mo quickly had the challenge letters delivered to the leaders of various factions in the Blood Marsh.

Though they usually kept to themselves and even harbored animosity towards one another, the sudden emergence of Fang Ling instilled a sense of crisis among them, prompting them to unite.

Three days later, on the Sunset Plains outside Tianqing City.

Groups of elite cultivators arrived from various cities, gathering in one place.

The vast plain was so crowded that there was no room to stand, and over a thousand warships hovered in the sky.

Such a grand scene had not been witnessed in the Blood Marsh for many years.

In fact, everyone in Tianqing City, except for Fang Ling’s subordinates, had fled.

Everyone knew that a fierce battle was inevitable, and any carelessness could lead to disaster.

Inside the newly established branch of the Tianluo Sect in the city.

Despite the millions of fierce cultivators outside, it was as peaceful as a cloud here.

Fang Ling continued reading in his study, and Mr. Mo would periodically come in to report on the situation outside the city.

He knew that not everyone had arrived yet, and some forces were still on their way. It wouldn’t be too late to go out once everyone was there.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from an unknown direction, causing the candle flame on the green lamp to flicker.

Fang Ling put down the book and looked up abruptly.

Seeing the person who had suddenly appeared before him, he felt a sense of unease.

The visitor was dressed in simple clothes, with a beautiful appearance like a blooming lotus, pure yet stunning.

It was none other than the Purple Bamboo Abbess, who had fiercely battled Fang Ling not long ago.

She had been missing for a while, and Fang Ling thought she had already left the Blood Marsh.

Her sudden appearance caught him off guard.

“If this woman causes trouble now, my situation will be…” He immediately felt a surge of pressure.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess’s cultivation was terrifyingly powerful, and he was no match for her.

If they fought, it would undoubtedly attract the attention of the millions of cultivators outside the city.

If they took advantage of the situation, he might barely escape, but his trusted subordinates would likely all perish here.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time.

Finally, the Purple Bamboo Abbess spoke, “You don’t need to be so tense. I’m not here to kill you this time.”

“Then what guidance does the Abbess have for me?” Fang Ling asked in a deep voice, half-believing her words.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess turned slightly, seeming a bit embarrassed.

“I came here… to ask for your help in my cultivation!” she said.

Fang Ling frowned and replied coldly, “What I have learned cannot be taught to you. You should give up on that idea!”

“If you want to take it by force, then let’s see what you’ve got!”

Cultivators often placed great importance on their teachings, and his five masters had also warned him not to pass on his knowledge to others.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess gave him a deep look and replied, “What I mean by cultivation is not your Buddhist divine powers…”

“That day, breaking the precept of lust caused my Dao heart to collapse, and to this day, I cannot…”

“If I cannot overcome lust in this life, I will never transcend martial arts and reach the pinnacle.”

“Fortunately, I found a Buddhist scripture that enlightened me on how to overcome this demonic obstacle.”

“Without destruction, there can be no creation. So, I hope you can help me in my cultivation.”

“If you can help me overcome this obstacle and rebuild my Dao heart, I will not pursue past grievances…”

Hearing this, Fang Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness she’s not here for revenge…”

“How should I help you in your cultivation?” he asked seriously.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess clenched her fists and stared at him with wide eyes.

She felt she had made herself clear enough, but this stubborn mule still didn’t get it.

Or maybe he understood everything and was just pretending to be clueless to tease her.

Seeing her angry expression, Fang Ling found it rather pleasing.

He thought that if this woman didn’t always have a stern face, even when angry, she was quite beautiful.

“Abbess, there’s no need to look at me like that. I truly don’t understand. Why don’t you explain it more clearly?” Fang Ling said again.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with her breath.

“I am troubled by lust. To overcome it, I must face it directly!”

“You… you just need to treat me as you did that day. You do your thing, and I’ll do mine.”

“Until I can remain calm and free of desires in this state.”

“If I can achieve this realm, then the demonic obstacle will be broken.”

“Amitabha Buddha!” She closed her eyes, put her hands together, and preemptively asked for forgiveness from the Buddha.

Hearing this, Fang Ling took a deep breath and stood up.

“Very well, if I don’t go to hell, who will?”

“The cause of the past, the result of today, the one who ties the knot must untie it…”

The Purple Bamboo Abbess frowned slightly and snorted, “You are truly shameless!”

“Since I started my journey, I have been called the Jade Guanyin by the world.”

“What you just said makes it seem like you’re being wronged. Truly shameless!”

Fang Ling smiled. He had said that on purpose to make her stop having that cold, icy expression.

In just a few words, the previously awkward atmosphere seemed to have eased a bit.

He walked straight to the Purple Bamboo Abbess.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess’s hands were a bit restless, not knowing where to place them.

At the same time, her cheeks flushed, and her heartbeat quickened.

Finally, she overcame the obstacle in her heart…

After a long time, the Purple Bamboo Abbess got down from the table.

She immediately picked up the simple clothes beside her and put them on.

“I need to meditate for a while. We will fight again later!” she murmured and disappeared immediately.

Fang Ling leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh of relief.

“This Nine Extremes Yin-Yang Technique is truly profound. Just one session of cultivation has increased my spiritual power equivalent to a month’s worth of training!”

“And these Yin-Yang energies…” He opened his hand, and a few strands of black and white energy floated in his palm.

These strands of black and white energy were the Yin-Yang energies.

“The Purple Bamboo Abbess is also quite remarkable…” He couldn’t help but smile.

As a young man full of vigor, he was no exception to the desires of food and sex.

Even though he was multitasking just now, he still found enjoyment in it.

Above Tianqing City.

The Purple Bamboo Abbess sat cross-legged on a lotus platform, meditating in the clouds.

“Damn it, I got carried away…” she murmured in frustration.

“You cultivate the Samadhi, originally to transcend worldly troubles. If you do not eliminate lust, you cannot transcend the mundane. Even with great wisdom, if lust is not eliminated, you will fall into the demonic path…”

“Purple Bamboo, you must transcend soon!”

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked towards the Sunset Plains.

A burst of golden light flashed, and the Saramita Realm covered the entire Sunset Plains.

“That little demon…” she said angrily.

“Truly detestable!”

“Knowing I’m here, he still commits such slaughter, completely disregarding me…”

“Once I overcome my inner demons, I will definitely eliminate you, little demon!”

Fang Ling had left the city while she was meditating to avoid being stopped by her.

He couldn’t figure out the Purple Bamboo Abbess. Despite their recent intimacy, he had no doubt that she could turn on him and attack at any moment.

To avoid any unforeseen events, he had to eliminate the threats outside the city first.

Only then would he not be put in a passive position.


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