Chapter 33 – The world of Saromaya is full of killing intent

Within the Basalt Seven Star Formation, Tiger Lord and the others were overjoyed at Fang Ling’s arrival.

However, they quickly grew worried, sensing something was amiss.

“The Sect Master coming alone might be dangerous,” Python Lord said gravely.

“If things go south, we must immediately break out and support the Sect Master.”

Mr. Mo and the others, seeing Fang Ling for the first time, felt even more uncertain.

Meanwhile, within the Liuhe Sect’s army, many experts had already noticed Fang Ling.

They were momentarily stunned, as the scene was too bizarre.

A young man whose cultivation they couldn’t gauge dared to ride atop their three hundred thousand strong army.

At the rear of the army, a seductive woman who had been reclining on a fragrant bed suddenly sat up and pulled aside the curtains.

Though she couldn’t sense Fang Ling’s cultivation, she could smell an incredibly delicious aroma emanating from him!

“Exquisite! Absolutely exquisite!” She trembled with excitement.

“No one is to act rashly!” she shouted, fearing someone might mistakenly kill this young man.

“Who is this guy?” Li Tiange scratched his head in bewilderment, hating these unexpected developments.

In mid-air, Fang Ling suddenly made a move.

He brought his palms together in front of him, forming a Buddhist seal.

At the same time, a golden Buddhist wheel appeared behind him: “Saramita Heaven!”

This was a great Buddhist divine power taught to him by the white-browed old monk.

Once cast, it could designate a certain area as a barrier.

Within this barrier, known as the Saramita Realm, no one could enter or leave.

The Saramita Realm was entirely independent, becoming a second world of its own!

Realizing they were trapped within the barrier, the disciples of the Liuhe Sect began to panic.

Li Tiange’s face changed dramatically as he stared at Fang Ling in shock, “Such a young man, yet possessing such divine power!”

“Who on earth is he?”

“He seems related to Buddhism. Could he be here to stop the slaughter?”

At the rear of the army, the seductive woman, her clothes disheveled, flew into the air, barefoot.

“Such a handsome body, little brother. Let your sister love you for a while!”

Fang Ling’s physical body was too tempting for her; she could no longer restrain herself.

Pink spiritual power burst from her body, transforming into chains that shot towards Fang Ling.

The Buddhist wheel behind Fang Ling dissipated, and he condensed his Life-Bound Blood Sword in his hand.

With a swift slash, he shattered the seductive woman’s chains with overwhelming force.

The sword’s momentum did not diminish, slicing the seductive woman in half at the waist!

“Honored Emissary!” Li Tiange’s scalp tingled as he cried out in horror.

This seductive woman was at the peak of the Phecda Realm.

Such cultivation had no rivals in the South Sun Kingdom.

Yet, before everyone’s eyes, she was slain by this mysterious young man with a single sword strike!

The three hundred thousand strong army descended into chaos, frantically attacking the barrier.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t shake the barrier in the slightest.

At the brink of life and death, Li Tiange regained his composure and flew above the army.

“Don’t be afraid! He’s just one person, and we are three hundred thousand!”

“He can’t kill us all. We can definitely wear him down!”

“Since we can’t get out, let’s fight him to the end!” Li Tiange shouted passionately.

But the next moment, his head was severed by Fang Ling, blood spurting from his neck.

Although Li Tiange was instantly beheaded, the disciples of the Liuhe Sect began to fight back.

The saying “a cornered beast will fight” held true.

Creatures in a desperate situation, with no way out, would unleash all their potential in a fight to the death.

These people secretly prayed to be the lucky ones who could outlast Fang Ling.

Fang Ling, with an indifferent expression, raised his sword and met the charging army head-on…

Within the Basalt Seven Star Formation, Tiger Lord and the others exchanged glances.

No one had expected Fang Ling to suddenly create a barrier, trapping himself and all the enemies inside.

At this moment, a terrifyingly powerful beast approached through the air.

It was the Nether Beast, with Yun Shuiqing and Dou Qin riding on its back.

Seeing Yun Shuiqing return, Mr. Mo immediately opened a gap in the protective formation to let them in.

“Charm Emissary, what is the Sect Master’s plan?” Tiger Lord hurriedly asked.

“Why did he suddenly create such a barrier?”

Yun Shuiqing smiled wryly and shook her head, “I don’t know either…”

“All we can do now is recover our strength and prepare to support him.”

“This is my friend, and also the Sect Master’s friend, Dou Qin, Doctor Dou. I’m sure you’ve heard of her.”

“Bring the injured brothers over quickly; she will help heal them.”

“So, it’s the renowned Fairy Dou. Thank you, Fairy Dou, for coming to treat our Tianluo Sect members!” Mr. Mo and the others quickly expressed their gratitude.

“Healing the sick and saving lives is a doctor’s duty. No need for thanks,” Dou Qin said calmly.

Inside the Saramita Realm, the world had turned blood-red.

Fang Ling, with just one sword, had thrown the three hundred thousand strong army into disarray.

His physical body was too powerful; no matter how they attacked, they couldn’t harm him in the slightest.

In his hands, the three hundred thousand soldiers were like three hundred thousand ants.

“You demon, I’ll fight you to the death!” Many had gone mad, losing their sanity.

Some even banged their heads against the barrier of the Saramita Heaven, ultimately killing themselves…

Fang Ling was drenched in blood, his eyes growing more excited.

In just the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, the three hundred thousand were slaughtered.

He plunged his Life-Bound Blood Sword into the ground, letting it absorb the blood and murderous aura of the three hundred thousand.

The Blood Sword greedily sucked in, and Fang Ling could feel its excitement, its jubilation.

From the moment it was born, it was destined to be a sword of great evil.

Then Fang Ling tilted his head back and opened his mouth.

With a powerful inhalation, the life essence of the three hundred thousand turned into a galaxy and flowed into his mouth, which he then devoured.

The life essence of three hundred thousand cultivators was a rare tonic for him.

It made his already terrifying physical body even more formidable.

After a long while, the life essence of the three hundred thousand was fully refined, becoming his nourishment.

He tried throwing a punch forward.

The resulting sound of breaking air was like thunder from the ninth heaven, filled with explosive force.

The strength was so immense that even the stable space showed obvious fluctuations.

“My physical strength has reached the realm of fluctuations that Master Manzi spoke of!” Fang Ling exclaimed in delight.

“I barely meet the conditions to cultivate the third layer of the Galaxy Infinite Fist!”

On the other side, the Blood Sword had also devoured the blood and murderous aura of the three hundred thousand.

This malevolent sword finally revealed its true form, its blade surrounded by terrifying killing intent.

The killing intent alone was enough to tear weaker beings apart.

At this moment, within the Saramita Realm, only Fang Ling remained, surrounded by a sea of white bones.

The reason they were white bones was that he had pushed the Gluttony Divine Art to its extreme.

At its extreme, the Gluttony Divine Art absorbed everything too cleanly.

In the past, there would still be remnants of flesh, but now even that was gone.

The white bones were merely hollow residues, containing nothing.

This method was more convenient, as corpses with flesh and bones appeared eerie, while bare white bones seemed less incongruous.

Many demonic arts also turned corpses into white bones instantly after killing, so this was not unusual.

This saved time in cleaning up the battlefield.


One response to “Chapter 33 – The world of Saromaya is full of killing intent”

  1. aguy Avatar

    He already killed 300000

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