Chapter 25 – Duel with the Spear of Shattered Heaven

The young man from the Golden Horn Clan slowly raised his hand, conjuring a golden spear in his grasp.

With a swift motion, he hurled the spear towards Fang Ling.

Fang Ling spun around abruptly, meeting the attack with a fierce punch.

The golden spear shattered against his iron fist, but the force pushed him back two steps.

The young man from the Golden Horn Clan was taken aback by this.

“Just a human, yet his physical body is so strong?” Although he couldn’t discern Fang Ling’s realm, he could estimate his age, which made it even more surprising.

It was well known that among the various clans, humans had the weakest physical bodies.

But this young man’s body was comparable to, if not stronger than, those with imperial bloodlines.

The reason none of them could perceive Fang Ling’s true realm was because he had cultivated the Heavenly Concealment Technique.

This technique, taught to him by the Flower Thief, had the sole effect of hiding one’s realm.

While the young man from the Golden Horn Clan couldn’t sense Fang Ling’s realm, Fang Ling could easily gauge his opponent’s cultivation.

This young man was in the mid-Alioth Realm, a full major realm and a small layer above Fang Ling.

“My name is Jin Buhuan. I never kill nameless people. State your name,” Jin Buhuan demanded.

“Fang Ling,” he replied calmly, as his Life-Bound Blood Sword materialized in his hand.

With the addition of the Tong Yuan Sword Soul, the presence of the Life-Bound Blood Sword caused Jin Buhuan to feel a sharp pain.

“Didn’t expect to wake up and face a tough battle right away,” Jin Buhuan chuckled.

“Well, it’s a good chance to stretch my muscles!”

“Have you heard of the Golden Horn Clan’s divine powers?”

He clapped his hands together, and a powerful aura rippled out from him.

Simultaneously, his skin turned golden, making him look like a man made of gold.

“A body of a hundred battles, eternal and indestructible.”

“This is the Golden Horn Clan’s invincible golden body!”

He clashed his hands together, producing a deep metallic sound, then charged at Fang Ling, his steps so heavy they shattered the black crystal tiles of the hall.

Fang Ling swung his sword, but the sword light did no harm to Jin Buhuan.

In the brief moment Fang Ling swung his sword, Jin Buhuan had already closed in, attempting to engage in close combat.

“Die!” Jin Buhuan’s eyes gleamed with madness as he swung a punch at Fang Ling’s head.

But in an instant, Fang Ling vanished, leaving Jin Buhuan punching empty air.

Jin Buhuan quickly changed direction, attacking Fang Ling again.

But no matter how many times he tried, he couldn’t land a hit.

Despite his immense strength, he couldn’t even touch the hem of Fang Ling’s clothes.

This feeling of hitting nothing but air frustrated Jin Buhuan immensely.

“Stop dodging and face me head-on!” he roared.

“As you wish,” Fang Ling murmured, his killing intent surging.

The previously calm Blood Sword now seemed like a ravenous beast freed from its cage.

“Slay Dragon!” He leaped into the air, slashing at Jin Buhuan with his sword.

The hall couldn’t withstand the terrifying sword energy and was instantly torn apart.

Sword energy raged in all directions, annihilating everything in its path!

In the mine tunnel, an old woman and a young woman in white were slowly exploring.

Suddenly, the old woman sensed something and her expression changed.

She immediately raised her hand, conjuring a blue shield to protect them both.

Boom! The mine tunnel began to collapse, and a wave of sword energy swept out from the depths, roaring past them.

“What powerful sword energy, even the aftermath is so formidable,” the old woman said gravely.

The young woman in white looked relieved. “Good thing you reacted quickly, or I would have been in trouble…”

“What happened? Who’s fighting?”

“Could it be that guy from earlier?”

“Can’t be sure, but we should leave here for now,” the old woman said.

“Miss, my cultivation is limited, I may not be a match for those fighting, so we can’t take any risks.”

“If it’s really that guy, he must be a descendant of a Sword Dao family,” the young woman murmured.

“Never mind that, retreating is more important!” The old woman didn’t care for her agreement, pulling her away from the ancient abandoned mine.

Meanwhile, at the site of the battle.

Fang Ling hovered in mid-air, sword in hand, silently watching the ruins of the collapsed hall.

Dust rose from the ruins, obscuring the scene within.

After a while, Jin Buhuan crawled out of the rubble.

He was in a sorry state, his invincible golden body broken, and his body covered in dust.

A deep wound on his chest, down to the bone, was the result of Fang Ling’s earlier strike.

Jin Buhuan looked up at Fang Ling and said, “A powerful strike, but fortunately your cultivation isn’t high, otherwise that strike might have killed me.”

“After sleeping for tens of thousands of years, has the outside world changed so much that the younger generation has become this strong?”

Fang Ling didn’t respond, raising his hand to strike again.

Jin Buhuan’s expression changed, not expecting Fang Ling to be able to use such a powerful sword move consecutively.

Not wanting to take another hit, he quickly used his life-saving technique.

Golden light flickered around his chest wound, and the injury healed instantly, leaving no scar.

“So this is the Golden Horn Clan’s regeneration technique that Sword Master mentioned?”

“Impressive…” Fang Ling nodded, acknowledging Jin Buhuan’s strength.

But that was all. He had decided to make Jin Buhuan his nourishment.

He twisted his wrist and slashed out another sword strike.

This strike was the second move of the Sword Demon’s Three Styles—Ask Heaven!

This strike was even more terrifying than Slay Dragon, indestructible.

Jin Buhuan could feel the change in the sword energy, and his heart was filled with fear.

He regretted attacking Fang Ling, but there was no turning back now, he could only fight to the death.

“Didn’t expect to use my trump card in my first battle after waking up…”

“Fang Ling, I’ll remember you, you’re a warrior I respect!”

With a thought, a golden spear appeared in his hand.

The spear was dazzling, exuding a destructive aura.

“I, Jin Buhuan, am the last prodigy of the Golden Horn Clan.”

“This is my Companion Spiritual Treasure, the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear!”

“This spear once killed the holy maidens of other clans, today I will use it to send you off!”

Golden veins bulged on Jin Buhuan’s forehead, his aura reaching its peak.

With a roar, he threw the spear with all his might.

The terrifying power of Fang Ling’s Ask Heaven sword strike was instantly suppressed.

With a tearing sound, the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear pierced through Fang Ling’s body.

Jin Buhuan sighed in relief. “Finally…”

But the next moment, his face changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because he saw Fang Ling smiling, pulling the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear out of his body with both hands.

“Impossible! You’re just a human, how can you survive my divine spear?!” Jin Buhuan shouted hysterically.

Fang Ling looked down at his chest, where the spear had left a gaping hole.

But now, the flesh was regenerating at a visible rate, and in no time, the wound was gone.

“Didn’t expect you to have such a trump card.”

“This weapon is nice, but now it’s mine!”

Fang Ling’s eyes narrowed, using the plundering technique taught by Fat Master to forcibly refine Jin Buhuan’s Companion Spiritual Treasure.

Jin Buhuan felt his connection to the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear being severed, and he was devastated.

“No, you can’t do this, give me back my treasure!” he shouted.

“As you wish!” Fang Ling gripped the spear, aiming at Jin Buhuan.

With a tearing sound, the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear shot out, aiming to kill him.

Jin Buhuan spat blood, his eyes filled with unwillingness, but he knew if he didn’t leave now, he would die here.

“Heaven Dissolution Technique!” Just as the spear was about to pierce him, he turned into a burst of light and disappeared.

Fang Ling looked at the spot where Jin Buhuan vanished, frowning slightly.

“What a pity, such good blood and body, and he got away.”

“But at least I gained something…” He looked at the Xuanjin Heaven-Piercing Spear, exuding a destructive aura, and nodded in satisfaction.


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