Chapter 24 – Crystal coffin gold horn tribe


“That old woman has profound cultivation, at least a whole realm higher than mine.”

“And that young lady, she’s already at the early stage of the Phecda Realm despite her youth.”

“They’re probably not from the South Sun Kingdom…” Fang Ling thought.

“They must be here for the ancient abandoned mine as well. I need to reach the main hall before them.”

He used the Divine Movement Step taught by his master, the Flower Thief.

The Divine Movement Step is a supreme body technique divine power.

Mastering the first level grants unparalleled speed.

Reaching the second level allows one to shrink the ground into inches and teleport instantly.

The Divine Movement Step has a third level, but he was far from achieving it.

At the third level, the speed is so great it can reverse time, making it flow backward.

How far back depends on the speed achieved.

He had once witnessed his master, the Flower Thief, use the third level to return to a moment half a stick of incense (about two and a half minutes) earlier.

Though it was only half a stick of incense, in a battle between top experts, even a fraction of a second could determine victory or defeat.

In a flash, Fang Ling was already inside the ancient abandoned mine, standing in a spacious mine tunnel.

“The force field here is indeed powerful, compressing my teleportation distance significantly.”

Upon entering the mine, a wave of gravity hit him.

Anyone without sufficient strength would be crushed by the gravity if they forced their way in.

All the mine tunnels ultimately led to the mysterious hall.

So Fang Ling followed the path, moving quickly.

About a quarter of an hour later, he reached the end of the tunnel.

In front of him was an ancient bronze door, covered in the marks of time.

Before the bronze door stood four stone statues.

These statues depicted demons, not humans.

Besides that, there were scattered skeletons all over the ground, their bones uncorroded after many years, indicating they were also experts when alive.

He walked straight ahead, and as Bai Xingyou had said, there were puppets blocking the way!

The four demon statues were actually puppets.

Usually, they existed in the form of statues, but they would activate when any living being approached.

Only one of the four statues, a dog-like one, activated.

Fang Ling observed its form and identified it.

It was a Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf with the bloodline of a great demon.

The Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf bared its sharp teeth and lunged at Fang Ling.

Fang Ling raised his hand and threw a simple punch.

With a bang, the Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf was instantly shattered into pieces.

Back then, this Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf had bitten off Bai Xingyou’s arm, but to Fang Ling, it was still too weak.

After the Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf was defeated, the remaining three statues activated simultaneously.

They appeared in the forms of a Four-Headed Snake, a Ghost Weasel, and a Thunder Lion.

Among them, the Thunder Lion had royal blood in the demon race, possessing a powerful lightning talent.

The aura of these three puppets was far stronger than the Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf.

The Blue-Tailed Grey Wolf was only at the mid-Phecda Realm.

The Four-Headed Snake was at the early Megrez Realm, on par with Fang Ling.

The Ghost Weasel was even stronger, at the late Megrez Realm.

And the Thunder Lion was terrifying, at the early Alioth Realm.

The three attacked Fang Ling simultaneously.

The Four-Headed Snake opened its huge mouth, spraying purple poison gas.

A terrifying beast soul appeared behind the Ghost Weasel, opening its mouth to devour Fang Ling.

The Thunder Lion was even more frenzied, lightning flashing on its body, shooting out waves of thunder.

Fang Ling’s eyes narrowed, not daring to be careless.

Boom, boom, boom, his originally calm heart began to beat violently, his blood surging and boiling.

He threw a punch, and this punch was like thunder from the nine heavens, earth-shattering and deafening.

At the same time, the punch wind transformed into a galaxy, swaying and drifting.

The attacks of the three beast puppets were instantly covered by the punch force.

The shockwave hit them, causing a huge tremor, shattering their bodies!

This was the Galaxy Infinite Fist he had practiced since childhood, a top-tier fist technique in the world.

This was only the second level of the Galaxy Infinite Fist. If he could reach the fifth level, he could even shatter the stars in the sky from a distance.

After defeating these obstacles, he was about to move forward.

But suddenly, the four shattered guardian statues instantly restored themselves!

The broken pieces reassembled in an instant, without a single crack remaining.

“If I can defeat them once, I can defeat them again. How can they stop me?” Fang Ling snorted coldly and continued forward.

But the restored statues did not reappear to block him, seemingly becoming mere decorations.

Fang Ling was slightly surprised but didn’t think much of it, walking straight to the door.

He pushed hard, slowly opening the ancient bronze door.

Behind the bronze door was a spacious and bright hall.

The hall was surrounded by dense green lamps, burning with candle flames.

These candle flames, made of unknown materials, had been burning for countless years.

In the center of the hall was a crystal coffin.

Besides that, there was nothing else in the vast hall.

Fang Ling walked towards the crystal coffin, preparing to open it.

But at that moment, a strange scene occurred!

The crystal coffin suddenly stood up, and with a bang, the coffin lid slammed to the ground.

At the same time, the ancient bronze door slowly closed, sealing the exit.

Inside the crystal coffin lay a person, who slowly opened his eyes, staring straight at Fang Ling.

“To defeat the four puppets I placed at the door, you have some skill.”

This person’s appearance was peculiar, with a golden horn growing from his forehead.

His eyes were also different from normal humans, slightly glowing with gold.

“It should be the year of great contention predicted by the priest…”

“After waking up this time, I will no longer need to sleep here.” The strange man muttered to himself.

“You’re from the Golden Horn Clan!” Fang Ling said in surprise, examining his appearance.

His master, the Sword Demon, often told him stories of challenging strong beings from various races, and he had mentioned the Golden Horn Clan.

Because of their exceptionally strong vitality, the Sword Demon had a deep impression of them.

But he said this clan was exterminated fifty thousand years ago, and now this guy…

“Oh? There are people in the Great Chu Kingdom who recognize my origin.” The young man from the Golden Horn Clan said with slight surprise.

“The Great Chu Kingdom? It seems you’ve been sleeping here for at least twenty thousand years.” Fang Ling muttered.

The predecessor of the South Sun Kingdom was the Great Chu Kingdom, and the South Sun Kingdom itself was founded just over twenty thousand years ago. The Great Chu Kingdom lasted for about fifty thousand years before that.

“I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping here, maybe more than twenty thousand years…” The young man from the Golden Horn Clan said indifferently.

“Though you look delicious, I don’t intend to kill you.”

“After waking up this time, I will return to the world and need to recruit some subordinates.”

“Become my servant! I will grant you supreme glory!”

“Not interested.” Fang Ling shook his head in disappointment and turned to leave.

“I thought this hall was an ancient relic, but it turns out it was only built a few thousand years ago…”

Seeing him leave without a care, the young man from the Golden Horn Clan’s eyes suddenly flashed with killing intent.

“I gave you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it. Now you will become my food to restore my strength!” He said coldly.



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