Chapter 21 – Sword Demon’s Three Shocking Techniques


“No wonder this guy was so determined to get the Buddha Fruit; turns out he had the recipe for the Vajra Bodhi Pill.”

“Millennium Purple Bamboo Liquid, Immortal Rehmannia… all these ingredients, except for the Buddha Fruit, have already been collected.”

“With this old man’s cultivation, gathering these materials must have been no easy feat,” Fang Ling chuckled.

While sorting through the belongings of the master and disciple, he found quite a few treasures.

Tian Quanzi had spent half his life, enduring numerous life-and-death situations, to gather these materials.

Now, in the blink of an eye, all these things belonged to Fang Ling.

He had all the ingredients for refining the pill, and it would be a waste not to use them.

However, he had no expertise in alchemy, and none of his masters had ever taught him.

“Master Qingmu seems to know alchemy, but who knows when he’ll arrive in Dragon City.”

“The doctor next door, Doctor Dou, seems quite skilled. Maybe…”

He left his room and walked to the door next door, knocking gently.

“Who is it?” Dou Qin’s slightly wary voice came from inside.

“It’s me, Fang Ling from next door,” he replied.

With a clang, Dou Qin’s young disciple opened the door.

She looked a bit frightened, and after opening the door, she quickly climbed back into bed, hiding under the covers.

The screams from next door had been clearly heard by the master and disciple, making them uneasy.

“It’s so late, what does Young Master Fang need?” Dou Qin asked.

Her high bun had already fallen, indicating she was about to go to bed.

Fang Ling took out Tian Quanzi’s recipe and handed it to her.

“It’s like this, I have a pill recipe and I’d like Doctor Dou to take a look,” he said.

Dou Qin took the recipe and examined it carefully for a while before saying, “This recipe is well-versed in alchemy principles, it should be fine.”

“But the ingredients are quite rare; even with money, they are hard to find.”

Fang Ling asked, “What effects does the Vajra Bodhi Pill have?”

Dou Qin replied, “Naturally, it enhances the physical body, and the effects are terrifying, amplifying the Buddha Fruit’s efficacy tenfold!”

“However, the pill’s potency is too fierce. If the user’s body isn’t strong enough, the powerful medicinal force could cause them to explode.”

“Therefore, the Vajra Bodhi Pill is also known as the Death-Inducing Pill, with a high fatality rate.”

“Many people think their bodies are strong enough to withstand the pill’s force, but in reality…”

“Thank you, Doctor Dou, for clarifying,” Fang Ling nodded. “I have another favor to ask.”

“I have the recipe and the materials, but I lack the skill to refine the pill.”

“If Doctor Dou is willing to help, I am willing to offer a satisfactory reward.”

Dou Qin hesitated, her brows furrowing slightly, “This…”

“Doctor Dou, if you have any concerns, just speak them!” Fang Ling said.

“Young Master Fang, are you aware of the rules for asking someone to refine a pill?” Dou Qin asked. “Alchemy is inherently uncertain.”

“Even the best alchemists can fail sometimes.”

“And if they fail, it means all the painstakingly gathered materials will go to waste.”

“The loss…”

Fang Ling had never asked anyone to refine a pill before, but he understood her concerns from her words.

He immediately responded, “Doctor Dou, please refine the pill boldly. If it fails, I won’t ask for any compensation.”

“With Young Master Fang’s assurance, I can help with this,” Dou Qin nodded in agreement.

“What reward does Doctor Dou want?” Fang Ling asked again.

“Just name your price, as long as it’s not too excessive, I will meet it.”

Dou Qin smiled and said, “It seems Young Master Fang doesn’t go out much and isn’t aware of many things.”

“For us alchemists, experience is the most valuable.”

“And the Vajra Bodhi Pill you want me to refine is a top-grade pill.”

“Both the materials and the recipe are rare.”

“Rather than saying you’re asking me to refine a pill, it’s more like I’m benefiting from the opportunity to refine such a precious pill.”

“As for the reward, I wouldn’t dare ask for one. Young Master Fang, there’s no need to be so polite.”

Since she didn’t want a reward, Fang Ling was happy to comply.

He then took out all the materials for the Vajra Bodhi Pill and placed them on the table.

Dou Qin inspected each one, confirming that they were all correct.

“It’s late, I’ll start refining the pill tomorrow.”

“If all goes well, it should take about seven to eight days.”

“During this time, I hope Young Master Fang won’t wander off, so I can find you when it’s done,” she said.

Fang Ling nodded, “Alright! I’ll stay at the Bai family residence and wait for the good news.”

Meanwhile, in Bai Jiang’s room.

“Big brother, I asked the servants.”

“About a quarter of an hour ago, Tian Quanzi and his disciple visited Young Master Fang.”

“They didn’t come out after going in, and the scream was also…”

“Just now, the servant saw Young Master Fang come out alone and visit Doctor Dou’s room next door for a while,” Bai Bo said.

Bai Jiang snorted coldly, “Tian Quanzi really doesn’t know his place!”

“Who is Young Master Fang, and how could they provoke him?”

“He must have been after the Buddha Fruit and angered Young Master Fang.”

“Big brother, Tian Quanzi has some reputation in the cultivation world of our South Sun Kingdom. If word gets out that he died in our Bai family, it might…” Bai Bo murmured softly.

Bai Jiang pondered for a moment and said, “Try to keep the news contained, don’t let anyone know he came to our Bai family.”

“Fortunately, this old fellow usually held himself aloof and offended many peers.”

“Those doctors who came with him should be willing to help us keep this secret.”

“Young Master Fang… is not as gentle and kind as he appears. Immediately order everyone in the mansion to treat him well without any neglect.”

“Don’t worry, big brother. I’ve already given the orders, and no one will dare to be disrespectful,” Bai Bo replied.

After leaving Dou Qin’s room, Fang Ling didn’t return to his own room but flew out of the city.

He went to the wilderness alone to refine the sword within the stone.

He had tried many methods before, but none could break through the amber shell to directly absorb the sword energy inside.

So now there was only one way left: to use external force to break the shell.

He weighed the piece of amber and threw it up forcefully.

Then, he gathered the Blood Sword in his hand and slashed at it.

He didn’t hold back with this strike, thinking it would break the shell, but it didn’t succeed.

“It seems I need a stronger attack.”

He took a deep breath, and the Blood Sword in his hand surged with power, “Slay Dragon!”

This strike shook the heavens and the earth, filled with a murderous aura.

The nearby mountain peaks were all flattened by the sword energy.

Slay Dragon, Ask Heaven, Repress Hell—these three strikes were the ultimate swords created by the Sword Demon, a reflection of his invincible Sword Dao over ten thousand years.

Even though Fang Ling could only grasp the basics, it was still terrifying.

The hard shell finally couldn’t withstand the ultimate strike and shattered.

The small sword encased in amber turned into a golden sword light and shot into Fang Ling’s body with a whoosh.

It finally appeared at his brow but disappeared in a flash.

“It wasn’t sword energy inside, but a sword soul!” Fang Ling was shocked.



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