Chapter 10 – The boundless scenery of spring is brimming with vitality

Zhao Tianlong's face changed slightly. He knew that Qian Ling's words would definitely be heard by Fang Ling.


If this guy offended Fang Ling, it wouldn't be worth it. He quickly said, "Great Young Man, you don't need to think too much. This Young Master Fang is not that kind of person."


Qian Ling saw Zhao Tianlong also speaking up for Fang Ling, and felt even more displeased in his heart.


His originally warm expression turned a bit gloomy. "It seems I, Qian, have meddled in other people's business.


Junior Sister, since you have this Young Master Fang in your house, there's no need to invite me!


Hehe, I have other matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave first!"


He wasn't just saying it; he really got up to leave.


He knew that the Zhao family was in some trouble and urgently needed his help to hold the fort, so they would definitely try to keep him.


This way, he could take the initiative and finally claim this lovely junior sister for himself!


Zhao Xilian looked at her father, Zhao Tianlong, who slightly shook his head, signaling her not to say more.


Just like that, Qian Ling left the Zhao residence.


"I don't believe you won't come begging me!"


In front of the mansion gate, Qian Ling flicked his sleeves and left, but he walked very slowly.


In the garden, the father and daughter both looked displeased.


"Girl, your senior brother is narrow-minded and unfit for any serious plans. It's better to stay away from him in the future," Zhao Tianlong said in a deep voice after a long while.


Zhao Xilian said, "This person has hinted many times that he wants me to be his Dao Companion, but I have always politely declined."


"This time, the family is in a crisis, and I didn't think it through…"


"Let him go! We still have Young Master Fang's help, so there should be no worries," Zhao Tianlong said.


Fang Ling's sudden appearance in front of them just now explained everything.


With such abilities, his cultivation must be at least in the Merak Realm!


And Zhao Tianlong himself was only at the Great Perfection of the Dubhe Realm.


Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, Alkaid.


The gap between each of these seven martial realms was like a chasm!




"Good for you, Zhao family, good for you, Zhao Xilian!


You didn't even try to keep me, not giving me any face at all!"


Qian Ling's face turned green as he walked outside the city. He had slowed down, waiting for Zhao Xilian to come after him.


Who would have thought that after waiting so long, there was still no movement, as if he had been overthinking!


"Just a wild girl, rejecting me repeatedly is one thing. But this time, she dares to disrespect me like this!


If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. I only crave your body, so why not…"


He looked back at the city gate, thinking of going to the Qin family.


He knew that the Zhao and Qin families were fighting over a spiritual mine.


The Qin family would surely be happy to have his help, and it wouldn't be a problem to set some conditions.


Just as he was about to turn back to Liu City, he suddenly saw someone walking towards him.


Qian Ling sneered, his eyes filled with killing intent.


"So it's you. I had a good chance to take Zhao Junior Sister, but you ruined it."


Fang Ling said, "You want to kill me?"


"So what?" Qian Ling snorted coldly, suddenly drawing the sword at his waist.


"Wind Spirit Slash!" He shouted lightly, slashing out a green sword blade.


But Fang Ling, standing opposite him, remained indifferent, silently watching the green sword blade approach his neck.


"What?" Qian Ling was shocked to see that his move couldn't even scratch Fang Ling's skin.


He quickly turned to run but suddenly sensed an extremely evil aura behind him.


With a swish, a Blood Sword pierced through his chest.


Fang Ling felt the pleasure transmitted by the Blood Sword, his body trembling slightly.


In an instant, the blood in Qian Ling's body evaporated and disappeared.


Fang Ling looked at the Blood Sword in his hand, feeling the added bloodthirsty aura on the sword.


This was his first time truly cultivating the Blood Sword, and it felt even better than he had imagined, very addictive.


The shriveled corpse fell to the ground. He slowly raised his right hand and suddenly sucked.


A vortex appeared in his palm, drawing light particles from the shriveled corpse into the vortex.


He was cultivating the Gluttony Divine Art, absorbing the life essence of others.


But unlike his Master Manzi, he didn't need to eat people.


He had transformed his hand into the "Glutton's Stomach," absorbing with just a suck.


Qian Ling was weak, with not much life essence to offer.


But he could still feel the benefits of the little life essence entering his body.


"I think… I like this feeling."


After smoothly cultivating these two divine powers, Fang Ling felt a bit excited.


It was as if something long buried in his heart had been stirred.




At night, he was still reading by candlelight in the Humble Hut.


He could finish all the books in this hut tonight.


At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door.


"Young Master Fang…" Zhao Xilian greeted softly.


"Come in," Fang Ling said calmly.


Zhao Xilian entered with a food box, dressed rather lightly tonight.


Her high peaks were slightly revealed, full and fair.


A crisp sound rang out as a jade pendant at her waist accidentally fell to the ground.


As she bent to pick it up, the splendid view was fully visible to those above.


Fang Ling glanced at her and then silently moved his gaze elsewhere.


"Indeed, it's better to stay away from women. Just like Flower Master said, they can captivate the soul!" he thought.


It was the first time he had felt such a strange sensation, catching him off guard.


Zhao Xilian stood up, a slight smile on her face.


She had seen Fang Ling's reaction clearly.


She had thought that someone like Fang Ling must have been with countless women.


But now it seemed he was completely inexperienced, still very pure.


"Young Master Fang, you read day and night; it must be tiring.


I personally cooked a bowl of Blood Ginseng Soup for you.


Of course, this Blood Ginseng must be an ordinary thing in your eyes.


I hope you won't dislike it…" She opened the food box and took out a bowl of red ginseng soup.


"Thank you, Miss Zhao," Fang Ling said, taking a few sips.


In the Frozen Mountain Temple, he had eaten Fat Master's cultivation leftovers, those bugs.


Since staying at the Zhao residence, he had learned what real food was.


This bowl of Blood Ginseng Soup was also very good. After drinking it, he felt warm and comfortable.


"Young Master Fang has been in my house for over a month.


Calling me Miss Zhao seems too distant, doesn't it?


If you don't mind, just call me Xi Lian," she said shyly.


Her behavior tonight was mostly under Zhao Tianlong's instruction.


But she was also at an age of romance, with some fantasies about men and women.


From the first sight of Fang Ling at the mansion gate, she had felt a bit moved.


But due to her modesty as a young lady, she had held back.


After a month in the mansion, she felt she understood Fang Ling better and admired him even more.


With her father's encouragement today, she gathered the courage to be more proactive.


But seeing Fang Ling's lack of reaction, still focused on his book, she felt a bit frustrated.


She didn't stay long in the study and soon left.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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