Chapter 5 – The devouring of all things, the gluttonous power

Fang Ling didn't sleep all night because his Master Manzi, Zhao Manzi, was shouting and yelling the entire night.


"Little Fang Ling, don't be afraid. Your Master Manzi is having an episode. He'll be back to normal soon."


The old monk stayed by his side all night, giving Fang Ling a great sense of security.


"Grandmaster, why is Master Manzi like this?" Fang Ling asked.


The old monk pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the place where Zhao Manzi was being suppressed and said, "Wait until your Master Manzi recovers, then ask him yourself! Even I don't know the full story, I've only heard bits and pieces."


"Okay!" Fang Ling nodded, his mind recalling the evaluations his masters had of each other.


He used to think they were lying to him, but now…


"Grandmaster, they all say you've killed the most people and are the worst. Is that true?" he asked again.


The old monk stroked his white brows and smiled, "That's not entirely wrong!"


"I did go astray in the past and indeed killed too many innocent people."


"At that time, I was possessed. Anyone who didn't convert to me would be slapped to death by me!"


"Convert? What does that mean?" Fang Ling asked.


"It's a Buddhist term, meaning to wholeheartedly believe in a certain faith, to believe in a Buddha," the old monk explained.


"I wanted to become a Buddha, so I made others convert to me.


Anyone who didn't convert was seen as a heretic, and heretics were to be destroyed!


So Grandmaster killed all those who didn't convert to me."


"If it were me, I would gladly convert to Grandmaster. Grandmaster, you're so good!" Fang Ling laughed.


To him, Grandmaster was the kindest person in the world.


Of course, in his current world, there were only five other people besides him.


The old monk smiled slightly at his words and affectionately patted Fang Ling's little head.




Around noon, Zhao Manzi, who had been causing a ruckus for a long time, finally quieted down.


Sword Demon and the others also came out of his meditation room, looking very tired.


To subdue the crazed Zhao Manzi without harming him, they had suffered quite a bit.


"Little Fang Ling, your Master Manzi is calling for you."


The fat guy walked over, his body jiggling, and looked at Fang Ling.


"Got it!" Fang Ling wasn't afraid at all. He immediately got up and headed towards Zhao Manzi's meditation room.


Entering the room, he saw Zhao Manzi leaning against the wall, back to his usual self—honest and reliable, giving a sense of security just by being near him.


"Master Manzi," he walked up and grabbed Zhao Manzi's sleeve.


Zhao Manzi forced a smile and asked, "Little Fang Ling, were you scared by Master last night?"


Fang Ling nodded, "A bit… It was the first time I saw a different side of Master Manzi."


"This is an old ailment of mine, it flares up often," Zhao Manzi said, a hint of fatigue in his eyes.


"When I grow up, I'll find a good doctor to cure Master Manzi's illness," Fang Ling said.


Zhao Manzi shook his head with a smile, "This illness can't be cured by ordinary people, but hearing you say that makes I'm very happy.


I practiced an extremely evil technique called the Gluttony Divine Art. It strengthens the body by consuming people.


But in the later stages, the drawbacks of this technique become apparent. Those people me consumed were filled with resentment.


These resentments lingered and gradually gathered, invading my soul.


When Master has an episode, it's these resentful souls screaming and roaring, driving Master mad."


"I see," Fang Ling roughly understood.


"But the Blood Sword Art that Sword Master taught me also requires constant killing to become stronger. Will I one day become like you, Master Manzi, haunted by resentful souls?"


Zhao Manzi shook his head, "No, refining the sword with blood focuses on your Life-Bound Blood Sword."


"The Blood Sword is extremely sharp and filled with killing intent. The souls of those who die under the sword are completely shredded, they don't have the chance to become resentful souls.


Although you won't have episodes like Master, the Blood Sword will gradually affect your personality.


It can make you violent and impulsive.


Don't be fooled by Sword Master's current refined and detached demeanor. He used to be a complete madman."


"Master Manzi, teach me the Gluttony Divine Art!" Fang Ling blinked and said again.


Zhao Manzi's face darkened, "Why do you want to learn it? Didn't Master tell you that this technique has severe drawbacks in the later stages?


If Master hadn't stopped practicing and stopped eating people years ago, I would have already become a mindless monster.


I has passed on the Galaxy Infinite Fist to you, so you don't need to practice this evil art."


Fang Ling mumbled, "Grandmaster said I could learn it. Grandmaster said his Golden Soul Spell could block the invasion of resentful souls.


If we stop the invasion from the beginning, then…"


In fact, he had discussed this with the white-browed old monk before, and the conclusion was as Fang Ling said.


But this cannibalistic technique was ultimately too evil and despised by people…


"This kid is our disciple, don't you want him to walk the right path?"


This broken temple has no resources. He'll have to go down the mountain sooner or later.


And we old fellows won't be able to leave for thousands of years. He'll be alone outside with no background, no one to help him.


So even if it's the skill of stealing chickens and dogs, we have to teach him."


At this moment, Zhao Manzi heard the Flower Thief's voice transmission.


After some thought, he raised his hand and pointed at Fang Ling, passing on the Gluttony Divine Art to him.


"The first step of the Gluttony Divine Art is to cultivate your inner strength.


Because everyone's physique is different, I can't help you with how to cultivate your inner strength.


You have to explore carefully and truly understand your own body to succeed," Zhao Manzi said.


"Got it, I'll master it as soon as possible!" Fang Ling smiled.


He wanted to practice it, thinking that one day he might find a way to cure Master Manzi's illness.


"One more thing to remember," Zhao Manzi added.


"When you go down the mountain, don't let anyone know you know this technique, or you'll be hunted by everyone.


If you have to eat people to practice, make sure no one is around.


If someone accidentally sees you, eat them too. No one must know."


Fang Ling: "Got it!"

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


One response to “Chapter 5 – The devouring of all things, the gluttonous power”

  1. Mystiq Avatar

    Don’t get teaching him this gluttony stuff.

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