Chapter 3 – Demon Heart returns to silence, Divine Power is achieved

Night fell, and the firelight flickered luxuriously, the candle on the golden cup seemed ready to extinguish at any moment.


In the dancing flames, the shadows of five people intertwined chaotically.


"You all sensed it too, right?" The Old Monk raised his head slightly and asked.


"Little Fang Ling's heartbeat is getting weaker… it should stop soon."


Zhao Manzi said, "Over the years, the Demon Heart has repeatedly failed in body possession. I think it's about to give up, not wanting Little Fang Ling to absorb its energy for nothing."


"Although the Demon Heart has merged with the Chaos Sacred Body, its consciousness still exists. If we don't eradicate it, it will be a major hidden danger," the fat guy said in a deep voice.


Sword Demon added, "The problem now is that the Demon Heart is unwilling. If it stops beating, Little Fang Ling won't live long."


The Flower Thief scratched his head, wanting to say something but unable to come up with an idea.


"Is there any way to force it to beat?" he asked.


No one spoke. With their abilities, there were few things in the world that could trouble them.


But this matter was beyond their reach, involving things they couldn't comprehend.


"I can extend his life for a few hundred years, no problem," Zhao Manzi said solemnly.


"Extend his life for a few hundred years?" The Flower Thief chuckled, "Manzi, you're planning to pour all your life force into him."


"Just raising him for a few years, and you've grown attached?"


Zhao Manzi looked at him and laughed.


"Who was it that secretly injected Origin Qi into Little Fang Ling yesterday, trying to restore his normal heartbeat?"


"Unfortunately, it was like throwing a meat bun at a dog. Not only was it useless, but it also restored some of the Demon Heart's vitality," he said.


The Flower Thief immediately became anxious and jumped up, "I was just playing around!"


"I have plenty of Origin Qi, what's wrong with playing a bit?"


"Alright, stop arguing, or you'll wake the little guy," the Old Monk raised his hand, signaling the Flower Thief to sit down.


Suddenly, the five of them seemed to sense something unusual, their faces changed dramatically.


They instantly arrived in Fang Ling's room.


"Huh? Grandmaster, why aren't you all sleeping?" Fang Ling was fiddling with a ball of black gas in his hand, blinking at the five masters who had suddenly appeared.


The Old Monk and the others stared at the ball of black gas in his hand, their eyes widening in shock, unable to speak.


The ball of black gas in Fang Ling's hand was the remnant consciousness of the Heart of the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Heart's awareness!


At this moment, this remnant had actually been separated!


"Little Fang Ling, what is that in your hand…" the Old Monk asked.


Fang Ling replied, "I've been feeling uncomfortable in my heart lately, like something's stuck.


I was asleep just now, but suddenly felt uncomfortable and woke up.


I felt like something was blocking my heart, so I got it out."


"How did you get it out?" Sword Demon asked.


"It was hiding inside and wouldn't come out, so I forced it out, and it came out!" Fang Ling gestured with his hands.


"This thing looks unpleasant, I want to throw it away, but it keeps sticking to me."


"Grandmaster, can you help me get rid of it?"


The Old Monk nodded slightly and extended his left hand.


A golden Manji symbol appeared in his palm.


As he reached out, the ball of black gas emitted a sizzling sound and quickly dissipated.


"Wow! Grandmaster, your Manji incantation is amazing, I want to learn it too!" Fang Ling's eyes sparkled with excitement.


"Go to sleep first!" The Old Monk smiled kindly and patted his little head.


Then the five of them instantly disappeared from the room and returned to the main hall.


No one spoke; they just looked at each other.


After a while, the Flower Thief laughed, "This little boy, worrying us for nothing.


Turns out the Chaos Sacred Body is this strong, quite unexpected."


Zhao Manzi said, "His constitution mutated long ago.


Back then, the Sacred Body was incomplete, supplemented by the Heart of the Demon Ancestor.


The Heart of the Demon Ancestor is eternal, providing endless energy.


The incomplete Sacred Body frantically absorbed energy, and after these years of development, not only has it recovered, but it has also surpassed its original state.


You don't know yet, but his Blood Eye has stabilized and possesses terrifying power."


"Oh? Tell us more," Sword Demon said curiously.


"According to my judgment, his Blood Eye can distort space, even directly open it!" Zhao Manzi said solemnly.


"In future battles, he can easily neutralize enemy attacks. He can even banish opponents to the endless void without lifting a finger!"


"And his two Treasure Bones that were removed have almost fully recovered," Zhao Manzi added.


"I saw the most primitive runes on those two Treasure Bones."


"Heh, those little thieves who cut out his heart, eyes, and bones back then could never have imagined that Little Fang Ling not only survived but became even more terrifying," the Flower Thief laughed.


"With his potential, surpassing the White Emperor in the future is highly possible.


We all lost to the White Emperor. If we can train a disciple who defeats him, it would be a great vindication!"


"The most terrifying thing about this little guy is not his constitution, but his comprehension," the white-browed Old Monk said calmly.


"Manzi's Galaxy Infinite Fist, he learned it in two years. I estimate that in another three years, he will master my Manji incantation."


"Actually… this little guy learned my Divine Movement Technique last year," the Flower Thief muttered softly.


The fat guy widened his eyes and snorted coldly, "You rascal, you said you wouldn't teach him any Divine Powers, but you secretly taught him the Divine Movement Step!"


The Flower Thief chuckled awkwardly, not daring to speak.


They had agreed not to teach him cultivation before he was three years old, but he had broken the rule and secretly taught Little Fang Ling his Divine Movement Technique as soon as he could walk.




That night, Fang Ling slept soundly.


He had never slept so comfortably as he did last night.


For the past five years, he had been having the same dream every night.


He dreamt of being cut open, his heart, eyes, and bones removed, no matter how much he begged, they wouldn't let him go.


He had this dream countless times, often waking up in the middle of the night.


This time, he slept until noon the next day.


He was dreaming of eating something delicious when a cold, stern voice pulled him back to reality.


"What time do you think it is?" Sword Demon stood by the bed, looking at him sternly.


The strong light from outside made Fang Ling squint, "Last night I slept so well, I didn't have that nightmare."


"You won't have that nightmare anymore," Sword Demon said calmly.


For years, Fang Ling had been having that nightmare because of the Demon Heart's mischief.


Now that the Demon Heart's consciousness had been completely erased, he wouldn't have that nightmare again.


"Really? That's great!" Fang Ling was overjoyed and immediately jumped out of bed.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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