Chapter 75 – Two seals fall on Hong Shao

Fang Ling looked at Hong Shao across from him, his emotions a bit complicated.

She was his first woman, but now she seemed to hate him so much.

“Thanks to you, my cultivation has greatly advanced, and I’ve reached the Alioth Great Perfection stage!”

Her tone was icy as she spoke, the fierce wind attribute spiritual power around her raging wildly, enveloping Fang Ling.

Fang Ling silently watched her, saying nothing.

But Hong Shao would not show mercy just because of his silence.

With a wave of her hand, several wind blades swept out, striking Fang Ling.

However, the terrifying wind blades had no effect on him, not even scratching his protective aura.

A few days ago, he had gone on a killing spree in the Chuan Clan tribe, stepping over piles of white bones, and his strength had surged again.

Although his physical body had not yet reached the level of forming an array, it had already developed a protective aura.

The reason for this protective aura was simple: his blood and energy had become so strong that they naturally formed a field.

This field was fundamentally based on his physical body, very stable, like a suit of armor.

Seeing this, Hong Shao’s beautiful eyes widened, and she involuntarily took a few steps back.

“Impossible! Is this the legendary protective aura?”

“Your physical body has actually become this powerful…”

She couldn’t accept this fact.

For the past three years, she had fantasized every day about the day she would reunite with Fang Ling.

But she had never imagined it would be like this. She had clearly progressed rapidly, yet he had left her far behind.

“Hmph! It must be an illusion. I don’t believe you’ve really mastered the protective aura.” She said angrily, a sword appearing in her hand.

She was about to strike, but Fang Ling suddenly flashed behind her, one hand clamping down on her wrist holding the sword.

At the same time, his other hand pressed on her waist, using the Steal Fragrance Finger.

Hong Shao’s reaction displeased him, so he decided to play the villain to the end!

With a clang, the sword in Emperor Shao’s hand fell, her expression becoming somewhat strange.

“You scoundrel…” she said through gritted teeth.

Fang Ling smiled, whispering in her ear, “Actually, last time wasn’t intentional, but this time…”

“Since you hate me so much, I’ll make sure you hate me to the end!”

“After all, I, Fang Ling, am a notorious villain.”

After a long time, the surroundings quieted down.

Fang Ling looked at Hong Shao, who was snoring in his arms, his expression uncertain.

He had been utterly ruthless just now, even hitting her hard.

Initially, Hong Shao had resisted fiercely, but gradually, her reaction became strange.

It seemed the harsher he was, the more she enjoyed it.

He thought his Divine Power had malfunctioned, damaging her mind, which gave him quite a scare.

But later, he realized he was wrong; her consciousness was clear.

Perhaps after being repressed for eight hundred years, she also needed an indulgence to release her pent-up feelings.

After a while, the snoring stopped.

Fang Ling looked down at her, seeing her eyelashes flutter before she suddenly opened her eyes.

Her beautiful eyes widened, staring straight at Fang Ling, a blush spreading across her face.

“I think I must be crazy,” she murmured.

“Fang Ling, you’re too wicked…”

Fang Ling brushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear, nodding in agreement, “Yes.”

Hong Shao was born into royalty, repressed from a young age, and had never relaxed a day since ascending the throne.

She never admitted it, but three years ago, she had felt a fleeting happiness.

And today, it was the same, as if all her worries had vanished, leaving only joy.

What made her completely give up was that, despite her significant progress in cultivation, she was nothing in front of Fang Ling.

She thought she could defeat him, but it turned out to be a ridiculous joke.

She was exhausted, utterly heart-weary.

So she had been in a state of indulgence, numbing herself.

“Why did you suddenly come to see me?” she asked.

Fang Ling replied, “I’m about to go on a long journey, perhaps not returning for many years, so I wanted to see you one last time.”

“After all, you were my first woman, though I know we only have a physical relationship.”

Hong Shao snorted lightly, turning her head away.

“You say that as if there are other women?” she mumbled.

She was originally a cold empress, but now she seemed like a little girl.

Perhaps because her most shameless side had been exposed to Fang Ling, she had completely let go.

Fang Ling didn’t lie, saying seriously, “Yes.”

“Such a philanderer… but it has nothing to do with me,” she laughed it off.

“Between us, it’s just mutual need.”

“You desire my beauty, and I… I enjoy the pleasure, forgetting the world.”

Fang Ling gently caressed her cheek, smiling, “Your personality is quite likable.”

“Enough! My mother warned me before she passed, never to trust a man’s words!” Hong Shao snorted.

Since parting with Purple Bamboo, Fang Ling had been lonely for a long time.

That time in the Tu Clan tribe, though Dou Qin had served him well, it was hard to be completely satisfied.

Today was rare, and he wanted to dance once more.

Hong Shao glanced at him shyly, as if she had something to say but hesitated.

Fang Ling smiled, leaning in to listen carefully.

After hearing her, he couldn’t help but show surprise, “Is this… really okay?”

“It’s fine…” she turned her head, murmuring softly, “But you must…”

Two days later, Fang Ling left the palace.

It felt as if the past few days had been just a dream.

In the Dragon Court, Hong Shao’s head buzzed, also feeling quite surreal.

She didn’t know why she was like this, but it was indeed strange.

“The second seal of the Heavenly Sealed Physique has finally been lifted.”

“My cultivation speed can increase at least tenfold!” she murmured.

As if suddenly remembering something, a blush crept up her face.

Her Heavenly Sealed Physique was different from the usual.

A normal Heavenly Sealed Physique had only one seal, which could be broken by losing one’s virginity, restoring the original talent.

But her Heavenly Sealed Physique had two seals.

The reason for the two seals was that her talent was too terrifying, and one seal couldn’t contain it, so there was an additional one.

That day, whispering to Fang Ling, she had invited him to romp in the garden, breaking the second seal.

Recalling the intense battle that day, her heart couldn’t help but race.

She quickly shook her head, exhaled a few breaths, and closed her eyes to meditate.

“You little scoundrel, next time we meet, I’ll make you pay.”

“I don’t believe that with both seals broken, I can’t surpass you!”

She thought, her eyes burning with determination.


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